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  • forgottenarrow3
    Replied to Billurigan

    If I make it seem that way, it wasn’t what I meant. He clearly loves Raaz and Aran as well as Carl as you yourself mentioned. But, there is a trauma there. It took years for him to accept Raaz even though he’s been nothing but a loving father to Lith. His first thought when Elena was pregnant with Aran was to wonder what would happen if Aran turned out like Orpal (though to his credit, he did dismiss the thought and became a loving uncle to Aran). My point is that this trauma plays a role in why Lith treated Trion almost as badly as he did Orpal in the early parts of the book (before Orpal met noght and became a threat). It’s also why he never even considered forgiving Trion until Elysia was born (when he swore to release all his grudges).

    Tista had to put up a façade every time Trion was around, but she soldiered on bravely. Being sick was second nature to her, sometimes she even fooled Lith and her parents with her acting.
    Supreme Magus
    Fantasy · Legion20
  • forgottenarrow3
    Replied to xXTheVigilantXx

    It fits doesn’t it?

    Mork and Quylla had a table big enough for six people all for themselves. It was covered in rose petals and had a large bouquet of red roses and white lilies on its centerpiece.
    Supreme Magus
    Fantasy · Legion20
  • forgottenarrow3
    Replied to Solaris2084

    That’s wrong too since Bodya has no idea what a triceratops is. Maybe the author meant those frills would have reminded Lith of a triceratops? Or that they did remind him of a triceratops back when he visited the Nidhogg’s nest?

    This paragraph has been deleted.
    Supreme Magus
    Fantasy · Legion20
  • forgottenarrow3
    Replied to Walleh

    Her origin flakes are still deep orange though. And she literally used them a few minutes before this. Was that a mistake?

    "I hate revealing my secrets, but for you, I'll make an exception. I'll show you once they wake up. Now let's get back to work, Mopey. Elysia is nearing the bright orange and you are still at the bright yellow."
    Supreme Magus
    Fantasy · Legion20
  • forgottenarrow3

    It’s really interesting how Elysia is more of a Tiamat than Lith. Her abomination side is pure chaos, and her wings are normal rather than inverted. We don’t know yet if she will have the void and voidfeather dragon’s abilities, but I think she will. She has already manifested the blue flames. And unlike Lith, she doesn’t separate her different forms into different personalities. They are all her, while Lith is still fragmented.

    As for Elysia, she didn't look like an Abomination, she was one. An Abomination who didn't suffer from hunger and was constantly fed by the world energy. The Chaos that comprised her body served her instead of trying to consume her.
    Supreme Magus
    Fantasy · Legion20
  • forgottenarrow3

    Does anyone have a chapter where he was mentioned? I literally just finished a reread of the webnovel a couple weeks ago and I have no memory that this guy even existed. The wiki says he was introduced in chapter 506, but I don’t see any mention of him there.

    "Hello, sister. Long time no see." Kaz Retta, Kamila's older brother, tried his best to give the two women a warm smile but even a seasoned businessman like him found it hard to hide the depth of his disappointment.
    Supreme Magus
    Fantasy · Legion20
  • forgottenarrow3
    Replied to Zaikurin

    Not just technically, it is hers.

    "Your legacy?" Nalrond echoed in anger.
    Supreme Magus
    Fantasy · Legion20
  • forgottenarrow3
    Replied to WarStrider72

    Wish I could like this comment a dozen times.

    Kelia knew it as well because Lith's biography was a bestseller. She envied him since the day Dawn had told Kelia that his family knew about his other half and accepted him anyway.
    Supreme Magus
    Fantasy · Legion20
  • forgottenarrow3

    She really is just like a slightly smarter Meln. Maybe not even smarter, just more experienced with magic.

    'Because once I'm done fusing our crystals, once our power cores merge into one, all of our dreams will come true. Dusk's seal, my restrictions, and even the self-destruction spell will be in the past. We will be unstoppable.'
    Supreme Magus
    Fantasy · Legion20
  • forgottenarrow3

    He should understand her better than that. He thought Solus was dead when he was fighting the Odi.

