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Because it's the 5th time this fic was re-released. the 3rd time was 96 chapters the 4th one have 122 chapters. also the other ones the author is Code Geass Coffee now it's fictopia
Where in the hell is your port? The only water near Moat Cailin is Fever River and it's ends in the Sunset Sea nowhere near White Harbor or Narrow Sea the only road is the Kings Road and it goes straight to Winterfell.
Or you know you can just left Lyanna dead and if they already know Jon as Ned's bastard why not take Jon to Moat Cailin as his ward? That will also make Ned's married life a bit better.
If you really need to read a "Last Kingdom" fic sure read this one. This fic is riddled with wrong grammar that it's hard to read the author also made the character names wrong. Tura? you mean Thyra? Suggtryggr you mean Sigtryggr there's so many misspelled name and that's up to chapter 3. Author also don't know the word fuck or sex because he just puts "Hump , Humping" when he see's someone having sex. Author also made his character indecisive that he always change his mind on the get go. Bro got 12 guys vs Uthred and Ragnar's group and threaten to kill Ragnar's sister if he don't get 400 pounds of gold GTFO! dude.
From the very beginning this fic's storyline is already on shaky ground. The wishes are also wrong on each different reason. He says he wants to survive the Doom and stop the Dance of Dragons which already at least 300 years in between.
Really? Is he gonna be immortal or something? At the very beginning this fic is spouting nonsense.
WOW! How many time does this bank change names?
Huh? Naath is a peaceful island and the people there are pacifist not a lot of people can enter that island because of the butterfly fever. So MCs lies are really easy to debunk or they want to assume his father is a slaver I guess?
Huh? You know Lys is an island right? Dothraki hated the sea because their horses can't drink it. I mean there's an interactive map for Petes's sake.
Author says it's between Robert's Rebellion and Greyjoy Rebellion so why is Eddard Stark the Lord of Winterfell in 280AC? Pretty much Rickard and Brandon are still alive at this time. Even Robb is alive before he was born in 283 AC. Rickard Stark died in Kings Landing in 282AC same with Brandon Stark. Premise is good but the dates/year is wrong.