


Love: ISSTH, Galactic Dark Web, WitMW, The legendary mechanic, The Charm of Soul Pets,Martial God Asura,Godly Model Creator,Reincarnation Of The Strongest Sword God,Age of Adepts, TWW, ATG, MGA, CD.

2017-05-31 JoinedPoland

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  • Vistarion
    Replied to Abyss_Edge

    Author can write novel where reaction to mc talent = content. Its terrible bcs it assumes reader IQ is low.

    Wizard Diaries : New Blood
    TV · Galeitynd
  • Vistarion

    This novel idea is grand but it feels like "adult project" but made by a lewd child. The MC feels fake(like a child) for his actual age(he was old) before "travel beck in time". On top of that even first chapters are 0 because of author lack of maturity. MC died fighting 4 werwolves and his nephew x2 are captured and ofc MC focuses on the woman who came to save him at that time and blush...

    MMORPG : Rebirth Of The Strongest Vampire God
    Games · Raj_Shah_7152
  • Vistarion

    I hope that Author write this story its a great idea. Giving 5* just because I want to see what this concept can became. Author plz write its 100% very good idea.

    Earth Became a Douluo Dalu World
    Book&Literature · bluishapple
  • Vistarion
    Replied to camel_powered49

    I dont think so, but to ask a person that q... if you were would you know?

    Greatest Marine in One Piece Universe
    Anime & Comics · Crazibrains_
  • Vistarion
    Replied to Crazibrains_

    Thx for free content. I did not read yet, just reading coments to see if its worth it. I love negative coments. One can gather moust important info on books. Thay make it easy to judge if you want to read it. Thats why i dont like authors who avoide critic reagardless if its free or not.

    Greatest Marine in One Piece Universe
    Anime & Comics · Crazibrains_
  • Vistarion
    Replied to Crazibrains_

    1 good coment and insted of thanking the guy for effort author try to push "im right becous im author" narative. If u love "i love this novel" coments i can writhe one for you! ITS SO GREAT! Wow its super! Author you are so gooood! This novel is the best ! If you preffer to get empty coments just add it in your review! "Guys dont make real coments i dont want to be better i just want to be loved"

    Greatest Marine in One Piece Universe
    Anime & Comics · Crazibrains_
  • Vistarion
    Replied to Zero_Novel

    xd its not a book for u if thats your q ;]

    My Researching Journey (HxH)
    Anime & Comics · VQuintessence
  • Vistarion
    Replied to BeastMaster64

    Hmm i get the feeling i know what kind of person you are. So try this one over 900+ chp: https://comrademao.com/novel/hogwarts-bloodline-wizard/ MC at the end 1v1 Vold/Grinvald As for more IQ+: Harry Potter and the Temporal Beacon Short(70chp) but very well writen concept of time magic HP+Herimione(if i remember corectly)

    Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon[COMPLETE]
    Book&Literature · MisterImmortal
  • Vistarion
    Replied to slimy_Boi


    Aegis Schnee The Juggernaut Of Glyphs
    Others · Nisiris
  • Vistarion

    This is not HP fanfick. There is very minimal amount of HP lore and style here. Author butchered anything that resemblet HP style. MC is OP and its cringe ... you can feel forcefullnes of mc in everything he do. Forced plot and relly pointless. Nathing is explained well its all as if author writed from his head without any planing.

    Aegis Schnee The Juggernaut Of Glyphs
    Others · Nisiris
  • Vistarion

    Boring, at ferst i asumed mc is kido. But... its just a bad novel relly boring ...............................////////////////////////////////////

    One Piece: All For Revenge?
    Anime & Comics · DereBeyi
  • Vistarion

    The book focuses excessively on the beauty of the MC. The hero of each book has its own characteristics. In this book, both the character of the MC and the approach of the supporting characters are largely driven by the inhuman beauty of the MC (such a doll). I understand why so many people like this book especially girls. From my male perspective I don't see a way to identify with the MC while reading so im droping it. At the moment when the appearance of mc becomes an excuse for a lazy writer who refuses to create a proper reason why the goddess notices mc, it largely reduces the enjoyment of reading.

