
tetta kisaki小説のオンライン読書 - 人気小説 - WebNovel


  • Ketika Cintamu Bersemi di Bulan April

    ‘Jika perpisahan ini terasa menyakitkan, kuharap kita tidak pernah bertemu ....’ ‘Aku masih menggenggam butiran-butiran cinta yang pernah aku dapatkan ....’ ‘Kenangan pertamaku melihatmu di bawah pohon sakura, kini menyisakan rasa pilu’ ‘Kau adalah orang yang bisa mengubahku, jari jemariku selalu ingin menggenggam tanganmu, mendekapmu, dan meraih tubuhmu ....’ Dan hatiku ini .... Hanya selalu ada untukmu .... ******************** Seorang gadis bernama Kisaki yang pintar dan memiliki kepribadian sedikit tertutup sering dibully oleh teman-temannya di kelas. Suatu hari seorang murid pindahan dari Tokyo bernama Yoshimura berusaha menyelamatkan Kisaki dari pembulian tersebut. Tapi nahas, dia malah terluka parah yang membuatnya terbaring di rumah sakit. Kisaki merasa bersalah telah melibatkan Yoshimura di dalam permasalahan hidupnya. Namun, Yoshimura sendiri tidak keberatan karena dia tidak tega melihat seorang gadis dirisak di depan matanya, dia menolongnya berdasarkan inisiatif sendiri. Semenjak saat itu Kisaki tidak dibully lagi, Kisaki yang tahu kalau Yoshimura adalah orang yang nilainya di bawah rata-rata mencoba mengajarinya sebagai balas budi karena telah menolongnya waktu itu. Keduanya pun menjadi dekat dan saling mengenal satu sama lain. Kisaki menjadi tahu kalau Yoshimura yang mukanya pas-pasan yang pindah dari Tokyo ini mencoba menyembunyikan identitas yang sebenarnya sebagai keturunan Yakuza dan dia mencoba pergi jauh demi menjalani hidup yang damai. ‘Dia ternyata laki-laki yang buruk,’ awalnya Kisaki berpikir demikian, apa bagusnya dari orang yang menjadi Yakuza? Tentu saja, dia sanggup melindungi Kisaki dari berbagai hal apa pun. Tak peduli meski darah Yakuza mengalir dalam dirinya ... begitu saling pandang, hati mereka selalu berdetak kencang. Kisaki juga tidak bisa menolak keberadaan Yoshimura yang telah menjadi pahlawan dalam hidupnya. Apakah ini yang dinamakan cinta pada pandangan pertama? “....” Catatan: Novel ini belum bisa dilanjutkan karena kesehatan Author semakin memburuk. Mohon doanya untuk kesembuhannya agar bisa melanjutkan ceritanya lagi, terima kasih.

  • When Your Love Blossomed in April

    'If this breakup hurts, I wish we never met...' 'I'm still holding onto the details of the love I once had...' 'My first memory of seeing you under the cherry blossom tree now leaves a feeling of sadness' 'You are the one who can change me, my fingers always want to hold your hand, hold you, and grab your body...' And this heart of mine... Just always there for you... ******************** A girl named Kisaki who is smart and has a slightly introverted personality is often bullied by her friends in class. One day a transfer student from Tokyo named Yoshimura tries to save Kisaki from the bullying. But unfortunately, he was seriously injured which made him lie in the hospital. Kisaki feels guilty for involving Yoshimura in her life's problems. However, Yoshimura himself didn't mind because he couldn't bear to see a girl being bullied in front of his eyes, he helped her on his initiative. Since then Kisaki has not bullied anymore, Kisaki who knows that Yoshimura is a person whose grades are below average tries to teach him as a reward for helping him that time. The two became close and got to know each other. Kisaki finds out that the mediocre Yoshimura who moved from Tokyo is trying to hide his true identity as a Yakuza descendant and he is trying to go far to live a peaceful life. 'He turned out to be a bad boy,' Kisaki thought at first, what's so good about being a Yakuza? Of course, he was able to protect Kisaki from anything. No matter how much Yakuza's blood runs through him... as soon as they look at each other, their hearts always beat fast. Kisaki also couldn't deny the existence of Yoshimura who had become a hero in her life. Is this what call love at first sight? “....”

  • The Exact Position

    Genre: BL, Infinite Flow (Multiple Worlds), Future, Time Travel Main characters: Andrew Taylor x Samuel Carter | Ryan x ??? Schedule: 1 chap everyday. Ryan Carter is a beloved young master cherished deeply by both of his fathers. Although the relationship between his two fathers is not great, they both spoil him greatly. Because of this, he always tries to find ways to help his fathers rekindle their romance. However, before he could come up with any clever plans, his older father had an accident and suddenly passed away. His younger father, upon hearing the news, suffered a stroke, leaving his life hanging in the balance. It can be said that the family’s happiness shattered in an instant. Ryan wandered around the house. Everywhere he looked, there were signs of an adult having lived there. Suddenly, he noticed a piece of paper on the edge of his older father's desk. "45.6779° N, 125.4267° W." "Andrew, come to the real world and meet me. I miss you."

    Kisaki_Nakamura · LGBT+
  • the god himself

    Ken_Kisaki · ファンタジー

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