
sexy nudist小説のオンライン読書 - 人気小説 - WebNovel


  • A Beautiful Luna After Rejection

    Cecily was a scrawny girl with no friends. However, like all other girls, she yearned for true love. She always had a crush on Robert, Alpha's son in their Pack. However, on her eighteenth birthday, she found out that Robert was her Mate! Before she could hug him in excitement, Robert had already flung her hand away like a piece of trash. "You will not become my Mate. Pretend that nothing happened today. Leave and watch your mouth. Do not say anything that you should not say!" Robert publicly ogled at the sexy, beautiful blonde Alison at their high school graduation. The graduation trip changed Cecily, making her stronger, more confident, more vibrant, and more beautiful and sexy. Furthermore, Robert, who met her on his college campus again, began to pursue her. "You should be my Luna. We will live together from now on. We will have lots of kids. They will be healthy and smart." Robert's eyes were filled with lust. Robert's pestering made Cecily feel disgusted and nauseated! As Cecily could not protect herself from Robert due to the difference in strength, Michael appeared. "Your actions make you unworthy as an Alpha." Michael looked at Robert with disdain. During Robert's inauguration as Alpha, Cecily could no longer tolerate his pestering. "I, Cecily Levin, reject Robert Paslo as my mate." When Robert was furious and in pain, wanting to hurt Cecily, Michael appeared again! "Cecily was the Mate arranged by the Moon Goddess for me." Michael looked at Cecily gently. "Whoever dares to touch her is disrespecting the royal family."

    JQK · ファンタジー
  • Demonic Dragon Reincarnation: I am contracted by a sexy lord

    # LORD Xu Yuan transmigrated to a parallel world where everyone became lords. Initially, he thought he would be a lord too. To his surprise, he became the Dark Demonic Dragon, a starter hero awaiting to be summoned by a lord. He also awakened the Dragon God Cultivation System. [Transformation of the Dark: You can level up quickly by staying in the dark.] [Slumber of the Dragon God: For the Dragon God, sleeping means residing in the dark.] [Rejuvenation of the Demonic Dragon: You can revive using the power of the dark. Your basic attribute points will increase every time you revive.] [The Blade of the Hidden Wings: This is a dark attribute AoE skill. It can annihilate all enemies within the area of effect.] [Unlimited Devouring: The skills of your enemy shall be yours now. Unleash this skill to devour your enemy and acquire their skills.] … Su Wan, a beautiful lord, had no doubt that she could easily become the most powerful lord in the universe. She felt her heart beating fast when she first saw her starter hero dazzle amidst the flashing summoning light. Unbeknownst to her, her nightmare was about to unfold. While other heroes devoted themselves to training day and night in order to level up, her hero goofed around and showed no effort to improve himself. While other heroes charged into the enemy’s base and valiantly killed off their foes, her hero hid in their base and slept soundly. ... As time passed, Su Wan slowly discovered that there was more to her hero than met the eye.

    Nefarian · ファンタジー
  • He's Actually A Sexy Girl? I Erected!

    After meeting in reality, Tang Feng suddenly realized that his online best friend was more feminine than he imagined. Even a little "Bottom". At that time, he obtained the Scanning System. The result of the scan on his best friend was [Song Lele. Female. Beauty score: 93. Body score: 95. Net worth: 46 million.] Scan lottery: [High-quality lottery ticket. Contains a Tier One reward.] Scan stone: [High-quality rough jadeite. Will be able to obtain 182 grams of Emperor Jade once opened.] This is a system what could actually scan everything! … He could not believe that his best friend was actually a school diva, disguised as a man, have an extremely sexy figure, large and elastic breasts, tight and slender legs, add the most enchanting face... He shamelessly got an erection out of control

    Not Yi Fan · 都市
  • Taming my Monster Girl Harem from Scratch

    A world where taming monsters is the mainstream to survive. Cloud, an orphan from the slums, suddenly recovered his memories of a previous life. A man living on modern Earth, and an avid fan of sexy monster girls. Running away from the constraints of his current life and starting anew, he decided to throw away his name and live as just "Will". Join Will on his journey to pursue strength that will not bow to anyone. With support from his army of sexy and dangerous monster girls!

