
1984 de george orwell

  • 1984 de george orwell

    The Final Steps of Sara Orwell

    by Enkney
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    It's been years since the Sara Orwell Organization has said anything about their research. Not long after a strange event at one of there hundreds of facilities, many world governments have started in

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  • 1984 de george orwell

    Sustaining the King's Life

    by Chainslock
    4.91 (35 ratings)

    de Lichts casted a spell to change Faustina's appearance. There is a combination of glamour and variation of spells to create an illusion, along with a manual dying of her hair into an ash-grey combin

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  • 1984 de george orwell


    by 杰奏
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    1984》创意来源的小说《一九八四》,其作者George Orwell——乔治.奥威尔是英国著名作家、新闻记者和社会评论家。   由于早年的经历,使得乔治.奥威尔同情社会底层,他的文字也在始终关注底层社会的生活。   其两大传世之作《动物庄园》和《一九八四》,分别成书于1944年和1948年,堪称世界文坛反极权主义的政治讽刺小说经典,影响力已然超越了文学界。   小说《一九八四》里讲述了一个

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  • 1984 de george orwell

    Adventures of Samantha Kramer

    by Ritzzzer
    4.82 (11 ratings)

    de-conditioning. Some of it sounded like George Orwell wrote it. I came away with the basic tools to help Jolene deal with her problem: support, reasoning, reinforcement, reward. She needed support wh

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  • 1984 de george orwell

    What is a Genetic Vampire?

    by Sapphire_Ace
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    1984 by George Orwell. He found it in a closet buried in Mistress Maisie's room. Why she had it, he didn't know.  Since the date was interesting on the cover (Copyright 1948), and had been so long ago

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  • 1984 de george orwell

    Avalon's Shards

    by Majorbrenno
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    "Beautiful, no matter how many times I see it my opinion won't change. I can't use any other word to describe it besides beautiful." Elizabeth said looking at the gigantic azure swirling portal at her

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  • 1984 de george orwell

    Te Amo Príncipe

    by Sofi01
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    de disfrutar de su unión.  Después de que Alesha enderezó la mesa y comenzó a lavar los platos, pero las manos de George estaban bloqueadas.  _¿Qué está haciendo Alesha? Solo deja que los sirv

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  • 1984 de george orwell

    Brujo del mundo de magos

    by The Plagiarist
    4.57 (32 ratings)

    de acero chocaron, emitiendo un sonido crujiente. —¡Leylin! ¡Todavía no me igualas, ríndete! —George usó ambas manos y agarró la empuñadura; riendo. —¡No hemos terminado todavía! —gritó Leylin; sus

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  • 1984 de george orwell

    Last Wish System (Versión en español)

    by Alemillach
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    de que finalmente mejorara su habilidad pasiva. —George, el tiempo está a punto de terminar, y esta es nuestra última batalla hoy. ¿Qué tal si vamos con todo? Sé que estás esperando hacer un gran últ

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  • 1984 de george orwell

    Memories of a Red Haired Girl

    by Imweebtrashxx
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    1984 by George Orwell. It's a wonderful book." Something didn't make sense. I had heard of this book before, and there was no way its existence  was allowed in our society, much less found somewher

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