
mia khalifa小説のオンライン読書 - 人気小説 - WebNovel


  • Khalifa: Queen in the Apocalypse

    [Mature Content] Khalifa Fei, a famed water mage, suddenly woke up into a stupidly enjoyable book about the undead. Although she transmigrated into a cannon fodder who didn't even have a name in the book... she really didn't mind. After all, how could she possibly miss watching the book she liked in the flesh?? What she didn't expect was that there would be so many... distractions along the way. Would she even be able to prepare properly with all these men pulling her to bed? #Space #Magic #ReverseHarem #Polyandry #zombies #apocalypse #Transmigration #R18 #Smut CHECK OUT IMAGES on my KoFi page www.ko-fi.com/heatherreader

    HeatherReader · ファンタジー
  • Mia is Not a Trouble-Maker!

    The Miller family had a troublemaker in the family. Her name was Amelia Miller. Her mother died in childbirth when she was born. Her stepmother fell off a flight of stairs while pregnant and died. Amelia's father punished her by making her face the wall in the attic. The attic was dark and humid, and there was no sunlight at all. Nobody brought her food, and Amelia thought she might very well die there. Moments before her death, she dialed a number that her mother had told her before she passed away. After she hung up, there were rumbling sounds all around her. The Miller family's residence was surrounded by a group of bodyguards dressed in black. Eight men got out of their cars, each with a different aura. They went directly to the attic. The man who led them went down on one knee and held Amelia, unconscious, in his arms. He had a solemn expression on his face. "The Miller family needs to go bankrupt." After sleeping the entire night, Amelia woke up to find that her father was bankrupt. Her family members were all homeless. Meanwhile, she... She had eight uncles and a kind grandfather who loved her dearly. Amelia's father regretted what he did, and he was unwilling to accept his fate. So what if Amelia was living a good life now? She was still the troublemaker who got her mother killed and her father bankrupt! Little did he know, after Amelia returned to her uncle's house, their luck only seemed to improve. Even her bedridden grandmother could now get out of bed and dance in the square! Finally, a god-like man claimed to be her father. He pampered her to the point where the entire world became envious of her.

    Song Ci · 一般的
  • Loving The Temperamental Adonis

    He stormed into the room, his gray eyes narrowing as he saw the faint trace of a fingerprint on her face. Fury flashed across his face, and he demanded, "Who the fuck did this to you?!" She hesitated, aware of his explosive temper and scared that he might turn on her if she told him that his so called girlfriend, Davina had slapped her for mistakenly dropping a glass. "Nobody, just an accident." she replied, attempting to downplay the situation. A humorless laugh escaped Neil's lips, his gray eyes ablaze with anger. "Nobody? You think I'll let someone get away with hurting you? Tell me, Harrison, or I swear I'll make it my mission to punish every single person in this goddamn building." Knowing he never gave empty threats, Mia opened her mouth and whispered, "It-it was your girlfriend..." Few minutes later, Mia was astonished to witness what he did to his girlfriend for daring to hit her. "Nobody dares lay a filthy hand on something that is mine. Mia Harrison is not my lover, but she is my woman." Meet Neil Wayner, a famous soldier on a secret mission and a successful CEO, with a temper that could burn the world. Love, marriage, he doesn't believe in such things. But when she slowly began to slip her way into his life, he claimed her as his woman. On the other hand, meet Mia Harrison a girl from a poor town studying Journalism in an expensive university with dreams of making it big someday, but when she met Neil Wayner, who is on a secret mission in the University she studies in, things took a turn in Mia's life. Witness the roller coaster romance between a raging devil and a beautiful angel. ** Note: Mature Content. No Rape.

    Ash20 · 都市
  • Khalifa: Rainha no Apocalipse

    [Conteúdo Adulto] Khalifa Fei, uma renomada maga da água, de repente acordou dentro de um livro estupidamente agradável sobre os mortos-vivos. Embora ela tenha transmigrado para uma personagem secundária que nem mesmo tinha nome no livro... ela realmente não se importava. Afinal, como ela poderia perder a chance de assistir ao livro que gostava em carne e osso?? O que ela não esperava era que haveria tantas... distrações pelo caminho. Será que ela conseguiria se preparar adequadamente com todos esses homens a arrastando para a cama? #Espaço #Magia #HarémInverso #Poligamia #zumbis #apocalipse #Transmigração #R18 #Picante CONFIRA IMAGENS na minha página do KoFi www.ko-fi.com/heatherreader

    HeatherReader · ファンタジー
  • Mia n'est pas une fauteuse de troubles !

