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The price we pay for no chinanumberwan, we got stuck with Beckham balls locker of an author.
Original author just sucking Beckham Chinese fan base. Chinese webnovel author version of gay for pay.
The new campione from Alabama
On the rank between 1 to Alabama, I rank it Alabama. I think, it's a dead story. He later on partner up with pre vulture Adrien tomes and use a redesign Prowler suit. Later on went to Egypt to get one of Egyptian gods blessing and ended up in Wakanda.
I know right, I lost interest after chapter 3 but just read through to see when the prologue end. Too little or too much always hard to judge...this was way too much intro.
Would you eased up on Kurenai simping, it's frankly creepy.
Why not just use Natsu? It's a gender neutral name that can be use by male and female.
Dungeons always ended killing interest in a gamer fic.... dungeons are boring as hell. Normal grinding already unbalance enough, adding dungeons to it he going to be too OP too soon.
Or you can update using smoke signal, semaphore flags, ravens, pigeons or pony express.