
mitsuru miyamoto小説のオンライン読書 - 人気小説 - WebNovel



    Dimulai dari Fuyuki Matsuda seorang pengguna kekuatan spiritual berbakat di Divisi Nol Rakugaki menerima wasiat dari ayahnya yang meninggal di Kantor Perusahaan Miyamoto 4 bulan lalu. Dalam wasiatnya, ia diminta untuk bersekolah di SMA Abeno dan meneruskan perusahaan yang orang tuanya tinggalkan. Tidak ada orang lain selain Fuyuki yang bisa menggantikan posisi ayahnya di perusahaan. Selain itu, Fuyuki beranggapan ayahnya meninggal karena dibunuh dan wasiat itu merupakan dying message. Kini Fuyuki menjalankan wasiat tersebut dengan bersekolah di SMA Abeno bersama Hiyori Fujisaki dan Mawaru Yoshioka, dan menjadi direktur utama perusahaan sambil menyelidiki penyebab kematian Ayahnya. Hiyori dan Mawaru merupakan pengguna spiritual yang sedang dalam mode pelatihan. Mereka berdua memanggil Fuyuki sebagai pelatihnya dengan sebutan “Master” namun karena Fuyuki menjadi ketua kelas, mereka memanggilnya dengan sebutan “Ketua”. Di samping itu mereka sebagai pengguna spiritual harus menyembunyikan identitasnya karena dikhawatirkan dapat menyebabkan kesenjangan sosial yang parah. Tetapi, rahasia mereka sempat akan terbongkar karena ada seorang gangster meminta bantuan bernama Madara Madarame yang ternyata cucu dari guru mereka bertiga, tak lama kemudian mereka menjadi sahabat. Suatu ketika pada pelajaran olahraga, Mawaru tak sengaja bertemu dengan sahabatnya bernama Kana Ayami yang baru saja memulai debutnya sebagai idol. Mawaru mengenalkan Fuyuki, Hiyori, dan Madara kepada Ayami. Karena alasan tertentu, Fuyuki terlibat lebih dalam ke kehidupan Ayami yang membuat identitasnya terbongkar. Momo yang saat ini merupakan teman dekat Ayami ternyata sekretaris muda perusahaan Miyamoto sehingga dirinya terpaksa menjelaskan semuanya terkait dengan kehidupan Fuyuki. Ayami yang tidak menyangka bahwa dirinya adalah keturunan penyihir memutuskan untuk mengunjungi Nekomichi atas saran dari Fuyuki. Nekomichi adalah peramal nasib legendaris, tak hanya urusan nasib saja ternyata malah meramalkan cinta dan katanya kini Ayami terikat takdir bersama Fuyuki. Ayami mencoba meyakini hal itu, namun melihat sikap Fuyuki yang begitu dingin membuat Ayami ingin menyerah. Ketika berada dalam satu klub “Paramistic” yang terbentuk karena faktor kesengajaan, hubungan keduanya semakin dekat semakin bisa mengungkapkan perasaan satu sama lain. Mampukah Ayami mempertahankan cintanya dengan Fuyuki? Apakah kehidupan Fuyuki akan berubah setelah bertemu Ayami?

