

2017-06-19 JoinedGlobal

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  • Lazren_Inkheart

    Magic isn't a weakness. Kryptonians are just as affected as everyone else is. It only looks like a 'weakness' because everything else is so boosted. They just have baseline resistance.

    [Because you appear to be a Kryptonian, you have none of their weaknesses; they will be eliminated immediately. Kryptonite, regardless of color, magic, or sicknesses, will never be your blind spots. Radiations, and anything else you can think of.]
    Essence of an Irregular [Smallville Meta CYOA]
    TV · daoistgingerale
  • Lazren_Inkheart

    I like this novel, but it feels like there is a gap in logic at times. I understand the character was a waste, but it doesn't really make sense for a bunch of apprentices to be so cynical. Maybe because it's not really described what he did, he just stated that he was a disgrace, there's a disconnect. In reality, yes, noble families had infighting, but a lot of the time, there was familiar affection, or at least plotting how to use family members in the future, not just outright hate between everyone and wanting to kill each other. And for the MC's negative reputation, it feels very inflated for no reason. Noble families would hide information that portrays them badly. It wouldn't be a thing that everyone in the estate knows. Also, internal factions aren't that common in noble families, especially if the family in question is essentially one main line. If there are different branches in a clan situation, maybe. But that's more so the royal/imperial family, and that's due to outside forces trying to influence the crown. I think it was said they were a count, which would generally mean that while not at the bottom they are on the outside of the highest echelon of power in a country, which makes factions even less likely. Also with the MC's reputation should have gotten a significant boost with his situation, not just barely anything. He was seen as a waste, but that was mainly from his martial ineptitude. This is due to all the children having unpleasant attitudes. Winning especially against someone with mana as someone without was stated as pretty much thought to be impossible. The MC doing that, especially in a martial family, would have, at the very least, some people looking for him themselves. And if he was such a deplorable waste that it still wasn't a factor, he would have mostly made enemies throughout the estate including the apprentices and they wouldn't join him no matter what because they would have individual problems with Ethan. Also, the MC father seems competent it doesn't make sense for all 3 sons to be raised so badly. I know this was brought up in the novel by the MC, but it still doesn't explain why that happened. Anyway, this was just my thoughts on what seems to me to be a disconnect in the reading. Even though this was long, I am overall still enjoying the novel quite a lot. Keep up the good work.

    Ch 16 [16]
    The Extra Villain in the Novel
    Anime & Comics · mew_96
  • Lazren_Inkheart
    Replied to blankbrokencanvas

    If it's near Hogwarts' term start, then it's near September, which means he was more than likely dead already

    "Master Black. My name is Ironclaw, I am the account manager for the Most Ancient and Most Noble House of Black. It is an honour to meet you, and a relief to know that the House of Black has once again been revived with your discovery." he spoke with respect to me.
    HP: In The Magical World As An Extra
    Book&Literature · Yggdrasil_loki
  • Lazren_Inkheart
    Replied to AmSincere

    Good luck with your assignments. I love the story, but you need to look after yourself first.

    Ch 55 Infinity Records
    Convict to King
    Movies · AmSincere
  • Lazren_Inkheart

    The story is well written, but the actual plot is not good. Writing this after halfway through ch11. First off, the MC's name is not good, Carnival really or Val Karni just terrible. Idk where the MC is supposed to be from, and maybe karni is a normal name there, but this would be a lot better with a name that fits the setting or one that fits the language this is posted in. The troupes used and reveals have not been good. First mysterious voice during reincarnation that doesn't explain anything. Then probably one of my most hated things to see, 'the character didn't know this, but this decision will affect the future'. I don't care if the outcome is good or bad for the MC it's just a terrible writing troupe to hamfist that information that doesn't need it. I think it's one of the worst ways possible to convey information to the reader. A second reincarnator is something I don't actually mind depending on how it's implemented. This is one of the worst ways. Willing to give information to the MC, but the MC is restricted from hearing is so annoying that it's ridiculous. I literally couldn't finish the chapter after that. This is more minor because it is explained that the MC is being affected by the body of a 6-year-old. But he could have easily kept on walking away from what he believed at the time was another 6-year-old. This is a man in his early 20's even with the effect of being in a child's body, it doesn't really excuse even when not wanting to, still complying with a child's peer pressure. Look, the writing itself is quite good, and that is why I decided to keep reading this story for a little bit, but I really dislike the plot at this point. I might try and read again later and change my mind, but it's not for me right now. I do think the writer is good and has potential, and I'm going to check if they have any other work that I might like better.

    Douluo Dalu: 1st Cycle: Dancing Panda
    Anime & Comics · AzKoPo
  • Lazren_Inkheart
    Replied to wakkaran

    According to the wiki, that was only true in the comics, not the actual book or the show.