    La famille Miller avait dans ses rangs une fauteuse de troubles. Son nom était Amelia Miller. Sa mère était morte en couches lorsqu'elle est née. Sa belle-mère est tombée d'un escalier alors qu'elle était enceinte et est morte. Le père d'Amelia la punissait en la faisant mettre face au mur dans le grenier. Le grenier était sombre et humide, sans la moindre lumière du soleil. Personne ne lui apportait à manger, et Amelia pensait qu'elle pourrait bien y mourir. Peu avant sa mort, elle composa un numéro que sa mère lui avait donné avant de passer. Après avoir raccroché, des bruits de grondement résonnèrent autour d'elle. La résidence de la famille Miller était encerclée par un groupe de gardes du corps habillés en noir. Huit hommes sortirent de leurs voitures, chacun dégageant une aura différente. Ils se dirigèrent directement vers le grenier. L'homme qui les menait mit un genou à terre et tint Amelia, inconsciente, dans ses bras. Il avait une expression solennelle sur le visage. « La famille Miller doit faire faillite. » Après avoir dormi toute la nuit, Amelia se réveilla pour découvrir que son père avait fait faillite. Les membres de sa famille étaient tous sans-abri. Pendant ce temps, elle... Elle avait huit oncles et un grand-père aimant qui l'adoraient profondément. Le père d'Amelia regrettait ce qu'il avait fait, et il refusait d'accepter son destin. Et alors si Amelia menait maintenant une bonne vie ? Elle restait la fauteuse de troubles qui avait causé la mort de sa mère et la faillite de son père ! Il ignorait qu'après le retour d'Amelia chez son oncle, leur chance ne semblait que s'améliorer. Même sa grand-mère clouée au lit pouvait désormais sortir de son lit et danser sur la place ! Enfin, un homme à l'allure divine prétendit être son père. Il la dorlotait au point que le monde entier l'enviait.

    Falling · 一般的
  • How To Correctly Use Your Infinite Magical Power

    ++ Infinite Magical Power ++ In a world where magic defines status, our protagonist, born of nobility and commoners, faces a harsh reality. Labeled as 'magicless' by the society's rigid standards due to a flawed assessment, he becomes a target for ridicule and persecution, treated like less than a human by those who once claimed kinship. Yet beneath the surface lies a powerful truth: he possesses an INFINITE reservoir of magical energy, a gift that could change everything. As he endures the relentless cruelty of his peers, determination ignites within him. No longer will he be the victim; he will rise from the shadows and unleash the true extent of his magic. "You all will eventually realize... that I have infinite magical power!"

    Mia_Miabella · ファンタジー
  • I Gain New Skills By The Minutes?!

    Just an ordinary high school student, Shuu Suzumura, is currently facing a dilemma. It's because he keeps hearing voices announcing that he has acquired new skills, even though he has no recollection of doing anything to earn them. "You have acquired a skill. You have acquired a skill. You have acquired a skill. Etc..." In other words, it's extremely annoying. ** I plan to display the protagonist's status every five chapters. Despite the word count, there are many parts you can easily skip through, so I think you can read it quickly. (From the author's perspective) The protagonist's overpowering developments will likely start from chapter 25. Posts will be irregular (almost daily).

    Mia_Miabella · ファンタジー
  • ¡Mia no es una alborotadora!

