The planescape eternally in turmoil.
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Even if he was at the ninth Energy refinement level...
This song appears to be a tragic one, how is this "healing"?
No you only need 1 divinity to get a +1. But you need 10 to get a +2 and a 100 to get a +3. So higher tier of improvement are very costly. On the other hand you can get a lot of low tier increase for cheap like this dragon that has 10 +1 instead of 1 +2. I'm guessing that one +2 would overpower many +1 unless there's a particular synergy.
There's no hint of the gender of the subject in chinese pronouns so the translator must make use of the context to chose the right pronoun in English. This is usually not very hard and if this was a human translation you would only encounter this mistake occasionally when there is an ambiguity... Of course webnovel is much too cheap so we get the current situation where all translation is done by AI and there's no editor or even established glossary to maintain a modicum of consistency in skill, place and characters names!
In fact, if the improvement per chicken is really 5%, 48 chickens would be sufficient (1.05⁴⁸ > 10) but if it's only 5 points, you'll need 180 chickens (5 × 180 = 900%).
Consider that a 5m normal non-monster crocodile weight around one ton. To get 140m long you'll have to multiply its length by 28, which mean multiplying its volume and thus weight by 28³ so around 21,000 tons... Adjust for the superior density of bones, muscles and skin of a monster and this seems eminently reasonable, even surprisingly so for a chinese webnovel where most authors aren't usually very attentive to their maths.
Well, if it's that big, they probably "found" it pretty much instantly and just needed to send an avian beast to take a photo.
A fine mist of infected water may do the trick and provide him with a diffuse and invisible defence so he needs some means to spray it.
I Owe You. A debt acknowledgement basically.
He's speaking of himself, though *this* old man would be a better translation (Chinese and Japanese like to speak of themselves in the third person).