    SeraphWedd · ファンタジー
  • God of War Ye Fan: Sexy sister-in-law insisted on marrying me

    Five years ago, after a car accident, Ye Fan fell from a demonic prodigy to an "idiot"! Five years later, on the same day, his seven older brothers and three uncles all perished on the battlefield, a family of ten loyal martyrs! At the funeral, Ye Fan's fiancée called off their engagement. The stunning sister-in-law declared on the spot, "If you didn't want to marry him, I will! I am willing to carry on the Ye Family line..." Ye Fan felt uneasy, "Sister-in-law, please don't. I'm really not an idiot anymore!"

    The remnants of the sun over the vast sea · 都市
  • Una Hermosa Luna Después del Rechazo

    ``` Cecily era una chica escuálida sin amigos. Sin embargo, como todas las demás chicas, anhelaba el amor verdadero. Siempre había estado enamorada de Roberto, el hijo del Alfa de su Manada. Sin embargo, en su decimoctavo cumpleaños, ¡descubrió que Roberto era su compañero! Antes de que pudiera abrazarlo emocionada, Roberto ya había apartado su mano como si fuera un trozo de basura. —No te convertirás en mi compañera. Finge que hoy no pasó nada. ¡Vete y cuida tu boca. No digas nada que no debas decir! —Roberto miraba descaradamente a la sexy y hermosa rubia Alison en su graduación de la escuela secundaria. El viaje de graduación cambió a Cecily, haciéndola más fuerte, más segura, más vibrante, más bella y sexy. Además, Roberto, que la encontró nuevamente en el campus de su universidad, comenzó a perseguirla. —Deberías ser mi Luna. Viviremos juntos a partir de ahora. Tendremos muchos hijos. Serán saludables e inteligentes. —Los ojos de Roberto estaban llenos de lujuria. ¡El acoso de Roberto hacía que Cecily se sintiera disgustada y nauseabunda! Como Cecily no podía protegerse de Roberto debido a la diferencia de fuerza, apareció Miguel. —Tus acciones te hacen indigno de ser un Alfa —Miguel miró a Roberto con desdén. Durante la inauguración de Roberto como Alfa, Cecily ya no pudo tolerar su acoso. —Yo, Cecily Levin, rechazo a Roberto Paslo como mi compañero —Cuando Roberto estaba furioso y sufriendo, queriendo herir a Cecily, ¡Miguel apareció de nuevo! —Cecily era la compañera dispuesta por la Diosa de la Luna para mí —Miguel miró a Cecily dulcemente. —Quien se atreva a tocarla está faltando al respeto a la familia real. ```

    JQK · ファンタジー
  • The Warden of Sexy Witches

    Experiencing life as a warden in a different world is quite the journey, to say the least. Thieves, pirates, assassins, master deceivers, terrorists... Werewolves, vampires, witches, necromancers, succubi... Welcome to the Rose Iron Prison, where the most dangerous witches from around the world are gathered. "I am determined to make this the best model prison in the world!" declared a prison guard who had crossed over to this alternate realm. "Warden, there's been another jailbreak!" "Bring them back and throw them into solitary confinement." Today at the Rose Iron Prison, it's another peaceful day. The warden remarked, "I'm just diligently managing my prison, how did I become a big shot in a different world?"

