Long ago on a fateful morning This Dog stumbled into an ancient ruin which smelled of steak. This Dog proceeded to trace the scent until it ate the heavenly meats granting it the intelligence to read!
of reading
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That’s because birds aren’t real
MTL can’t hear your complaints sadly
Lol says 26 comments but only shows two, can’t even get censorship right 🤣
At least it’s not little black
I’m a bit late to the party here, but this book is amazing. Didn’t think I’d be into Star Wars theme writing but I’m obsessed. You truly have a talent and I truly appreciate it 🧐
Hi random person, I just noticed this was translated. Hopefully you saw it too
Lol what editing!? If there was any editing whatsoever then this story would be excellent. Instead names are incorrect, stats are wrong, and sentences are absolute gibber ish and out of order
Anyone notice that this book costs 2 fast passes?
There’s that classic racism
I’m a bit late to the party here, but I feel that this chapter needs a spoiler note at the beginning