I am sword Cultivator.My Dao is of the sword My Bloodline that of Empyreans
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Finished the main Novel,its a Master piece... This manhwa dsnt do the novel justice...this is not pokemon, while referencing is good i feel something was lost in the characters
Its very rare to see cultivation novels that revolve around the law infact i know of none. .. this is a good story well written in a beautiful world, haven't reached far in reading it but so far so good. its worth looking into
Interesting very Interesting, lets see how this turns out.
One of the best novels I have read, going to miss this, I feel like the ending was a bit rushed,like the asura lover. .. .and other stuff that i have forgotten at this point oh wait the god realm what was lurking in the dao... etc. i wont say i am content with the ending but i super love the book. its been a great ride
llol someone actually posted a picture
he probably won't undergo the tribulation again
i feel like the author is dragging things out in a rashed way....
why does that have a semblance to draconic toung... referring to the moo that furry beast said.