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2017-08-12 JoinedUnited States

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  • ShadeOfZero
    Replied to ShadeOfZero

    nvm forgot they didn't know she isn't mute

    Easy, I don't talk. I just call, and when someone answers and asks who's on the phone, I tap the phone once and if the other person on the phone isn't Isaac, they were instructed to pass the phone to him, and then he'll come over the phone, he asks pre-determined questions, that can only be answered by yes and no, which will be 1 tap for yes and 2 taps for no. If he isn't available to go on the phone, he will be informed by them at a later time, and he'll go directly to me ASAP...
    Another Twilight fanfic
    Movies · EmphieIsMe
  • ShadeOfZero

    didn't they mention before meeting her mate that her ability doesn't actually work through phones so she can actually talk on the phone without influencing them or am I misremembering?

    Easy, I don't talk. I just call, and when someone answers and asks who's on the phone, I tap the phone once and if the other person on the phone isn't Isaac, they were instructed to pass the phone to him, and then he'll come over the phone, he asks pre-determined questions, that can only be answered by yes and no, which will be 1 tap for yes and 2 taps for no. If he isn't available to go on the phone, he will be informed by them at a later time, and he'll go directly to me ASAP...
    Another Twilight fanfic
    Movies · EmphieIsMe
  • ShadeOfZero
    Replied to Madaremius

    I would say levels are more of a guideline than a hard and set rule in this story. and even then it seems to grow exponentially rather than linearly. So in the lower levels 1 level difference isnt all that much but after level 50 or so the differnce of 1 level could be equal to the difference of all the levels that came before it. So ultimate being ~50 and ultimate being ~80 still could make sense and that would make a being whose level 50 far weaker than someone who's level 51. or atleast something similar to that. I mean it's not my story and it seems to make some amount of sense to me at least

    Helas aura radiated off of her and everyone in the amphitheater was taken aback. She had grown much stronger and was on the verge of becoming a Super Class being again.
    The Fallen Gamer (MarvelxDXDxMulticross)
    Movies · StarWaves
  • ShadeOfZero
    Replied to Irina_Akashira

    I think the ones used here are the ones Madara and obito used not Nagato. so they got different properties not just Chakra distribution. though the ones Madara and Obito used had the property of destroying everything it touched.

    Steve had a decently sized broadsword strapped to his hip. "We'll break it with this." Steve said. He unsheathed the broadsword. It was solid black. Steve knew that it was made out of the same metal that Layla had used to capture Ares and Artemis. She gave him this sword. She had also given Clint a set of black arrows and Natasha a pair of black daggers. They were supposed to all break the barrier from three sides at once.
    The Fallen Gamer (MarvelxDXDxMulticross)
    Movies · StarWaves
  • ShadeOfZero

    I don't thinks it's about bleach not being quirky enough but about the power system in place and how the arcs are laid out. In naruto not every arc was about increasing narutos power in order to defeat stronger enemies, there were a good number of arcs just dedicated to fleshing out characters even if a lot of them are Filler. while in bleach it's just one bad after the next trying to increase ichigos power so he can take them on. if you throw Yuna in the mix where she is already established as strong, the arcs become somewhat trivial as you know that yuna can take care of everything. Also in naruto their is a completely different power system with Chakra and Chakra nature's which somewhat hindered Yuna growth making it much more interesting than her just powering up early in the story and blitzing all her enemies while bleach is very much similar to cultivating and she got really strong really fast, not allowing her to "grow" in a more natural rate like ichigo did in bleach. In naruto she scaled alongside naruto, just slightly ahead while in bleach she just ignored ichigo the mc and went on to become exponentially more powerful than he was in a short amount of time. So yeah, while this is still a very interesting story and I really like how you wrote it, it is much different to your first one and I can see why it would be harder to write.

    Unlike Naruto, Bleach simply isn't quirky enough for a character like Yuna to thrive fully. Although I believe I did a decent job at writing interesting/funny scenes, I feel like other worlds would have had more potential.
    Goddess of Ice: Corrupting Bleach
    Anime & Comics · Maerry
  • ShadeOfZero
    Replied to RenAshBell

    it was from earlier in the book, I'm pretty sure it had something to do with him being to busy leading the mutants and not taking any time to build a real connection with her so she rebeled by joining the military and training with the widows.

