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who are the other pokemon?
What's in the other PokeBall?
Sand Stream
All right so can you clarify the core system for me? can one pokémon fulfill several cores? like if claydol can set up psychic terrain sandstorm and trick room can he alone sustain a three core system. and what establishes what a core is? is setting up screens also considered a core in and of itself or a pokémon like mawile mega evolving its own core? So can I have six pokémon on my team that mega evolve and have a six core team? or do each of those cores have to have an ability like sandstorm or terrain etc? or do you need more than one team of six to sustain more than one or two cores?
you uploaded the chapters in reverse again
you released this and the last chapter in the wrong order
I might be wrong but I believe when you began mega evolving steelix you started confusing Flint with Heath.
Even if this is a video game, I low-key feel like your stretching what's possible 😅