    Feeding Pigeons in the Square · ACG
  • Uma Linda Luna Após a Rejeição

    Cecily era uma garota magricela sem amigos. No entanto, como todas as outras garotas, ansiava por um amor verdadeiro. Ela sempre foi apaixonada por Roberto, filho do Alfa de sua Matilha. No entanto, no seu décimo oitavo aniversário, descobriu que Roberto era seu Companheiro! Antes que pudesse abraçá-lo em excitação, Roberto já havia lançado sua mão para longe como um pedaço de lixo. "Você não se tornará minha Companheira. Finja que nada aconteceu hoje. Vá embora e vigie sua boca. Não diga nada que não deva dizer!" Roberto olhava publicamente para a loira sexy e bonita Alison na formatura do ensino médio. A viagem de formatura mudou Cecily, tornando-a mais forte, mais confiante, mais vibrante, e mais bela e sexy. Além disso, Roberto, que a encontrou novamente no campus da faculdade, começou a persegui-la. "Você deve ser minha Luna. Viveremos juntos a partir de agora. Teremos muitos filhos. Eles serão saudáveis e inteligentes." Os olhos de Roberto estavam cheios de luxúria. A insistência de Roberto fez Cecily sentir nojo e náuseas! Como Cecily não podia se proteger de Roberto devido à diferença de força, Michael apareceu. "Suas ações o tornam indigno como um Alfa." Michael olhou para Roberto com desprezo. Na inauguração de Roberto como Alfa, Cecily não pôde mais tolerar sua insistência. "Eu, Cecily Levin, rejeito Roberto Paslo como meu companheiro." Quando Roberto estava furioso e com dor, querendo ferir Cecily, Michael apareceu novamente! "Cecily foi a Companheira arranjada pela Deusa da Lua para mim." Michael olhou para Cecily com ternura. "Quem quer que ouse tocá-la está desrespeitando a família real."

    JQK · ファンタジー
  • Une belle Luna après le rejet

    Cecily était une fille maigre sans amis. Pourtant, comme toutes les autres filles, elle aspirait au véritable amour. Elle avait toujours eu le béguin pour Robert, le fils de l'Alpha de leur Meute. Cependant, pour son dix-huitième anniversaire, elle découvrit que Robert était son Âme Soeur ! Avant qu'elle ne puisse l'enlacer d'excitation, Robert avait déjà repoussé sa main comme un détritus. « Tu ne deviendras pas mon Âme Soeur. Fais comme si rien ne s'était passé aujourd'hui. Pars et garde ta langue. Ne dis rien que tu ne devrais pas dire ! » Robert reluquait publiquement la sexy et belle blonde Alison lors de leur remise des diplômes au lycée. Le voyage de fin d'études transforma Cecily, la rendant plus forte, plus confiante, plus éclatante, et plus belle et sexy. De plus, Robert, qui l'a retrouvée sur le campus de son collège plus tard, commença à la poursuivre. « Tu devrais être ma Luna. Désormais, nous vivrons ensemble. Nous aurons beaucoup d'enfants. Ils seront en bonne santé et intelligents. » Les yeux de Robert étaient remplis de luxure. Les assiduités de Robert rendaient Cecily dégoûtée et nauséeuse ! Comme Cecily ne pouvait se protéger de Robert en raison de la différence de force, Michael apparut. « Tes actions te rendent indigne en tant qu'Alpha. » Michael regardait Robert avec dédain. Lors de l'intronisation de Robert en tant qu'Alpha, Cecily ne pouvait plus tolérer ses assiduités. « Moi, Cecily Levin, je rejette Robert Paslo en tant qu'âme soeur. » Quand Robert était furieux et souffrant, voulant blesser Cecily, Michael réapparut ! « Cecily était l'Âme Soeur arrangée par la Déesse de la Lune pour moi. » Michael regardait Cecily doucement. « Quiconque ose la toucher manque de respect à la famille royale. »