    ANABANTINGAN · ファンタジー

    Starting from Fuyuki Matsuda a talented spiritual power user in the Zero Rakugaki Division received a will from his father who died at the Miyamoto Company Office 4 months ago. In his will, he was asked to attend Osaka High School and continue the company his parents left. There is no one other than Fuyuki who can replace his father's position in the company. In addition, Fuyuki assumed his father died from being killed and that the will was a dying message. Now Fuyuki is carrying out the will by attending Osaka High School with Hiyori Fujisaki and Mawaru Yoshioka and becomes the company's president director while investigating the cause of his father's death. Hiyori and Mawaru are spiritual users who are in training mode. They both called Fuyuki as their trainer as "Master" but because Fuyuki was the class leader, they called him "Class Leader". Besides that, they as spiritual users must hide their identity because it is feared that it could cause severe social inequality. However, their secret was about to be revealed because a gangster asked for help named Madara Madarame, who turned out to be the grandson of their teacher, and soon they became friends. Once while studying sports, Mawaru accidentally met her best friend named Kana Ayami who had just debuted as an idol. Mawaru introduces Fuyuki, Hiyori, and Madara to Ayami. For some reason, Fuyuki is deeply involved in Ayami's life which makes her identity exposed. Momo, who is currently a close friend of Ayami, turns out to be the young company secretary of Miyamoto, so she is forced to explain everything related to Fuyuki's life. Ayami, who did not think that she was a descendant of a magician, decided to visit Nekomichi on the advice of Fuyuki. Nakamichi is a legendary fortune teller, not only a matter of fate, it turns out to predict love and Ayami is bound by destiny with Fuyuki. Ayami tries to believe it, but Fuyuki is very cold that makes Ayami wants to give up. When they are in a "Paramistic" club that is formed due to deliberate factors, the closer the two are to expressing their feelings for each other. Can Ayami maintain her love for Fuyuki? Will Fuyuki's life change after meeting Ayami? Spoiler: After the case of his father's death is revealed, Fuyuki goes to Tokyo to investigate the accident that happened to him several years ago. He intends to judge the mastermind behind it all, especially someone who wants to take his family's inheritance. After that, Fuyuki who was shocked and lost his memory was forced to live in Rakugaki World. Everything becomes clearer after knowing the figure behind the founder of the Paramistic club. Mawaru who was rejected by the man she has loved for a long time is now forced to marry an Onmyouji to continue the lineage of the temple owner of the Onmyodo experts. Everyone is asking about the future with the path of life they choose, the fact that Fuyuki can't return to the real world due to his unrecoverable memory causes deep sadness, especially for Ayami. So what method should Ayami use to bring Fuyuki back to look to the same future? There is only one sure way.

    ANABANTINGAN · ファンタジー
  • Musashi Miyamoto Fan-Fic MHA

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  • Me abruma... Esté sentimiento.

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  • 《CHANGE 》

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    Bhatti04 · 一般的
  • Purgation.

    in the world where there exist 'Brahmans' and 'rakshasas.' a boy came to the city of Tokyo in hopes to become a Brahman, so he could "purge" all of the rakshasas. Our main protagonist is quite mysterious. what is a Brahman? what is a rakshasa? what is our protagonist's ambition? To follow his adventures & understand the concept, do check out this novel! P.S: I'll improve my writing quality alongside with the upcoming chapters. Please do read till volume 3. From there, the story will get better and better.

    Soraren_Miyamoto · ファンタジー
  • The gods of Mesopotamia

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    _Zennn · 歴史
  • Just the daily life of a normal high schooler

    Miyamoto Daichi is a high schooler going to school and is also a massive victim of bullying but is that all there is to him? Or is he something more terrifying? No one knows the answer except for him himself.

    The_unknown_guy · アクション
  • Hollow Phantasm Heritage

    -NEW CHAPTER EVERY 2-4 DAYS- Mountain Weepnest - the world's tallest mountain whose peak has never been reached, filled with many dangerous secrets, harsh environments, and relics from a time long past. One day, the Weepnest race is announced. A call to every brave soul from around the globe to see who possesses the most strength and determination to reach the top of Mountain Weepnest and win the grand prize of one hundred million yen. Enter Asuka Miyamoto, the daughter of the legendary martial artist Senji Miyamoto, who aspires to enter the race to save her father from a rare disease. Desperate to save her father, Asuka will stop at nothing to win the race and will show the world what she is capable of. "I shall save him...no matter the cost..."

    Grandalf_The_Grand · ファンタジー
  • The Sleepy Moniter

    James is a lazy boy. James works at the Nanba Prison. His job is basically a hall moniter, but a little more intense. Although James is a smaller and skinnier than any of the guards there, he does a pretty good job. If you were a guard that hasn't seen him before, while he was doing his job, they may think that he is just lazing around like a lazy bum. But, he's actually listening to his surroundings. James is also in a relationship with Mitsuru Hitokoe. So get ready James amazing adventure and gay life.

