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The story of the fanfiction is very good, DO NOT STOP WRITING, you lack grammar and good flow in the sentences when you write, I heavily recommend you to use Grammarly or any other type of software that fixes or alerts you about those mistakes so you can fix them, writing like this with the software I told you about will make you learn english a lot faster, the important thing to keep improving is not about length of the chapters, it is that you write everyday a little, you then release the chapter when you think it's done, a day, a week, a month, just write 1 sentence atleast everyday, in 2 months with the software like 'Grammarly' that corrects your mistakes you will write english without any problems.
House name options that I recommend: Lionheart(obvious reasons) Avalon(Arthurian mythos about regeneration, willpower and animals) Gwyn(apart from the G letter, it was the King of Fair Folk and ruler of the otherworld, associated with hunting and a great warrior) Corbenic(Galahad Mother) Hogwarts/Gryffindor(I dont like it as much, but the primary house traits fits to much with the mc and how he does things in the open and in the shadows)
wrong, in one of the test, in the scp wiki, they processed a card, and it was processed to a lvl redacted card
Not to talk about digimon and the dimensional and time shenanigans on top of all the mind control and brainwashing
I have investigated my failure in information, its not canon, but it's not fanon, it was a mistake from rowling que doing math for the ages of charlie and tonks in the books, later fixed.
it isn't fanon, tonks was really in 7th year in harry's first
Yes, the lineage factor is only part of the devil fruits, and the full scope of the artificial fruits, you can look in the wiki information about the netherworld, and the Information about brooks fruit, among other fruits which revealed that fruits are a part from you, not your body, you only need a bite to obtain the power of a fruit, and the rest of the fruit will not give anybody any powers, if you want more information, you can check Oda's Q&As
Devil fruit's are associated with the soul, its canon, you got rid of the spiritual pressure without research. Additionaly a lot of paragraphs you write start with "I (something)". You need to stop before making it public and to read your own chapters in one go to see the flow, and to start writing with realism and inmersion in mind, for the characters, that is real life for them. If a bully comes to hit me, and suddenly a guy full of tattoos comes and hits him, that does not make it a good guy, it just makes two bad guys in that moment, nobody will become "inspired" or "change a little" because of "something" that persons says, and more ridiculous, you think that in a fight in a highschool, the students in the hallway will not be screaming allowing the MC to "monologue" and listen, teachers will not meddle, parents will not get involved and things like that. Absurd.
The powers of magneto vary based on the comic, its basically: magnetic based(control magnetic fields and with that magnetic metals), metal based(control metals directly, all metals, no magnetic fields or anything)
its like sentry with the void, that aspect of the power developed from the drug addiction, most powers in marvel enhance aspects of the users based on what they need or personality, ej: miles morales with invisility, erik being capable of controling/destroying "the jails and cages", charles xavier with the want to communicate and understand each person, like his brother, wolverine and his brother treated like beast that wanted fangs to get out, most powers have a similar psycology to that, it is in moder comics and movies in which they updated how the x gene can vary overtime until awakaned