    "But all this doesn't matter. The changes in some forces won't have a significant impact on the continent's landscape. When the time comes, no matter which force aims to unify the continent, it will be beneficial for me."
    Dou Luo: This Tang San is Different
    Anime & Comics · Un1que
  • Lazren_Inkheart

    That's not what graduation rate is. Like, I know it's supposed to be bad logic from the novel Rio read, but that's still so dumb. By this logic, every school has 100% graduation rate because if you didn't graduate, it doesn't count towards that rate.

    This is also the reason why the graduation rate of this academy reaches a hundred percent because only talented students are left till the time of graduation exams come.
    Reborn as an Extra
    Fantasy · Calm_Mountains
  • Lazren_Inkheart
    Replied to evil_lord

    OK, my bad, but there are definitely versions of him that are omega level. And tbh most of the fanfics I've seen will put him at omega level, so if the story is not based on the comics or movies but on the fandom instead, then it makes sense why he is omega level.

    Class 4 mutants would include Magneto and Professor X.
    Starting as a Class Five Mutant
    Anime & Comics · Zaelum
  • Lazren_Inkheart
    Replied to Anime_Admirer

    I think it depends on which version you're talking about. But I'm pretty sure in 616, he is omega level.

    Class 4 mutants would include Magneto and Professor X.
    Starting as a Class Five Mutant
    Anime & Comics · Zaelum
  • Lazren_Inkheart

    Hi Author, thanks for the chapter, I just joined the discord, so this comment is for that. 2 things I wanted to say was it's kind of hard to find the current discord link, I had to go to your profile on patreon to find it. I think you should add an auxiliary chapter with the current discord link because while I just started reading this last week, I've been trying to find that link for literally the 100 chapters and I only got it when I went off this app. The second thing I was wondering is, does Parseltongue work on dragons in this fic? I know a lot of fanfiction has that, but I wasn't sure how you would have it because that's not how it works in canon.

    Ch 183 Enemy's Identity
    Multiverse Systems: Demonic Resurrection in the Primordial Tower
    Book&Literature · droopyauthor
  • Lazren_Inkheart

    Hope you get better

    Ch 8 x
    True Hegemony
    Anime & Comics · outsidr
  • Lazren_Inkheart
    Replied to MidWinterSnow

    That's fair point, and tbh the longer this fic becomes, the less valid my criticism is. Like at the moment, that part of the story accounts for half of what's available, but if you get to chapter 80 or something, it's not really an issue. But I can only review what's currently available. I also just wanted to say that in case it didn't come through before, I think you're doing a really good job. This is currently one of my favourite stories on the app, and I'm looking forward to the rest of the story.

    [DXDxJJK] - The Father of Devils
    Anime & Comics · MidWinterSnow
  • Lazren_Inkheart

    I do like this novel. There are some aspects of it that I personally dislike, but I think other people would like. It's a crossover work that includes AU elements for that to work, and I think the blending of the worlds is pretty well done, definitely from a power system view. The part I dislike personally is that for at least for the first 30 chapters or so, it's more of an OC story than AU if you get what I mean. Most fanfiction are very canon compliant, which is something I don't like. Then, there are about 3 different levels of AU fics. Level 1 is labelled as AU but is really still a canon retelling with a new character involved. Level 2 is still based on canon events initially but eventually goes into another direction based on the accumulation of small changes. Level 3 has 2 different routes, where either they have the characters in a different setting or setting itself has a lot of massive differences. An OC story, in my view, is essentially a story that's not really relevant to any of the source material's plot, and that can fit any of those categories. And that's where I fell this story land mostly so far and that's fine within itself but I felt from both the synopsis and the first chapter the aim for the story was the crossover not random unnecessary drama. Like again, I'm not saying it wasn't well written, but that is not the perception that this novel gave as to what it was going to be. That's changed after around chapter 30, which I do like, but it then makes all those previous chapters essentially a very long prologue. Like everything up till he gets to Japan. The structure of the novel is weird because of that. If you were writing a completely new story, just using the setting or because of the crossover, multiple settings, that would be fine, but then why are you now interfering with the plot. And if the wasn't the intention, then you essentially have unnecessarily long prologue that could have easily been cut down by half if not more. With that being said, it's not like it was uninteresting, it definitely was, and the writing quality is very high quality, and besides the Lord of Mysteries aspect not being that well explained in comparison, the actual crossover worlds have been pretty well explained in how everything fits in together. I'm definitely going to keep on reading, and I recommend it to anyone who sees this to give it a go.

    [DXDxJJK] - The Father of Devils
    Anime & Comics · MidWinterSnow
  • Lazren_Inkheart
    Replied to Lazren_Inkheart

    Sorry, I missed a word in the first part, named Albus Serverus, because they were his heroes or some bs like that. Also, even people who didn't mind the messaging hated it because the name sounds awkward.