    JQK · ファンタジー
  • Eine schöne Luna nach Ablehnung

    Cecily war ein schmächtiges Mädchen ohne Freunde. Doch wie alle anderen Mädchen sehnte sie sich nach der wahren Liebe. Sie war schon immer in Robert, den Sohn des Alphas in ihrem Rudel, verknallt. Doch an ihrem achtzehnten Geburtstag erfuhr sie, dass Robert ihr Gefährte war! Bevor sie ihn vor Aufregung umarmen konnte, hatte Robert ihre Hand schon weggeschleudert wie ein Stück Dreck. "Du wirst nicht mein Gefährte werden. Tu so, als wäre heute nichts passiert. Geh und pass auf, was du sagst. Sag nichts, was du nicht sagen solltest!" Robert beäugte die sexy, schöne blonde Alison öffentlich bei ihrer Highschool-Abschlussfeier. Die Abschlussfahrt hat Cecily verändert, sie ist stärker, selbstbewusster, lebendiger, schöner und sexy geworden. Außerdem begann Robert, der sie auf seinem College-Campus wiedertraf, sie zu verfolgen. "Du sollst meine Luna sein. Wir werden von nun an zusammen leben. Wir werden viele Kinder haben. Sie werden gesund und klug sein." Roberts Augen waren voller Lust. Roberts Pöbeleien widerten Cecily an und verursachten Ekel und Übelkeit! Als Cecily sich aufgrund des Kraftunterschieds nicht vor Robert schützen konnte, erschien Michael. "Dein Verhalten macht dich als Alpha unwürdig." Michael sah Robert mit Verachtung an. Während Roberts Amtseinführung als Alpha konnte Cecily seine Pöbeleien nicht mehr ertragen. "Ich, Cecily Levin, lehne Robert Paslo als meinen Gefährten ab." Als Robert wütend war und Cecily verletzen wollte, tauchte Michael wieder auf! "Cecily war die Gefährtin, die von der Mondgöttin für mich bestimmt wurde." Michael sah Cecily sanft an. "Wer es wagt, sie zu berühren, respektiert die königliche Familie nicht."

    JQK · ファンタジー
  • Mercenary Harem in Murim Novel

    After putting a suggestion to add a mercenary in a bad Murim novel he read, Leo would finish a mission with his NPCs before sleeping. Or so he planned. For some reason, he was transported into the said novel as the extra mercenary added by the author. His loyal NPCs, a yandere secretary, a happy-go-lucky assassin, a sexy puppeteer, and two weapon maniac guys start to become sentient. He lead his mercenary band 'Hallowed Insects' toward an an unprecedented future in a Murim most turbulent era while enjoying his time. Fortunately, they still have their futuristic equipment with them. Tang Clan have a Poison Dagger, they have a Photon Sword. Shaolin Sect has a Qi Blast, they have a Railgun. And of course... "How much are you willing to pay to employ us? By the way, Demon Sect pay us 50,000 Golds to join their side in the upcoming war." ... he always sided with the highest bidder. === Warning: Story with R18 element

    ShuviLily · ファンタジー
  • Elegido por el Destino, Rechazado por el Alfa

    Trinidad, de dieciocho años, es diferente a cualquier otro hombre lobo en su manada. Para empezar, hubo circunstancias inusuales en torno a su nacimiento, y además, ella es el único miembro de la manada que nunca ha adoptado una forma de lobo. Así que ahora no encaja en ningún lado. No es completamente humana ni loba. Pensó que podría vivir su vida como quisiera cuando cumpliese dieciocho años. Ir a la universidad, hacer amigos, divertirse. Pero, ¿qué debe hacer cuando el peligrosamente sexy Alfa cae literalmente en su regazo? —No soy humana ni loba. No pertenezco a ningún lugar... —...ambos sabemos que nadie se emparejará conmigo, y aunque lo hicieran, me rechazarían de todos modos. —¿Qué hará el sexy y hosco Alfa? Los mayores lo obligan a realizar ridículas fiestas para buscar una pareja. No quiere una compañera, pero sabe que necesita una para completar el Círculo Alfa. Sin una compañera, una Luna para la manada, su gente sufriría. ¿Y qué va a hacer cuando se encuentre con la chica con la que el destino tiene ex esposa del Presidente Embarazada, Ex Esposa para él y descubra que no tiene lobo? —¡Esto no puede ser! —rugí—. No hay forma de que pueda emparejarme con una chica que ni siquiera tiene un lobo. Será demasiado débil. Será inferior. No será lo suficientemente fuerte para ser una Luna. —Simplemente no podía aceptarla como mi compañera. No completamente. No era seguro para ella. Se pondría en peligro. Y arrastraría a mi manada con ella. —Cuando estos dos se encuentren, seguro que saltarán chispas. ¿Pero serán de pasión, o de sus constantes luchas? Ninguno quería una pareja. Ninguno quiere la compañera que el destino eligió para ellos. Y ninguno puede hacer desaparecer ese vínculo de pareja. ¿Qué van a hacer ahora que están literalmente atrapados el uno con el otro?

