Chicken Nuclear Protagonist!
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If elves copulate with humans in large quantity, the elf bloodline will simply be doomed to eventually disappear, so they would never do this. Think about it, you will have a new generation of half elves, which will obviously keep rapidly breeding with humans as the flood gates are now open. Sure, they will also copulate among each other, and other pure elves, but the rate of human copulation will always produce more offsprings faster. So in a few generations, there will be many quarter elves, and some elves with blood diluted to the point you might as well call them humans. The numbers of pure elves will soon be taken over by a great margin as they simply can't compete. Give it a dozen or two generations, and likely 99% of Quel'thalas will simply consist of humans who have slight elven ancestry, only the rare few showing some slight traits of their past. Sure, now you have millions, but at what cost? Are they even still elves? Was it really worth it? So yea, this is a path to doom high elves as a race to eventually disappear, leaving only humans with slight elven ancestry. You really gotta think long term consequences, which are rather short term consequences when you look at it from elf point of view of living thousands of years, it won't even take 1000 years for this consequence to become reality. More than 40 generations can come and go in that amount of time for humans, so yeaaaa. Which is why no elf who has even a bit of foresight would agree to this plan. And there is also the problem of the functional immortality of elves. If this can also be provided to the hybrids, you will be facing some insane overpopulation in just 1000 years. The elves low birth rates are kind of a balancing point for their long lifespans. Imagine if us humans had such long lives, but still able to breed at the same rate as we do now. Now that sounds like a recipe for disaster ain't it?
Ehh, i don't get it, what was said that warranted this response? Is it 'I especially have to thank you, Highlord Vandercross'? Ehhh? Maybe some meaning was lost along the way? Was there some sexual innuendo or something? Like 'thank you in bed' kind of thing? Or is it that when a woman thanks a man, for anything, it is automatically taken as them having interest in the man? Maybe that's like a cultural thing? Or maybe mc is afraid that his wife would see it that way? Still, it would be real awkward if he has to treat every woman who thanks him as if they are all trying to get into his pants. o_O
Hmm, does he really? So far, he seems set to be someone emotionally unreliable(thus also increasingly mentally unreliable with the addition of fel). Someone who will likely complicate and be a drag to achieving mc's vision instead of being a trusted shoulder to lean on to take some of the burden, causing more drama and roadblocks than necessary along the way. Someone who needs to have his recklessness and emotional volatility kept in check, someone who can't even be trusted with managing himself, let alone a nation, lest he causes tragedies and sacrifices that doesn't need to happen down the line, leading those who idolize him to further ruin. Overall, he doesn't seem to add much to the table for all the minus he will likely bring about just by holding the authority of the so called king, at least so far that's how it looks to me.
Knowing how overbearing she was so far, to the point that even being close to another male or giving a bro hug is seen as a threat, i doubt Kael and Jan being a couple would magically fix the problem. She would still see them both as potential relationship threats, because you know, just because someone is in a relationship, doesn't mean they can't have multiple lovers, or move on to another lover. So they would still be potential threats, even if the risk might be slightly lower than a bachelor, at least in her mind. I don't know what more could be done to make her feel secure as mc is already 110% dedicated, besides completely avoiding being close to anyone other than her ofc... i wonder if elves have psychologists 🤔
So uh... unless you also enchant the mortar, and the support structures, it wouldn't mean much even if the bricks are indestructible. It's like building a wall with all steel bricks, but it would still go down with a similar force it would take to blow apart a regular brick wall. Sure, the solid steel bricks would be mostly unharmed, but not much point to that if the building is down anyways. Oh and if you can enchant the mortar, then you will be left with the problem of it being an utter pain to do any modification to the building later on. Even drilling a hole in the wall to hang something will be an utter pain. Imagine if we made buildings out of solid steel bricks, and connected them with molten steel in between lol, something like that. So well, the harder it is to damage a building by destructive means, that much harder it will be to make modifications later on. They would even likely have to painfully disenchant the whole building if they ever need to bring it down. A better way would be to not use mortar, and instead make interlocking bricks, and building it in a way that would allow modifications later on, yet still be sturdy. The building can aso just be disassembled in the reverse order of how it was built if needed. Tho with interlocking bricks, you need quite a bit of precision in the production for them to fit together seamlessly.
Hmm, at this rate mc won't even stand up for any other females, or friend them, or even interact with them. Hell, at this rate he will even have to turn a blind eye to maidens in mortal distress because his wife will gut them anyways if he helps them. Oh look, some beautiful girls are gonna get raped. Oh nooo... anyways have fun! See my wife, i don't look or touch or talk or interact with any maidens! Being raped might as well be their punishment for them to even expect me to do such a vile thing! To save them i would have to look at them, to interact with them... ok i might circumvent the touching by using telekinesis, but that's besides the point! Or wait, is that touching by proxy? Hmm, better not risk it, no telekinesis either! No way i would commit such blasphemy! How dare they expect such a thing of me! Smh...
Not gonna lie, this is becoming too much of an easy mode too fast. Such power creep becomes downfall of many novels. Like, he could even find a way to explode these ultra mana stones, and it might end up like a nuke etc. And he can create them like a factory? Smh...
I guess it must convert and condense some of the mana from the air or something in the process, or use up something else, like vitality etc., to boost the process, thus making it more efficient than simply using your own mana and also cover the conversion losses? If the extra energy truly comes from nothing tho, it would indeed be nonsense infinity magic. That would be like jumping in the air, and pressing on your other foot to jump higher and higher lol.
Japanese don't address each other with first name unless they are really close or family, so Iinuma should be the surname. It is also written a bit strangely in english due to language differences, basically think of the surname starting with a drawn out ii sound. Looks a bit better if typed as Īnuma tbh. It is an actual surname people have btw, nothing special or strange.
I mean, sure it's not like there aren't ways to teleport using the force, but the accessibility is a problem due to being esoteric methods that few practice, and even fewer would be willing to teach, if at all. That is if you can even find them without a wiki to guide you ofc. Sorcery is indeed much more accessible, if you can find Earth that is...