    ``` La familia Miller tenía una problemática en la familia. Su nombre era Amelia Miller. Su madre murió en el parto cuando ella nació. Su madrastra se cayó de una escalera mientras estaba embarazada y murió. El padre de Amelia la castigaba haciéndola enfrentarse a la pared en el ático. El ático era oscuro y húmedo, y no había nada de luz solar. Nadie le llevaba comida, y Amelia pensaba que podría muy bien morir allí. Momentos antes de su muerte, marcó un número que su madre le había dicho antes de fallecer. Después de colgar, hubo sonidos de estruendo a su alrededor. La residencia de la familia Miller estaba rodeada por un grupo de guardaespaldas vestidos de negro. Ocho hombres salieron de sus autos, cada uno con un aura distinta. Fueron directo al ático. El hombre que los lideraba se puso de rodillas y sostuvo a Amelia, inconsciente, en sus brazos. Tenía una expresión solemne en su rostro. —La familia Miller necesita declararse en bancarrota. Después de dormir toda la noche, Amelia despertó y descubrió que su padre estaba en bancarrota. Los miembros de su familia estaban todos sin hogar. Mientras tanto, ella... Ella tenía ocho tíos y un abuelo amable que la querían mucho. El padre de Amelia se arrepintió de lo que hizo, y no estaba dispuesto a aceptar su destino. —¿Y qué si Amelia ahora vivía una buena vida? ¡Ella seguía siendo la problemática que había matado a su madre y dejado a su padre en bancarrota! Poco sabía él que, después de que Amelia regresara a la casa de su tío, su suerte solo parecía mejorar. ¡Incluso su abuela postrada en cama ahora podía levantarse y bailar en la plaza! Finalmente, un hombre como de Dios afirmó ser su padre. La mimaba hasta el punto de que el mundo entero la envidiaba. ```

    Hanging Clock · 一般的
  • Dungeon Academy: Only I Have a Skill Tree

    In the private Hero High School, where young talents of dungeon explorers gather, Makoto Akaya enrolls, believing in his own abilities. However, upon discovering the gap between himself and his classmates, he realizes that he is the biggest failure in the school. Nevertheless, in the midst of despair, he encounters a skill tree that only he can use, and Makoto Akaya's life begins to change for the better.

    Mia_Miabella · ファンタジー
  • [From Broke To Billionaire!] Interdimensional Merchant

    What kind of impact would it have if we imported the potion to Earth? ~ + ~ +~ +~ +~ +~ + Wataru, one day, accidentally discovered that he could travel back and forth between another world and Japan. Weird, right? But that's not the end of it. As he gazed upon a town on the other side of the gate, which still had many undeveloped aspects compared to modern civilization, he realized the potential to make a huge profit. By bringing sugar, spices, coffee, and hygiene products to the other world, Wataru earned a fortune. However, when he noticed the potions being sold in the other world, he had an epiphany: "Wait, isn't this actually better than what we have on Earth?" He brought these potions, which could heal wounds in an instant, back to Earth. When he made a fortune just from these potions, the fattest grin appeared on his face.

    Mia_Miabella · 都市
  • Mia Não é uma Encrenqueira!

    ``` A família Miller tinha um problema na família. Seu nome era Amelia Miller. Sua mãe morreu no parto quando ela nasceu. Sua madrasta caiu de uma escada enquanto estava grávida e morreu. O pai de Amelia a puniu fazendo-a enfrentar a parede no sótão. O sótão era escuro e úmido, e não havia luz do sol nenhuma. Ninguém lhe trazia comida, e Amelia achava que poderia muito bem morrer ali. Momentos antes de sua morte, ela discou um número que sua mãe lhe havia dito antes de falecer. Depois que ela desligou, ouviram-se sons de estrondo ao redor dela. A residência da família Miller estava cercada por um grupo de guarda-costas vestidos de preto. Oito homens saíram de seus carros, cada um com uma aura diferente. Eles foram diretamente para o sótão. O homem que os liderava ajoelhou-se e segurou Amelia, inconsciente, em seus braços. Ele tinha uma expressão solene no rosto. "A família Miller precisa ir à falência." Depois de dormir a noite inteira, Amelia acordou para descobrir que seu pai estava falido. Os membros de sua família estavam todos sem-teto. Enquanto isso, ela... Ela tinha oito tios e um avô bondoso que a amavam muito. O pai de Amelia se arrependeu do que fez, e estava relutante em aceitar o seu destino. E daí se Amelia estava agora levando uma boa vida? Ela ainda era a encrenqueira que causou a morte de sua mãe e a falência de seu pai! O que ele não sabia, é que depois que Amelia voltou para a casa de seu tio, a sorte deles só parecia melhorar. Até sua avó acamada agora podia levantar da cama e dançar na praça! Finalmente, um homem com ar de deus alegou ser seu pai. Ele a mimava ao ponto de todo o mundo sentir inveja dela. ```

