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The amount of money I would pay to see toddlers running at me with hatchets, That would be fun!
I don't often do reviews, but I feel like this one needs it due to a little bit of disappointment I feel. First off, I just wanna say this story is good, it's a bit unique in a few different ways, and has been fun to read so far. it has a lot of Grammer and sentence structure errors, but it isn't to the point I was unable to understand what they mean. it was however a ridiculously large amount of errors and things that could easily be fixed. There was not much background on any of the characters except the main character, and later on, the princess. so other than a couple of small details here and there they didn't really give any sort of background to any of the characters beyond that and the main character was kind of inconsistent with their behavior. sometimes it seemed like they wanted to keep it low-key and act weak and other times they would randomly reveal it for no good reason. that felt kind of frustrating considering the entire point was supposed to be that he would hide his true power. and lastly the thing that upset me the most is the romance!!! !!!!! like??? there was not supposed to be any and LITERALLY there was no hint or mention of ANYTHING romance related until a little past ch100 when they suddenly DROPPED A BOMB in one chapter?? and ????? that's why I'm making this review, I wish the author would have hinted at the romance a bit and built up to it instead of forcing it.😔