


just an ordinary guy that loves novels, anime, metal music and my cat work almost most of the day but the novels get me through the day

2018-01-17 JoinedSouth Africa

of reading


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  • deadimp
    deadimp15 hours ago

    this was a disappointing chapter. you make him withstand loads of sedatives at the lab they tortured him in. which should have built and immunity to many sedatives yet somehow fury has one in a gun that works? I mean, come on. even if you are trying to ground the character, at least do something that makes sense. like getting beaten up by people with more experience or overwhelming odds because he is so strong already. having Nick Fury shoot him with a gun is a huge disappointment and let down of all things

  • deadimp
    deadimp19 days ago

    story is great and all but Samuel is becoming albedo and going meglomaniac thought the story would he of a guy who is in dc looks like albedo has the ultramatrix but still is himself. not even a chat system just a system that connects to other people then forces it's own views on the group. congrats on the story dude you probably have many readers but I can honestly say you lost me with the complete attitude change and chill fries diet. good luck. you a great writer otherwise in my opinion

  • deadimp
    deadimp2 months ago

    Must say this is one of the best books I have read in ages. I enjoy this story way more than the original teen wolf. the chapter can never come fast enough. thank you for writing such a great story, and hopefully, there are tons of chapters left. don't want this to end anytime soon. I especially love how he changed Melissa, Stiles, and Allison. I always thought that should have happened, and the twist with Lydia quite an interesting idea making her more. author, thank you again for writing. You have amazing talent and skill, in my opinion.

  • deadimp
    deadimp6 months ago

    you know these cliffhangers are starting to kill me. having to wait for the mext chapter. it makes it feel like torture

  • deadimp
    deadimp6 months ago

    I must say I got super excited the moment I saw a new chapter for this and couldn't wait to read it. I can't wait for more chapters, and just got to say every chapter released just gets better as they go. thanks for the new chapter. hopefully, more inspiration hits you soon

  • deadimp
    deadimp6 months ago

    you know, it's torture waiting for the next chapter when they end like the last 2.

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  • deadimp
    deadimp8 months ago

    this was going so great, then you make Harry stupid again, and now everything goes back to how it was, what was the point of everything till now. i hope it doesn't end like this. I can't wait for more chapters, hopefully

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  • deadimp
    deadimpa year ago

    would love to read more. great so far keepsmyou riveted to the story

  • deadimp
    deadimpa year ago

    great story so far cant wait for more chapters. the story is great, and the background makes it more enjoyable, and i like that it is not rushed to get to the main story. i like how he is unique, not a wearwolf or vampire

  • deadimp
    deadimpa year ago

    the story was going well until the part where he died , and it just became terrible. The time with freya and Dahlia wasn't great, but it was understandable, but the Rebecca part after just destroyed the story for me. i saw no reason of having it there if nothing was going to change except make the mc arrogant and stupid. to the writer, good luck. i know everyone has different tastes. im sure you will have people who will enjoy it.