    Lily · 一般的
  • Lilim Heritage Online

    Mia: "There are three kinds of humans in this world, wet bananas, inedible bananas, and rotten bananas." Mob A&B&C: "What?" Mia: "I want to play a game. You will pick one of the bananas, and tell me what what type of humans you are." Mob A: "Screw you. Why should I?" *Mia killed Mob A* Mia: "Your turn." Mob B: "I'm a human, not a banana." *Mia killed Mob B and stuffed him into a banana.* Mia: "Your turn." Mob C: "I-I'm a wet banana." Mia: "Good choice!" *Nom-Nom Mew!* (Food!) *Tama killed Mob C* In a distant future, a dystopian age where mankind journeyed to space and claimed it as their playground. Laws are less sacred, and battle fleets of spaceships were the new rules. Hiding from all population, the Milky Way Government researched into immortality. Living in VRMMO games is also one of their answers, but that was not their real goal.... The feminine-looking Mia, a 16-year-old young man with a forgotten dark past, lived a normal life on earth. Everything changed when the government created a new VRMMO game and forced elite students to join. Enticed by the weaponry, mechanical units, and the robots, Mia played the game without realizing about the government's secret. Follow our multi-personality Trap Hero as the mystery slowly unfurls as he rediscovers his forgotten past while he dives head-first into wars... *Nom-Nom Mew?* (You got food?) ************************ Tags Gender Bender, Mecha, VRMMO, Sci-Fi, Military, Apocalypse, Evolution, Mutants, Zombies, No Homo ************************ From chapter 153 onward, all chapters have been proof-read by Ashmrth. -------------------------------- Discord: https://discord.gg/gRSnV3B

    DamnPlotArmor · ゲーム
  • Khalifa: Reina en el Apocalipsis

    ``` Khalifa Fei, una célebre maga del agua, de repente despertó dentro de un libro estúpidamente placentero sobre los no muertos. Aunque transmigró a un personaje de relleno que ni siquiera tenía nombre en el libro... realmente no le importaba. Después de todo, ¿cómo podría perderse ver el libro que le gustaba en carne y hueso? Lo que no esperaba era que habría tantas... distracciones en el camino. ¿Sería siquiera capaz de prepararse adecuadamente con todos estos hombres llevándola a la cama? #Espacio #Magia #HarénInverso #Poligamia #zombis #apocalipsis #Transmigración #18+ #Lascivia CHEQUEA IMÁGENES en mi página de KoFi www.ko-fi.com/heatherreader ```

    HeatherReader · ファンタジー
  • The Story of Blood and Roses

    [COMPLETED] "Are you going to shoot me, baby?" "Don't tempt me. . Mia Vincent only wanted one thing: Kill Anthony Murray. Kill the person who murdered her parents. Only his death would satisfy her thirst for his blood. When she was assigned the task of infiltrating his gang, she agreed willingly and started plotting the ways to destroy him. Yet she failed... miserably at that. How could she fall in love with a man who caused her so much pain? So. she ran... as fast as the wind, hoping to never see him again. When Anthony met Mia, he fell in love with her feisty attitude and thirst for adventure. He loved her with every fibre of his being. Yet in his world, loving someone was a risk, a danger to his empire. So, he chose to hurt her... made her stay far away from him. However, he soon realized how important her existence was. He couldn't live without her. Betrayals. Mobs. Guns. Violence. Will Anthony and Mia survive the wild ride? - - - - - Read my other works: 1. Cornered by the CEO - Complete 2. Autopsy of a Mind - Complete 3. Alter Ego: His Sultry Lover - Complete 4. Phoenix in the Moonlight - Hiatus Story Discord: https://discord.gg/bG7YsaRRbs Author Instagram: @sunscar9

