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2017-09-13 JoinedIndonesia

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  • Tigerwolf

    IMO...if tigers have sanity at all aside from instinct i don't think any "sane" female tiger would ever want to. That's unless they're all major M's with kinks of getting poked and raked with spiked clubs. So sorry wang hu but i don't think you'll get your wish granted any time soon. Or, ever? 😅

    One fine day, this silly girl would definitely be willing to…
    My Fierce Tigress Wife
    Eastern · Stellar Rain
  • Tigerwolf
    Replied to ToxicMedicine

    more like be sent to a place of eternal damnation without relief 😏

    Based on Klein's understanding, once one gained the attention of a particular divinity, and the divinity was waiting on the contents of the request, to suddenly say, "Wait, I need to use the bathroom," one can only be congratulated since they might never need to go to the bathroom ever again.
    Lord of Mysteries
    Fantasy · Cuttlefish That Loves Diving
  • Tigerwolf

    bro. at -5 I'd hibernate and wake up when it's warmer again. at minus dozens, might as well bring an epitaph with me 😅

    The temperature here was much higher than aboveground, turning from minus dozens of degrees to minus a dozen degrees.
    Super Detective in the Fictional World
    Sci-fi · Icy Plain's Three Elegance
  • Tigerwolf

    these hunters need it. bad. real bad.

    "Hunters, good luck."
    Super Detective in the Fictional World
    Sci-fi · Icy Plain's Three Elegance
  • Tigerwolf
    Replied to lazyreader2

    mamy restaurant is right behind the prison, remember? technically, they are next-door neighbors

    Everyone retrieved their gazes too. Next door wasn't some good place to be in. Nobody wanted to end up there due to their curiosity.
    A Stay-at-home Dad's Restaurant In An Alternate World
    Fantasy · Whispering Jianghu
  • Tigerwolf


    Ch 482 Voracious's Violation and Mr. W's Haggling
    Super Detective in the Fictional World
    Sci-fi · Icy Plain's Three Elegance
  • Tigerwolf

    I'm not sure how I should feel about this chapter. It feels like that one time my toy poodle had a still writhing roach in his mouth and nudged my hand as if wanting to give it to me with eyes asking to get praised. And back then I also didn't know what I should feel about it. Should I praise him for sharing? Should I scold him for eating what he's not supposed to? Should I praise him for being able to catch it? Or should I scold him for giving me that disgusting thing? I'm definitely sure that's on a whole different level to this one but that's just how the scene makes me feel. In any case... Hachiko! Bad!

    Ch 24 Magic
    Demon's Virtue
    Fantasy · DiceVR
  • Tigerwolf
    Replied to Eran_Gordon

    Raping is not human nature, that I agree. Most of the people in this world also don't rape others (at least physically), that I also agree. And those with power don't always abuse it (at least blatantly), that I once again also agree. Having lust is human nature, however. And so is having newfound power getting into your head. It's when you put those two together that rape will then happen. Such, my friend, is human's pitiful nature.

    Ch 22 Three of Swords
    Demon's Virtue
    Fantasy · DiceVR
  • Tigerwolf

    I'm not sure why all the negative comments on this novel. Sure some like their mcs the killyouallpiecesofshitsandrapeyourmomandsiswhileatit type and whatnot, while others like theirs the theworldisallunicornsandrainbows type. That's just personal preference guys. This mc tho, I like. Don't any of you get that hachiko aura out of him? And obviously ava was the gere here. So is it wrong that ava, a person, treat her "pet" like the pet the mc is? I mean I love my dog but when he's doing the things he's not supposed to do I'd still get mad at him and TRAIN (yes, people, the word is TRAIN) him to do what I want him to do whether he likes it or not. That's what pet owners are supposed to do. And if my dog bites my hand? Then he's a bad dog (at that moment). And just because this story had a pet as mc doesn't make this story bad. It makes it different. And not all differences are bad. Unless you're one of those unspeakableswhosenamewhensaidwouldrotmymouthandtheearsofeventheaccidentallisteners.

    Ch 18 Nothing Matters
    Demon's Virtue
    Fantasy · DiceVR