    The only difference between them was that when it happened to Lith, he knew that Solus was still alive and that he could fight the person responsible to get her back. Kelia, instead had no hope.
    Supreme Magus
    Fantasy · Legion20
  • forgottenarrow3
    Replied to Oakley_Tallent

    I think it’s because Dusk has always been the most cautious of the horsemen. He’s known for his wisdom so I think he prefers to control the courts from behind. Dawn and Night prefer the frontlines.

    It was how Dawn had survived her fight with Sinmara. It was how Night had defeated countless opponents despite her recklessness. It was something that Dusk had never done in his millennia-long life.
    Supreme Magus
    Fantasy · Legion20
  • forgottenarrow3

    Didn’t he mean Tista? Solus wasn’t injured.

    "Have your arms looked at by whoever you want. I allow it. Only a rejuvenator can fix them, and I know all two of them. I'll make sure they'll treat you the same way you treated Solus."
    Supreme Magus
    Fantasy · Legion20
  • forgottenarrow3
    Replied to DanLock21

    Orpal aside, Trion isn’t really one dimensional, and Lith’s unfair treatment for him is in-character. He HAS been hurt by a male family figure (his dad when he was Derek). The fact that you’re projecting this onto the author is evidence of good writing on his part.

    Tista had to put up a façade every time Trion was around, but she soldiered on bravely. Being sick was second nature to her, sometimes she even fooled Lith and her parents with her acting.
    Supreme Magus
    Fantasy · Legion20
  • forgottenarrow3
    Replied to Joptopia

    Yup yup

    "I can't believe this is our last flight together." Kelia sighed while turning to Amyla Farg who sat on the passenger seat of the DoLorean. "I'm going to miss you a lot."
    Supreme Magus
    Fantasy · Legion20
  • forgottenarrow3

    Isn’t it the other way around? If she’s wrong, he didn’t use forbidden magic so he’d have to be on Manohar’s level. If she’s right, then he saved Orion’s soul by lying to him about where the life force came from.

    'Yet I don't care. He gave me my husband back and in one piece. If I'm right, Vastor has become almost as good as Manohar. If I'm wrong, he lied to save Orion's soul. Either way Vastor is the kind of ally I need.' She thought.
    Supreme Magus
    Fantasy · Legion20
  • forgottenarrow3
    Replied to Walleh

    Granted, even Lith (of that time) would have failed if Quylla hadn’t only been at dark violet.

    Orion's Awakening was unique and Vastor had no mage tower. Orion knew that somehow Lith had helped Quylla to Awaken, but he couldn't ask her anything without exposing his intentions.
    Supreme Magus
    Fantasy · Legion20
  • forgottenarrow3
    Replied to CanorBrando

    Half a meter is a bit less than 2 feet, so over half a meter would be about 2 feet. That part wasn’t a typo.

    As for Kamila, she was still speechless. The eight gap of over half a meter (2'), among other things, made her feel like a child.
    Supreme Magus
    Fantasy · Legion20
  • forgottenarrow3


    She needed one thought to access the Mirror Warp of the tower and another to check the holographic interface and locate Lith. According to the tower, he was in his Forge on the first underground flood.
    Supreme Magus
    Fantasy · Legion20
  • forgottenarrow3
    Replied to Mactiremor

    I started reading this webnovel because I heard the MC was psycho (I made my decision after reading some negative reviews). Really enjoyed ruthless, paranoid kid Lith. This is even better imho.

    It was an age-appropriate and doctored version of Lith's struggles, to teach the children that power makes no one perfect. Derek was depicted as a powerful but flawed man and the kids sometimes booed at his blatant mistakes and cheered when he redeemed himself.
    Supreme Magus
    Fantasy · Legion20
  • forgottenarrow3
    Replied to Lukas_Kmitas

    Yeah, when would it be right to tell him? Too early and Valeron will have no way of understanding what happened. Too late and it will seem like a huge betrayal. Worse because, as you said, Valeron has the memory of an adult.

    The word son transmitted by the Dragon scales hit the baby boy like a punch to the gut. He started to cry, clinging to Lith's chest while his small wings wrapped around the arm holding him.
    Supreme Magus
    Fantasy · Legion20