    Ch 21 Chapter 13: Casting Couch Potato
    I'm on TV! (Showbiz SI)
    Movies · BarCalak
  • Lazren_Inkheart
    Replied to Tilted19

    It's an epilogue that's set 19 years later, where we find out Harry has named his oldest son Albus Serverus because they were his real his or some bs like that. Lots of people also don't like that a lot of characters end up still together with their high school romance. Harry and Ginny. Ron and Hermione. It was mainly the son's name that was the controversy because of Harry's feelings towards both men. Also, people felt it was weird that all Harry and Ginny's kids were named after people significant to Harry. It seems she essentially didn't get to name any of her kids. It also didn't really expand on what's happened in the 19-year gap of the epilogue, and when some of that was answered in Cursed Child many people hated the direction it went in and the fact that's it's supposed to be cannon even though J.K didn't write it.

    Ch 21 Chapter 13: Casting Couch Potato
    I'm on TV! (Showbiz SI)
    Movies · BarCalak
  • Lazren_Inkheart

    This is a really good story so far. How the worlds are combined so far has been really interesting. The only real negative that I have is chapter length / pacing. Essentially, chapters, even though they are average length for the app, feel short. It might be because of the AI translation, idk, but sometimes chapters can feel stop, then start if you get me. In chapter 43, we are now about to reach Hogwarts. It's generally not a great sign for Harry Potter works. I find if not at Hogwarts by ch10, then there is an increasing chance of the work being cropped The story itself is good quality, and I am looking forward to it continuing. Have a good day.

    [HPxJJK] - Harry Potter and the Supremacy of Cursed Blood
    Anime & Comics · MaliciousPrince
  • Lazren_Inkheart

    Being a half-blood in Harry Potter is the best choice. Harry, Riddle, and Dumbledore are all half-bloods. The only shown metamorph in the series is Tonks a half-blood. Snape is shown in the series to be right under the level of Riddle, and Dumbledore is a half-blood. Although this is 'creatures', Fluer, Madame Maxine, Hagrid, and Flitwick are all half-bloods. Although not, I'm not sure if they were ever confirmed. Amelia Bones, Krum, McGonagall, and Grindelwald are more than likely half-bloods seing that most of the other powerhouses were. The only magical powerhouses that were Pure-blood in canon are Bellatrix, Sirius, James, Lucius, Moody, and maybe Theodore Nott if you want to count cursed child and some of those are very iffy to include in the powerhouses category. This is okay by being an AU crossover and for having the MC probably not the most knowledgeable about this. I am still looking forward to the rest of the work.

    Ch 1 Chapter 00 - The Curtains of Destiny Open
    [HPxJJK] - Harry Potter and the Supremacy of Cursed Blood
    Anime & Comics · MaliciousPrince
  • Lazren_Inkheart

    I get that he's going more for expansion, making it cheaper, but a less than 100% increase from cost is wild. Most products have like 400% markup at minimum. And especially when dealing with the government, that markup goes even higher. If your plan is to make his public perception to just be an inventor, that's fine, but if the goal is for the people in power to respect his business sense, that price needs to be higher. I guess you can also treat this as a rookie business mistake on his part, and it's still fine. That's just my opinion and not really the focus of the novel, so it doesn't really matter, but I think this is really good so far. Keep up the good work

    Considering the fact that I only spent $120 to make the shirt, not including the machines. Then there's also the free advertisement and connections I'd receive along with this new connection.
    Marvel: Tech System
    Anime & Comics · Unknown_To_All
  • Lazren_Inkheart
    Replied to Dieudonner_17

    If you're in debt as a country, it doesn't mean you have no money. Australia is near $900 billion debt, and America is $33 trillion in debt.

    "Due to your personal contributions and the unwavering loyalty of Bear Island, the king has decided to grant you 15,000 gold dragons and exempt you from any crown levies for three years. Does this reward satisfy your desires, Jorah?"
    Reborn as Jorah Mormont in GOT
    Book&Literature · ayrus2011
  • Lazren_Inkheart
    Replied to Betoran2

    He only has memory for the first 10 chapters of the manga and Leon's memories of the game. He hasn't watched the anime or read any of the LN.

    'There it is. That Marie girl really went ham with the plot and now an event that was supposed to happen much later is happening now. Also, kinda interesting how Angelica is wearing the same dress as she wore in the scene in the game, even though the event is happening at different timestamps. Is this plot magic at work, I wonder. Also, she's… wow. Hers are even bigger than Olivia's. She's also dressed to impress. Me likey.'
    This isn't High School DxD, damn it!
    Anime & Comics · The_POZ