Jakub from Prague Czech republic, reading much since 6 years old
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When we find alone woman in the forrest....i love this comedy novel :D
I see him serving this to his sidekick/lover in the future :D
When "bad guys" makes more sense than your guys, start thinking.
You must bend the universe and make your spoon yourself with your willpower....nevermind this is great comedy novel. I have great fun reading it
Looks like his blood is not decaying also...
5 years no one bothered the visit the house of the 2 strongest variant :D...i love this comedy :D
I don't know if this is intentional, but I really think, this comedy novel is pretty funny!
I mean....this is , what you waiting to do for 5 years to do that boy? I mean ... what a scientist
Looks like i know what my review of this novel will be...
MC is such an asshole....