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This is ridiculous. The story is getting more and more unrealistic and the fanbase, which i can only assume is made up of naive little kids, is worshipping it. Do you even know how much a war on that scale costs? Or how much already was spent? Forget about the tiny little Dustins (which are unrealistically rich by the way) even a competent king with all his wealth would find it rather difficult to fund such a war, which is why every King, Lord or Leader would want nothing more than end the conflict ASAP. I will give you an example from the this universe. During the war of the Five Kings the Tyrells and Baratheon's were only Marching towards King's Landing for a couple of Months, and yet Olenna was concerned about the cost of the "Campaign" since it was putting a heavy strain on their coffers. Now imagine how much a war would cost where Thousands die and Thousands more need to be treated, And Thousandsmore need to be trained to replace the dead, where Ships get burned that need to be replaced or fixed, where Shields, Armor, Swords, Bow and Arrows need to be maintained, fixed or bought new. Let's not forget about the Thousands of tones of food consumed by Warhorses by Men and regular Horses. In short it takes an insane amount of Gold to wage a war for even a Month and you want us to believe that some of the smartest people in Westeros bright idea was to make a single House do that? You do realize just how incredible dumb that sounds right. To make your Mc smart you made everyone esle as smart as a child. One last thing, the king can't actually demand something that ridiculous even in times of war. In Westeros there is something called King's Law and the Oaths dating back to Aegon where lords are protected from orders like these. So essentially it's like half democracy and half dictatorship.
Good point, but you should have added something like "so you are offering me something i already have?" After all if he agreed he would suffer Major losses (and that for nothing) while Targaryen's would gain everything. And by adding something similar to what i just said it would show robbs growth in politics and his anger for such disrespect.
I don't think you can address head of house by name, it's Lord Last name, and everyone else is addressed as Lord First Name. Like Tywin is Addressed as Lord Lannister and his brothers as Lord Kevan or Lord Gerion and so on. Only someone of equal status may address them by Lord first name. I think even than it's inappropriate and can be done only by friends. I could be wrong though.
Everything correct except the second coming of celestials and the creation of mankind
In modern Times much less kids even adults are pathetic excuses for men. In medieval Times and even today in certain places kids mature a lot faster and were capable of a lot of things. Let's stick with asoiaf for bow. Tygett Lannister the second brother of Tywin Lannister was only 10 years old when he rode with his older brothers to Stepstones to fight in the Ninepenny King's war and slayed dozens of men including Knights Barristan Selmy was also 10 when he participated in his first Tourney
Have you watched the show? The Leviathan are much more powerful than any other beings. The only ones who are above them are the 4 Archangels, and the 4 cosmic beings. So essentially only the most powerful beings (8 in total) can defeat them while the rest is far below them.
Even if you exaggerate things must be within "reason"
Yeah and the crazy thing is he did it in a couple of years. Even the panam canal took 10 years with modern-day technology (20th century) and it was only 82 km long. Not to mention the only one who could benefit from it were only the Lannisters with their Lannisport. So yeah alot of ff with a lot of bs going on.
Wouldn't surprise me. There's a fanfic where the guy has Rinigan. Another is a god damn s.ex dragon. One who is literally a god. Even human ones build a canal through westeros which is 400 km wide lol. I have read so many garbage ff, that everytime i read a new one i wait for it to go downhill into idiotism. And storyline like this where mc picks up an orphan girl ALWAYS end up bad. Well i guess we'll see what you do with it
-.- picking up a little girl? Let me guess she will call him big brother? Or maybe you would like to skip ahead to Onii chan? Why does everyone bring the Chinese novel cliché and Japanese anime bs into western novels?? They don't mix well together please keep that out