    The color drained from Nina's face, leaving her pale and even more shaken than before. The universe, it seemed, had decided that now was the time to rain down all possible complications on her. Her father, the man she had begun to resent, and Lydia, the woman who had always been more like a mother to her, were on their way to her.
    Marvel's Earth 200,000
    Movies · Tomlish
  • ShadeOfZero

    was it not "Drink, Nozarashi"? or was the translations weird

    "Hahaha, that's right! IT'S UNACCEPTABLE!!! SWALLOW, NOZARASHI!!!"
    Goddess of Ice: Corrupting Bleach
    Anime & Comics · Maerry
  • ShadeOfZero

    I'm pretty sure excelia earned scales with difficulty. like if you had 1 really difficult encounter you could make more excelia than if you just slaughtered your way through easy mobs. So Sayuris slaughter of all the ants wouldn't have given much excelia in the first place because it was already to easy. Danmachi is like an mmo game in this aspect that if your too high level you recieved reduced exp for easier mobs but if your fighting above your level you receive increased exp.

    This is WILL be needed, as Sayuri has a mental problem with killing Killer Ants enmasse… Can't have the MC rapidly leveling, or I'll have to pull some {Writer Bullshit} and completely fuck the power levels by turning literally everyone into walking imploding stars… because it will grow to the point that even walking nukes are cannon fodder without the above mentioned change…
    Danmachi: A Little Fox {Completed}
    Anime & Comics · White_Dog
  • ShadeOfZero
    Replied to Tykevious_Draughn

    yep but maybe a little less dead than 2x gravity, also they would only need to enhance humans a little bit more instead to doubling or more their capabilities with a super soldier serum

    "That's good to hear, layla, but that's not what I meant. What I was talking about was gravity. If the Earth's mass is going to instantaneously double… then the planet's gravity will double as well."
    The Fallen Gamer (MarvelxDXDxMulticross)
    Movies · StarWaves
  • ShadeOfZero
    Replied to Daoist2rb9

    the only way to increase Chakra at least in nauruto was to increase either spiritual energy by meditating or physical energy by physically training, because Chakra is made by blending the 2 if you where to increase both you would increase the amount of Chakra you had access to. The method they author is using seems more like the cultivation method where by increasing the size of you meridians you can get more qi flowing through them which is not really the case for the narutoverse.

    Now, the thing that I wanted was to increase my chakra reserves and to do it, I had to repeatedly empty and fill my reserves. This was the method.
    Naruto : Hinata Hyuga
    Anime & Comics · Devils_hand
  • ShadeOfZero
    Replied to natsudesai

    that in itself was plot armor, it's not like sasuke could have beat orochimaru on a 1v1 so the fact that he didn't get take over is plot armor. Also the only quality that makes sasuke desirable for orochimaru is that he has the sharingan also plot armor. the fact that he instantly get EMS when he starts to go blind from spamming his MS abilities is plot armor, the fact that obito takes him in after sasuke "kills itachi" is plot armor, he has no reason to take sasuke in other than the fact that he's a uchiha and could possibly be useful. If we are talking about preparedness, naruto developed his own jutsu under the guidance of kakashi and the wood user dude, got advise from asuma on wind manipulation, learned how to communicate and control his biju Chakra from B and learned the rasengan from perry sage, learned sage mode from the toads. arguably Naruto was more prepared for the war than Sasuke was. Yes some of it was plot armor like him being the son of the 4th and an uzumaki but arguably the same is said for sasuke being the son of the head of the uchiha clan the difference in sanin that trained them is that jiraya was narutos god-father and had a legitimate want to make naruto strong teaching him the jutsu his father developed while orochimaru wanted sasukes body and could have taken it at any point in time and just trained it himself but for some reason decided not to

    The characters I hated the most were the dumb and dense ones who gained powers solely through the plot armor.
    Naruto : Hinata Hyuga
    Anime & Comics · Devils_hand
  • ShadeOfZero

    can't really remember the teams properly but didn't Stan say he replaced a dwarf who got traumatized by a spider monster? so is this the right team? or did Stan somehow someway lie about that? or are they being lied to right now?

    Burgandy nodded, "Yeah you're right. We had another guy on our team, he is an elf called Arbor. He fit in decently with the group… but not perfectly. The reason he left though, is only somewhat due to the group itself. Um… let me see if I can explain. So… Arbor joined up with us… basically because of teenage rebellion. 
    D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad
    Fantasy · Vongrak
  • ShadeOfZero

    would a cave not be a terrible idea when running from something? like it has 1 visible entrance/exit so your cornering yourself with no way out?

