My favourites, The Amber Sword (not here),... will list more to come. Supreme Magus and more to come.
of reading
Read books
Same thing came to mind.
What happened to his plan to avoid the MC... sHould’t he have deferred to avoid?
Thought he had decided to avoid the MC.
Those men who have had kids and women will appreciate what she is saying here.
As I understand when it comes down to things like profits to furtHer their research or iNterest they beCome rocket scientIsts.
You can continue this story with a next generation...
Nice to see a story where the protagonist trUsts to share his secret.
I’m sure there is an over-ride that would then send false locations.
Dropping too. Yeah let’s take your sweet time when others are in danger talking and dodging.
Really another guy who staNds surprised so he can get stabbed iN a Life and Death sitUation.