

2017-09-18 JoinedGlobal

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  • PrimordianHeaven

    Yeah i didnt really like this explanation fot liths suddeb epiphany. After all the hype behind self made violet cores it was just something stupid like the weapon is just part of you cliche. By that logic magical beasts should have it much easier evolving to violet since they are literally born being magic itself. They dont leran spells they just learn how to perform better. But clearly we know thats not the case. The explanation feels really anti climatic and too cliche after all the hype.

    Ch 1414 Evolutions and Demons (Part 2)
    Supreme Magus
    Fantasy · Legion20
  • PrimordianHeaven

    Sorry but the whole cube explanation was stupid. Worst arc by far. Full of forced plot. Inconsistent power scaling and acting out of character all to write something thats "hype". Would just like to say that i dont write fhis go hate but just with hope it doesnt continue gk be this way. 1200 chapters of a top tier novel getting ruined for no reason really.

    Ch 1400 When All Are One (Part 2)
    Supreme Magus
    Fantasy · Legion20
  • PrimordianHeaven

    What is this random forced dawn,-acala development. So out of character.

    Ch 1399 When All Are One (Part 1)
    Supreme Magus
    Fantasy · Legion20
  • PrimordianHeaven

    Having a hard time enjoying where the story has been headed the last 150-200 chapters. Nonsensical forced developments and contradiction in terms of power scaling and now this plot cube really make it unenjoyable. If needed slow down releases but dont continue with this please. Its been really unenjoyable reading it considering how great the past 1200 chapters have been. Dont ruin something great just to release faster.

    Ch 1398 Blade Tier Spells (Part 2)
    Supreme Magus
    Fantasy · Legion20
  • PrimordianHeaven

    Last few hundred chapter had a bit too many nonsensical ass-pulls for my liking. Hope it doesnt continue like this.

    Ch 1397 Blade Tier Spells (Part 1)
    Supreme Magus
    Fantasy · Legion20
  • PrimordianHeaven

    Vastor forgot he was a god vs Nalaer and Balkor I guess. Nvm thats just the author completely destroying his 1000 chapters of powerscaling in just a few small arcs.

    Ch 1391 The Third God (Part 1)
    Supreme Magus
    Fantasy · Legion20
  • PrimordianHeaven

    For a millennia old existence, baba yaga sure is hypocritical and short sighted. That advice aound great but reality is different. Theres a reason you dont give weapons to children and yet she made ones that can destroy countries and just let them loose to do whatever they want. Even worse when all she taught them is they can do anything and there will never pay the consequences of their action since shes just gonna bail them out. So much for letting them live their own life and teaching them consequences of actions.

    Ch 1387 Awakened Chaos (Part 1)
    Supreme Magus
    Fantasy · Legion20
  • PrimordianHeaven

    Yh sorry i dont buy it. Scarlet being a bright violet awakened makes zero sense. Shes strong enough to be a head elder of the council and you are telling me she struggled agains some undead that the god of death was controllong from half a countty away? And she let so many people get hurt and/or die? Not a fan of how the author completely ruins the powerscaling compared to what had been stated the previous arcs. Its always been iffy but recently its been way too blatand with thid and that half awakened pure human professor saying her physique matches liths.

    Ch 1380 Ancestral Powers (Part 4)
    Supreme Magus
    Fantasy · Legion20
  • PrimordianHeaven

    This is supposed to be some dramatic moment but all i can feel is just vet this arc over already. All this could have been avoided and feels so forced and fake for some reason.

    Ch 1563 Losing Everyone
    My Vampire System
    Fantasy · JKSManga
  • PrimordianHeaven

    Pretty disappointing. I get its the climax but graham getting to 7 spikes makes no sense. Quinn using item type soul weapon for a 1v1? No sense. How quickly humans suddenly won with only a few top tier casualties. They were literally pushed so far back they never counterer attacked and nkw suddey they win. Worse when you consider the dalki get stronger faster. Quinn was the only irregularity who got stronger the fastest but he didnt participate in the war. Last few hundred chapters have been getting worse in terms of story. Just wrap ip the sage and end the book with its prologue being jn the next one or continue from the beginning again with a good gods arc saga.

    Ch 1559 I choose...
    My Vampire System
    Fantasy · JKSManga
  • PrimordianHeaven

    So is no one going to point out how stupid this decision was. Using a whole nest crystal only to power a clone. Such a waste. I get the author doesnt want an instant power up and wants to stretch the story but cmon... Just a few paragraphs ago they said they need strength not numbers and instead of using the crystal on quinn or to power a weapon or on anything that will help in the war they just used it as a clone battery.... Cnat they just use its power to make the clones lifespan several decades but without putting it inside so they can use it somewhat... Really forced and blatant plot convenience...

