
kids math novel

  • kids math


    by fumubu
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  • kids math

    Is this destiny?

    by RedSonia
    4.9 (125 ratings)

    kids don't slack off?" "After living on the streets or with abusive guardians, they have the drive to succeed. Kids who finish their education want to stay in the area and make this a better place."

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  • kids math

    My First and Last Man

    by Jtw10
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    kids is seating since they commented on every question but not so loud that just enough for them to hear their conversation. Yuki: What the heck? They really give 15 seconds per question, are they al

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  • kids math


    by VioletFireAce
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    kids my age would do, eat, make lunch, brush my teeth stuff like that. I normally see my mother getting ready for work, and dad would be sleeping in bed for he gets up later in the day. After I'm do

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  • kids math

    Spectrum of Gradients

    by Lala True
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    math homework. The exact questions that Mrs. Granger had on the board were on the front page. I finished it quickly, double checked, and went on to the next eight questions. Mr. Myers came up to me an

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  • kids math

    Assassin Teacher

    by yjshin
    (Not enough ratings)

    math, Mr. Lee?" "Yes, I do. Now tell me. What are your thoughts on math?" "It's hard." "True. I know you've been preparing, basically, your life for Suneung. Even with my carefreeness, I have no

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  • kids math

    The World We Do Not know

    by MiniAce
    4.36 (33 ratings)

    kids followed Faust out, they kept commenting insolent things, throwing insults at him while maintaining their distance between them and him, as if Faust was some dalit to stay away from. "Who is the

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  • kids math

    The Stigma

    by koltin_0562
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    kids used to play air hockey and ping pong. It had bean bag chairs, couches and tables perfect for city kids before the Second Depression to get their homework done before they played basketball or so

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  • kids math

    Love at its finest

    by Elizabeth_Cheney
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    math and Yin liked math and was pretty good at it too. Really weird and totally unheard of so she was very strategic about her sitting in math class. If you sit in the front you are a good kid. If you

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  • kids math

    bad school

    by Jass_Villano
    (Not enough ratings)

    kids name leah,clark,max and alex they are bro and sis leah and clark are twin max and alex are cousin of leah and clark they go to school but there parents are did not know that the class are bad.lea

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