    White Online
    Games · Alekzi
  • Vistarion

    Its ok. But megalomania is dominating the taste of nearly every topic in this novel. MC = OP, there is a lot of plot armor (basicly its not even hiden its just feels like there is no real chellenge in this novel). In a way MC is a God of novel world, and that's whats makes this novel pointless to read.

    HxH: The Applications Of Nen
    Anime & Comics · VeganMaster
  • Vistarion

    Well when i start this novel its 140 chapter long. Started reading and in 1-10chapters i can feel that the 10chapters contein 1chapter worth of info. Characters are anoing: like since when did anyone from great familes needs recognision of bagger looking dude who is weak. Author push his logic and sens of world relationships on you and you can feel it.

    Realistic Tower of God: The Martial Way
    Anime & Comics · Heavenly_Raven
  • Vistarion

    Its a good story for first 2 worlds, around 3th its feels repetetive and boring. I guess the problem is the authro showed full power spectrum in 2world begining since mc did not reach that peak we all w8t for it during 2->3 world. Forcfull debuff after every world travel feels ok but during 1 and 2 world the perspective was orginal in 3th it gets relly boring(very fast you get the info what's going on in world tree "3th" world but everything is slow and boring). Over all Author content is not relly orginal: 1)1 world remainds of the "energy/ball of light /in new world" novels- all of that transmigration as uniqe energy theme" 2) then 2 world feels like 1world in 21th centur 3) 3th world is fallen world tree world -> concept of fallen world tree world is good but the elf theme itself is kind of boring. Im quiting at 222chap. I over all like it. But if ISSTH/WITMW are 5points then this is 3 at best.

    Soul Of Negary
    Fantasy · Xu Ming
  • Vistarion

    like it. Its ok, but the story is based on op cheat like ability. MC faces biger problems then himself thats the only reason he dont seem absolute broken. Imagine game -> then imagine u can have clones->then imagine that acction of clone generate exp for main body skills. The story is ok but mc is op!

    Global Game: AFK In The Zombie Apocalypse Game
    Games · Empire Black Knight
  • Vistarion

    Trash nowel. Weak mc gets op/game breaking skill and start face slapping. Tower leveling system, really boring one. MC is bland and 100% uninteresting. There is no depth and author is sticking to simple tower system novels patterns becouse he probably know nothing about any other topics so the novel is a little bit like copying/rewriting other nowels(like tutorial is too hard etc..) but on low quality. 1*

    The Boundless Necromancer
    Fantasy · ArchMage
  • Vistarion

    It could be good if not fake and child like character of MC. Its ok to kill time. It lacks depth. Don't expect anything new, its just old tower climb with lv ups... MC don't have class and decline to learn skills. In short he will create his own path because autor will make it possible. In short MC in a way break world rules, as such all of the story became plot armor because everything depends on author. In normal "game world" novels all have to compete within same rules and mc is better then others in same way. Here MC is in his own set of rules = plot armor, its impossible by design not to be.

    Classless Ascension
    Urban · ClasslessAscension
  • Vistarion

    Great and original. HxH world. Author just know NEN logic and use it in great way in his story. Romance is shallow but real - feels normal. MC is OP but you don't feel it in early-mid stage. No face slapping(thx god).

    My Researching Journey (HxH)
    Anime & Comics · VQuintessence
  • Vistarion

    Everything has a purpose. The MC has a hidden OP origin, but it doesn't stop you from enjoying the story. Similar conceptually to books about "Apocalypse" with elements of "dungeons" and "travels around different worlds". The MC takes off in a normal 3rd dimension world where a "zombie" invasion appears. The world is starting to evolve towards 4th dimension (there are 9th dimension worlds mentioned). The upper worlds sponsor the development of the lower to create a common front against the hordes of "zombies" (they are a little different than most stories). It is thanks to sponsorship that "dungeons" and prizes from their raise appear. MC is a fast OP but you don't feel it due to the fact that he is the essence of the 3rd dimension and as long as he does not transform, he is weaker than the fighters of the 4th dimension (adventures of MC usually take place in places where his own strength is insignificant).

    Dimensional Descent
    Fantasy · Awespec