    Deni_Chance · ファンタジー
  • My Sexy CEO Wife

    Heartbreak comes with perks? Gao Fei was devastated and nearly fell apart after being dumped for being poor, but he unexpectedly received the Demon God Heritage. From that moment on, he could easily gather wealth, beautiful women, and power all into his fold. What? Now his ex-girlfriend is on her knees, begging him to come back? Sorry, do you think you're worthy?

    Wandering · 都市

    Love? "That's possible man" I am utterly in love with a certain curvy beauty!!! He is BLAKE CROSBY, the most wanted bachelor in NEW YORK CITY Mouthwatering, powerful, Influential, very rich and have I mentioned Irresistible! Well he is literally every ladies crush! Blake had always believed love wasn't meant for him Not until HER!!! His Sexy PA

    feeesah · 都市
  • Breaking His Walls [BL omegaverse]

    Exposing his abuser through a controversial book was the best thing that happened to Yoo Haneul’s childhood. But growing up being pestered by the public turned everything against him, and now, the young author becomes the cold-hearted, indifferent omega who uses alphas to escape his reality. But then he was rejected by the soft, over-thinking alpha – Jung Sangcheol. And a few bad encounters and a night of drinking later, the strong walls he built start to crack. How will the nonchalant alpha break the remaining walls complete? And will the detached omega finally let someone in? --- An original campus omegaverse AU, with none of the heavy alpha-dominating-omega storyline. [Warning] An angsty omegaverse with sensitive content. Not for the easily triggered. Proceed with caution! Also, contains Mature Contents later in the story. It’s a slow-burn, sexy time comes later ;)

    Tiffany_JC · LGBT+
  • Reincarnated as the Son of Conglomerate

    A man who nearly destroyed the world is reborn as the son of a wealthy family. Klaus Mors, a man who had reached the peak of ultimate power, was punished by God. His soul was banished to a modern world. However, that world was also on the verge of destruction. Portals from other dimensions appeared, releasing monsters that ravaged cities and preyed on humans. Of course, Klaus had to take action if he didn't want his new world to be destroyed. [Fire element affinity: Extremely strong!] [Water element affinity: Extremely strong!] [Thunder element affinity: Extremely strong!] [Earth element affinity: Extremely strong!] [Battle power exceeds 1,000,000!] [You got a sexy girlfriend!] While protecting his new life, Klaus had to compete for power in his family, establish a company, continue his bloodline, and create a guild that defended the country. *Set in the USA, but I'm not a native, so the dialog is bit off. *The story takes place in the real world, but most of it is fiction.

    mozziexxxx · ファンタジー
  • Housemates: The Good, Bad and Sexy

    What happens when people live together? James and Mira have been friends since they were kids, so maybe they could live without killing each other, but what about Rachel and Noah? Having to live with her brother and his good-looking narcissistic best friend, Rachel wanted nothing more than to get rid of him. It was either he got rid of her or she got rid of him. There were no other options left for Rachel. But what if there were other options? ~~~ Mia has her life all figured out. She was able to rise to the top on her own. All she wanted was for her boyfriend to return so they could have their happily ever after, but what happens when a baby shows up from nowhere? ~~~ Chloe is the typical example of a cold CEO. She was always business-oriented and kept a straight face. A lot of men wanted her. But everyone knew she only had eyes for one boy.  How the very innocent Jeremy manage to steal her heart, no one knew.  They will all face problems. Will they overcome it? Add this book to your library. I assure you, you'll enjoy their individual stories.  The Good The Bad and the SEXY

    ThatAmazingGirl · 都市

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