    Cower0_0 · 都市
  • Myth of the Dragonborn

    Dive into a the Myth of the Dragonborn. Where the world's history used to have dragons that have passed down their bloodlines to the humans to keep the world in balance. Ethan Dracul was found by a the last monk of the dragon monastery. The monk, Grandpa Miyamoto helps develop him to learn the dragon fighting style and the dragon mind. Then the Dragonslayer Company found of Ethan's existence and in trying to capture him, Grandpa Miyamoto is killed and Ethan goes after revenge. The journey is filled with uncertainty and knowing who to trust is just the first step.

    Kev2270 · ファンタジー
  • Only Half-Human

    When mysterious transfer student Akihiko joins Mitsuru's class, she's unsettled by a shocking secret hidden beneath his attractive exterior. As Mitsuru unravels the truth, she risks her sanity and safety, delving into a world where appearances deceive and reality fractures.

    Pename · 若者
  • Wishes For The Damned

    For eons, death meant going up There or Down Below. Armies of the Damned versus the Legion of His Holy Creations, pick a side while you were still alive, if you can avoid being swallowed up by temptation from the other. Nobody knew of anything other than "dealing with The Devil", but what if one side had too many souls? What if someone wanted to see, is the grass truly greener? In Wishes For The Damned, take a quest on an epic journey across time and lifetimes, in this reincarnation driven action/adventure/comedy crossover that will leave you begging, praying for more! Our story begins in Hell, where one of our main characters, Tene Reikusu, a high ranking member of the elite upper management of the Underworld (yes, Hell is ran like any other functioning society, complete with commerce and government! Just don't piss the "big boss" off) stumbles upon a scheme so grand he just has to see for himself if it is true. Joining him is his coworker, famed warrior (Shin) Miyamoto Musashi. Together, they venture onto the mortal plane to get to the bottom of this scheme, reincarnating through their respective offspring (if they have a suitable one alive in the same era), but at the same time, to scratch the itch that has been bugging them: Is the grass really greener on the other side?

    Cali_DotLive · アクション
  • ‎‎‎‎‎你好 what 2

    Ray is an orphan who was born with a rare illness that has crippled him since birth. Although his condition is curable, he still cannot afford to heal himself due to the high cost of treatment. Even though he has no one to rely on in the world, he remains hopeful that a miracle will happen to him someday. Then one day, Ray wakes up in a different body on an unfamiliar planet. It is a world with more advanced technology than his past one. It not only has advanced technology, but it also has many people's childhood dream, Magic. This world appears to follow the same rules as any fantasy story: "Strong rules over weak", "Power equals authority", and "Survival of the fittest". Despite the fact that the rules on this planet are cliché, what can he do? Cry? Protest? Be a hero and change the system? No.  Ray has only one goal in mind. It is to do his best to survive in this new environment while also enjoying his new life. Little did Ray know that he would not only enjoy his new life, but that he would also stand at the pinnacle of this magical planet thanks to the assistance he received from the system he acquired as he gains consciousness in a different body. [ Earth's Greatest Legacy System ] : It contains experiences, guides, and skills from Earth's humans who excelled in various fields such as Weapons, Martial Arts, Science, and so on throughout Earth's history. 'Isn't just basically saying I could receive help from the most talented people in Earth's history, like the genius 'Albert Einstein' or one of the greatest swordsmen to ever exist, 'Miyamoto Musashi'?! Holy f*ck!' Ray's mind raced with excitement and wonder. Let's follow Ray's second life journey in a world of fantasy as he accomplishes amazing feats that astonish many people. ===== Are you curious about the full features of Ray's system? Give a few chapters a try. ===== The cover photo is not mine, it is AI-generated. I only added the text to it.

    RottenEgg · ファンタジー

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