    Ch 1379 A Collection
    My Vampire System
    Fantasy · JKSManga
  • PrimordianHeaven

    One of the worst fights by far and a total disappointment for a hype that has been building. Instead of a good and satisfying fight we just get a hypetrain fight. Quinn using literally all his powers at once was only done for the hype and doesnt help at all. Laximus powering himself up from the god is stupid. Illogical for the past originals to defeat him if he could easily do that. And the fucking spirit bomb.... So bad. He just got a blood and shadow power up. Instead of skillfully using technique and experience to fight a stronger opponent we just get a whoever has a stronger hitting final attack wins the fight. And again quinn gets a qi power up and doesnt use it at all. Used it a bit vs arthur and thats it. Qi is so overpowered that agent2 completely nullified all of quinns ten thousand power systems. But quinn for some reason barely ever uses qi.

    Ch 1367 Help the Tenth!
    My Vampire System
    Fantasy · JKSManga
  • PrimordianHeaven

    Oh nice max stats. Tok bad it makes no difference since author constatly nerfs Quinn power system wise while overbuffing everyone else. Who cares about small stat changes when he has beast gear.

    Ch 1322 A new....
    My Vampire System
    Fantasy · JKSManga
  • PrimordianHeaven

    I dont rely on the system quinn says while having no idea how to use his blood or shadow skills by himself and improve them. So what if he has qi without the system. Has qi ever once been useful in a fight? I theory qi is the strongest power system since agent 2 completely nullified everything Quinn had with qi. In practice its useless since every time quinn gets a power system the author makes sure its overpowered on enemies whiles useless on Quinn. He literally has the biggest qi capacity of anyone alive right now and how did that help him in the previous chapters? Spoilers: it didnt at all.

    Ch 1321 Relying on the system
    My Vampire System
    Fantasy · JKSManga
  • PrimordianHeaven

    All the asspulls the author has made concerning power levels were annoying but this whole chapter wven more so. Cloning Jim and having access to his knowledge makes no sense. Twins are clones but they are different people. Why? Because what makes you who you are is memories. And cloning doesnt replicate that. Maybe the equivalent exchange could make it work but graham being able to do it is a stupid asspull for future drama. And even if we assume he could that in itself raises more plotholes based on previous chapters. The only explanation would be why? Cuz of plot convenience. Stop overnerfing quinn while overbuffing everyone else and end this dalki saga alredy. I know authora are incentivised to strech out the story but we got a glimpse of endless possibilities from Ray. If you want to continue the story that bad tou can create literally anything. The dalki saga is long overdue and overstreched.

    Ch 1311 No Longer Needed
    My Vampire System
    Fantasy · JKSManga
  • PrimordianHeaven

    Oh wow whta a great relevation..... For those that dont get it, its obvious sarcasm. Never understood why this even matterered so much. Does knowing this change anything? No. It only further showed her mother never loved her. Time to move on. You dont get the luxury to choose your parents but its your choice to be chained down by them or live for yourself

    Ch 1169 Pure's creation
    My Vampire System
    Fantasy · JKSManga
  • PrimordianHeaven

    I agree with other comments. Pretty bad cop out , even more so consisering what we learned from amy in the academy. IMO it would be much better if Quinn thinks about it and realises be needs to sort his feeling and he just has no time and mental capacity right now. Him explaining that to her and her declaring she understands and will work hard to be someone who cna stay beside him and help. Would also be a big door for layla character development since she herself also felt out of place recently and thats cuz she has no motivation for this war. She never xared about the dalki. Her main goal was her mother and now thats gone. Getting the determination to get stronger to stay besides quinn would be really good for her character and she also will feel less useless as she feels now.

    Ch 1070 The answer
    My Vampire System
    Fantasy · JKSManga
  • PrimordianHeaven

    Yeah.... Sorry but the whole thing with the dalki arm makes no sense. A punches strength comes from you whole body not just your lower arm. Maybe it gives him a more durable arm, grip strength and claws but i dont see how the punch was made stronger or how it is in any way useful in a fight.

    Ch 989 The fear of him
    My Vampire System
    Fantasy · JKSManga
  • PrimordianHeaven

    This makes no sense. Even if the emperor equipment is an acessory how is it so trash.5% base and 15% active but only works on base stats. Which means for humans its worse than intermediate armor possibly even beginner one. The only reason its a bit useful is cuz quinn is not only a vampire but has much higher stats than his rank as well and its still mediocre at best. What a let down.

    Ch 585 The untouchable
    My Vampire System
    Fantasy · JKSManga
  • PrimordianHeaven

    Quinn continues with his hypocrisy. He only cares about the military being hurt to feel good about himself because he was once hurt. Doesnt care about the bigger issues at all. When will he grow out of his eye for an eye obsession. He is already close to being part of the top of the hierarchy regardless of the side. This is not about him and his petty revenge anymore.

    Ch 540 Powerhouses
    My Vampire System
    Fantasy · JKSManga