    SunScar9 · 一般的

    Luna(24) adalah seorang gadis cantik dan menarik dengan paras bak model, ia bekerja sebagai sekertaris diperusahaan ternama selama enam tahun tapi suatu hari ia dikejutkan karena ternyata bos penggantinya yaitu Kevin (24) pria tampan yang maskulin yang selalu menggodanya ternyata adalah teman sekolahnya saat SMP dulu yang selalu dibullynya. Hidupnya berubah saat cinta menghinggapi mereka berdua, tapi kenyataan jika Kevin telah dijodohkan dengan seorang wanita bernama Monic membuat mereka terjebak dalam situasi yang rumit, Monic sendiri adalah seorang mantan narapidana karena saat kuliah dulu ia mencoba meracuni wanita yang akan dinikahi oleh pria yang dicintainya. Monic ingin membalas dendam melalui Kevin yang tidak lain adalah sahabat dari pria yang dicintainya. Dengan niat yang buruk memisahkan persahabatan mereka Monic nekat meminta dijodohkan dengan Kevin oleh ayahnya, tapi tanpa Monic sadari ia telah jatuh cinta pada Kevin dan membuat hubungan Luna dan Kevin semakin memburuk. Monic yang tidak terima dengan hubungan Luna dan Kevin lantas membuat Luna dan Kevin mengalami kecelakaan dan membuat Luna dan Kevin kehilangan ingatan tentang perasaan cinta mereka melalui Hipnoterapy dengan memanfaatkan adik angkatnya. Akankah Luna dan Kevin bisa menang melawan Monic dan dapat menemukan cinta mereka?? ****************************** Sinopsis vol.2 (Destiny of love ) Mia & Varell Pernahkah kamu membayangkan, menikahi pria yang mencintai sahabatmu sendiri? Bukan karena sebuah perjodohan.. Tapi karena kami memang berjodoh. Aku Mia, Ibuku telah meninggal sejak beberapa tahun yang lalu dan kini aku tinggal bersama dengan Luna sahabatku karena ayahku telah menikahi wanita lain dan membuatnya mengabaikanku. Suatu hari ayahku mencariku, aku sangat bahagia.. Dia telah kembali perduli padaku tapi ternyata aku salah.. Cinta dapat mengubah segalanya.. Bahkan cinta seorang ayah yang berubah karena ia menemukan cinta yang membutakannya. Ayahku menjodohkanku.. Bukan dengan pria kaya dan tampan tapi pria tua yang sudah bau tanah dengan alasan hidupku akan sejahtera tapi sebenarnya hanya untuk menyelamatkan perusahaannya yang hampir bangkrut. Singkat cerita ayahku memaksaku untuk ikut dengannya dan di saat aku hampir tidak dapat menyelamatkan diri, dia datang. Varell namanya, pria yang cukup aku kenal karena ia menyimpan perasaan pada sahabatku Luna. Ia mengatakan pada ayahku bahwa dia adalah kekasihku.. Dan dari situlah kisah kami dimulai... Kami terjebak dalam situasi yang mengikat kami.. Dan dengan hati yang terluka kami memutuskan untuk hidup bersama. Menutupi kesedihan kami dengan hari bersama memulai kebahagiaan kecil yang tanpa kami sadari membuat kami lupa akan luka di hati kami. Apa semua itu disebut dengan cinta? Setahu kami, cinta tidak seperti itu karena kami hanya mengenal cinta yang bertepuk sebelah tangan. Lantas jika hati kami sama-sama memiliki kabut hitam, apakah hati kami akan sembuh jika kami bersama merasakan badai salam hati kami.. Akankah kami dapat melihat pelangi yang sama? **** hi, terimakasih karena sudah membaca novel buatan ku. Aku akan sangat menghargai setiap review serta komen yang kalian berikan. Kalian bisa menghubungi ku di : lmarlina8889@gmail.com

    mrlyn · 都市
  • Becoming The Strongest With The Crest Of Nothing

    VRMMORPG sensation "Crest Online". Commonly known as "Cleon", it's an action game where players wield their chosen crest as weapons during character creation, battling various formidable enemies. Having held the top spot in the world rankings in Cleon, I suddenly found myself reincarnated one day, a thousand years into the game world's future. Reborn as Zelos, the second son of the Marquis Sylphid family, what I received was the Gift everyone scorned as "useless" - the "Crest of Null". Disappointment from my family, ridicule from my older brother. Amidst all that, I, possessing memories and knowledge from my previous life, alone knew. This "Crest of Null" was in fact the "ultimate talent" capable of mastering all skills. Utilizing gaming knowledge and the "Crest of Null", I rapidly acquired power at an astonishing pace. Eventually, armed with power surpassing even my previous life, I proceeded to overwhelm everything in this world. What does it mean to be the strongest?

    Mia_Miabella · ゲーム

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