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cut scenes or missing chapter?
Hot toddy cures lots, it's that time of year, get well soon, lotsa sleep helps
So far, nice quiet story. Writing style is good. As with many translations there are some missing words but those can easily be inferred. Overall, a good book to read on a cold, rainy day cuddled up under a blanket on a couch when you want to de-stress. Sweet
overall nice quality, some pronoun issues. Not suitable reading for work, libraries or anywhere that requires quiet. Some scenes will make you lol, others guffaw, so defo don't read while eating, you might spray your food.
Decent premise, if read in the original probably much better. Translation quality and/or editing is lacking. If you are OK with filling in the missing words, very decent story.
exude herself? that is like saying she is oozing. it's disgusting. is she an infected wound oozing puss?
cut sleeve instead of cutting one is the act itself (cutting) one is the outcome/result (cut) general usage seems to be cut sleeve
it is a rare book that can move me, this one succeeded. coming from a bibliophile
good story but missing words. as a reader, reading this in English, you need a better editor. love the story
the addictive space Koi that's the title on the cover picture