the road to the apex is a long one
of reading
Read books
higher status is better , because he gets the stats for free( he will get 85 for free right now , instead of wasting po ints on pills to bring to 85 and achieve the same thing)
higher status is better , because he gets the stats for free( he will get 85 for free right now , instead of wasting points on pills to bring to 85 and achieve the same thing)
no task to breakthrough?
maybe you shoudl re read.... he indeed used the points. that's why it's lv 5 now , like the guy below just said
why not just tell of his talent ? its like asking for all the money a person has for one shot at the lottery but not telling you have the winningn numbers , nobody will agree
it's a translator issue. " demon" is a loose translation of many terms. theres evil beings `` ghost, hell monsters and evil cultivators`` often called demons as well, then theres demonic cultivators , not necessarily evil, but unorthodox cultivators, that don`t follow the traditional path . then theres beasts , often called demons as well. for what i see , the correct is to call devil beings for the truly evil or `bad` guys . then call demons the demonic path ( or unorthodox ) and for the last simple call beast or divine beasts . but oftentimes they are all called demons in a single category ( most likely machine translation)
Nope. It was not . Till not, NOTHING says skills can be leveled up by using them. IF later this is true, ok, but AT THIS MOMENT, in NO moment it was said or even implied that the skills could be leveled up by use
This is veeeeery bad . i dont write reviews, but this is so bad it compelled me into writing one. it takes the worst cliches and just tosses them at your face at the same time. The world building is 0 . a trash novel is a few tiers above this one
sorry this is so bad i think i gonn puke . bye