    She didn't know how long she'd been running, but just as she felt she couldn't continue, a flash of light appeared up ahead. Caught by her eyes, it was a cave not far away...
    Miracle Doctor Baby
    General · Tasteless Rice
  • ShadeOfZero

    the whole age thingy is throwing me off, cuz like fugaku is ~5 years older than hiashi and they are both older than minato by atleast 6 years and minato is 10 years older than kakashi who should have been born by now. because kakashi was born before the start of the second great ninja war. there is only really a 3 year gap between the second and 3rd great ninja war (atleast in cannon). and the second great ninja war lasted all of about 1 year.

    "This is Fugaku Uchiha, Hiashi Hyuga, and my son, Shiminoske Sarutobi. They will make up the entirety of your team." Hiruzen answered, smiling at seeing Tsunade's despair.
    Naruto: The Strongest Senju
    Anime & Comics · Kingkillerdj2023
  • ShadeOfZero
    Replied to ShadeOfZero

    considering in the second great ninja war tsunade (according to cannon) was ~30 and kakashi and tsunade have a roughly 27 year age gap kakashi's generation should be popping up around now

    "This is Fugaku Uchiha, Hiashi Hyuga, and my son, Shiminoske Sarutobi. They will make up the entirety of your team." Hiruzen answered, smiling at seeing Tsunade's despair.
    Naruto: The Strongest Senju
    Anime & Comics · Kingkillerdj2023
  • ShadeOfZero
    Replied to Back2Reality

    I knew he had a brother just not if he was older or younger, considering its around the time when kakashi's generation is suppose to be popping up I assumed it was Asuma and he had a younger brother

    "This is Fugaku Uchiha, Hiashi Hyuga, and my son, Shiminoske Sarutobi. They will make up the entirety of your team." Hiruzen answered, smiling at seeing Tsunade's despair.
    Naruto: The Strongest Senju
    Anime & Comics · Kingkillerdj2023
  • ShadeOfZero

    isn't it suppose to be Asuma? like the jonin who smokes, leader to team 10? Shikimaru Ino and Chojis sensei?

    "This is Fugaku Uchiha, Hiashi Hyuga, and my son, Shiminoske Sarutobi. They will make up the entirety of your team." Hiruzen answered, smiling at seeing Tsunade's despair.
    Naruto: The Strongest Senju
    Anime & Comics · Kingkillerdj2023
  • ShadeOfZero

    so did thyme just make a body with nerves in the time between lily explaining about nerves and now or did he just neglect to tell mint about nerves? but if he neglected to tell mint about nerves then how does she know he can make a body with nerves? it can't be language or word issue because the demon translation would auto correct for it.

    Mint made a 'so-so' gesture, "There are some ways we can. Quite a few actually. Our main tree is the big one. If it takes more than just minor wear and tear things get quite painful quite quickly. Then there's the fact Thyme can wire up bodies to have nerves. This one doesn't, but Thyme can make them, and even gave us a chance to pilot one. It's… quite painful to use. Then finally, there is magic. 
    D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad
    Fantasy · Vongrak
  • ShadeOfZero
    Replied to VermilN

    it only affects what it "strikes" not on contact, so if you touch, move, hit his blade without being struck in return it wouldn't double the weight and what yuna did was divert his blade without it hitting her so it wouldn't double the weight of her hand

    Due to Kira only using a light strike, he was immediately ready for the next one, but instead of clashing again, Yuna used the palm of her hand to lightly change the trajectory of the sword while moving her body to dodge the attack fully.
    Goddess of Ice: Corrupting Bleach
    Anime & Comics · Maerry
  • ShadeOfZero
    Replied to EchoingDusk

    Mostly because it seems like you're going into a lot of detail on stuff and it seems like you actually put in some effort to make things "correct" and not just good enough. If the story was written in a manner that didn't convey it was for those who actually liked to get into the small details of things I might not have bothered but you wrote the story in a way that made it seem like you cared so I decided to care a little as well.

    Rewards: Exp100, Spell Points (1), and 5 Galleons.
    Cocktails and Cauldrons: A Magical Mayhem
    Movies · EchoingDusk