
diego manga小説のオンライン読書 - 人気小説 - WebNovel


  • Villain: Transmigrated Into A NTR Manga As The Antagonist

    An infamous playboy, killed by a former lover, inexplicably awakens to discover himself transmigrated into a NTR manga, assuming the role of the antagonist - Alex Smith. Propelled by a mysterious system that magnifies his skill in captivating women, he holds the power to seduce the women that belong to the various “main characters“. 【Ding! The Queen of Hearts System has awakened.】 【Overall goal: Steal all the heroines from the various main characters across the world.】 【Reward: God Status.】 ----------------------------------------------- [Disclaimer: This novel is based around Netori, NOT Netorare. Alex will NOT get cheated on, and there will be NO Yuri.]

    Zentmeister · 都市
  • Villano: Transmigrado a un Manga NTR como el Antagonista

    ``` Un playboy infame, asesinado por una ex amante, despierta incomprensiblemente para descubrir que ha transmigrado a un Manga NTR, asumiendo el papel del Antagonista - Alex Smith. Impulsado por un sistema misterioso que magnifica su habilidad para cautivar mujeres, posee el poder de seducir a las mujeres que pertenecen a los distintos "personajes principales". 【¡Ding! El Sistema Reina de Corazones se ha activado.】 【Meta general: Robar a todas las heroínas de los distintos personajes principales a través del mundo.】 【Recompensa: Estado de Dios.】 ----------------------------------------------- [Aviso Legal: Esta novela está basada en Netori, NO en Netorare. Alex NO será engañado, y NO habrá Yuri.] ```

    Zentmeister · 都市
  • Alter Ego: His Sultry Lover

    [COMPLETED] [WARNING: MATURE CONTENT] "We could be louder," he whispered in a raspy voice. She shook with need and was about to turn when he clucked his tongue. "Ah, ah, ah, don't do that. I'll see you later, little girl." And with that, he vanished. - - - - Cage was at the top of the world: the emperor of the film industry. But it is truly lonely at the top. Surrounded by staff members who want him to work to his bones and no one to lean on, Cage turns to gaming. In such dire times, he stumbles across a mysterious female gamer who leaves him speechless and aroused at the same time. Graphic designer and fangirl extraordinaire, Katherine, finds a gamer who outshines her. In this world there was someone like this? All she can do is acknowledge his brilliance. [Take my bow, Senpai. You have eaten my gold.] But why does this message sound so… provocative? A series of lecherous conversations turn into something deeper, until one day the two fall irrevocably in love with each other. “Hey, let’s fall in love...” Follow them as they traverse through life and the hardships that are thrown at them. Who knows, maybe us single dogs can learn a thing or two. - - - - - "My little loli likes to watch? What a naughty little girl." She was embarrassed that she was caught and mortified by the voice of the man she recognized as ‘him’. What was he doing here? She started to turn around, but he grasped her shoulder so she couldn't move. "No, let's watch." His breath was at her ear, fire lapping at her nerves, singeing and burning her insides, making a pleasant feeling erupt in her stomach. His arm snaked around her shoulder and grabbed her hand while his other hand slid down to her sides until it rested on her hip. He was not pressing himself into her, but she felt completely engulfed by him. She knew she should scream, or stomp on his foot, but all she could do was listen to his breathing escalate as his thumb rubbed her shoulder, putting her in a stupor. She thought she heard him sniff her hair and his lips lightly grazed her ears as he whispered. "Don't miss the show because of me, little girl." Her eyes flickered back to the couple in the car, and she let out a whimper as she saw the man pull at the woman's hair, baring her beck to him, inviting his mouth to lick and suck. She felt ‘him’ close the gap between them, his hard body pressed up against hers, his arms tightly holding her. There was no mistaking what she felt on her lower back and she closed her eyes in delight. - - - - - Read my other works: 1. Cornered by the CEO - Complete 2. Autopsy of a Mind - Complete 3. The Story of Blood and Roses - Complete 4. Phoenix in the Moonlight - Hiatus Story Discord: https://discord.gg/bG7YsaRRbs Author Instagram: @sunscar9

    SunScar9 · 都市
  • The Goblin God's Predator Simulation System

    Yes, I'm publishing it on RR. I'm Lord Trexer. Bozo, a goblin, ends up getting killed at the hands of some cruel humans. This is something normal in the world, but Bozo feels betrayed. He is angry. Why must they be hunted? Why can’t they live in peace? His rage defined odds and his hatred against humanity, awakened the slumbering entity: Predator Simulation System. [If the host gains high-rank ratings, then he will be able to get good rewards and skills from the simulation which he could use in real life.] [The death in the simulation will not affect host, but he can no longer simulate the character that has died.] Bozo, the unfortunate goblin, finally had a fortunate encounter. His plan of revenge against humanity, and his plan to build a kingdom of his own could finally set in motion after he has grown stronger, all thanks to the Predator Simulation System which was destined to belong to a monster… or being who would become a true monster in the future! … Join the discord: https://discord.gg/BSU2UZT4s2 … Inspiration for writing style is taken from: Immortal cultivation simulation, world traveler simulation system, and Reincarnated as a wolf with cheats. …

    1st_Manga_KING · ファンタジー
  • Reincarnated As A Wolf With Cheats

    A normal man was constantly blamed and was eventually turned into a murderer. Everyone hated him and looked at him as if he was a non human. He was sentenced to death but just before dying, he was asked to state his last wish which would have been fulfilled. “I wish to live some more days” His words couldn’t be neglected and they fulfilled his wish but he died in the end when his free days had finally ended. However, he was born again, in a new world which was filled with magic. It was a place where science wasn’t known. He could have used his knowledge to become famous and gain a lot of money and fame, but the fate was not so kind to let him do that. He had to bear the responsibilities for the murders in his past life due to which he was really turned into a non human. But that didn’t seem like a punishment, in fact it was a perfect world for him to shed even more blood. “I will become a predator that will stand above all!” Join me in this amazing adventure where our protagonist is Reincarnated As A Wolf With Cheats!

    1st_Manga_KING · ファンタジー
  • Expensive Baby

    "Maukah kau tidur dengan suamiku hingga hamil dan melahirkan anaknya?" Elena Wasley bertemu kembali dengan kembarannya, Elise. Dia meminta bantuan Elena untuk mengandung anak dari suaminya, Brian Fernandez. Tentu saja, Elena menolak karena sebentar lagi dia akan menikah dengan kekasihnya, Diego Orlando. Tapi semua berubah karena satu insiden tak terduga. Elena mau mengandung bayi itu dengan meminta bayaran mahal. Membuat Brian dan Elise membuat perjanjian tertulis untuk kesepakatan bersama Elena itu. Di sisi lain, Tiara Jackson -mantan tunangan Brian masih mengharapkan pria itu menjadi miliknya. Dia bertekad menyingkirkan Elise dan bayi itu dengan berbagai cara untuk mendapatkan Brian. Apa alasan Elise meminta Elena mengandung anak Brian? Mengapa Elena menyetujui perjanjian gila itu? Bagaimana reaksi Diego jika mengetahui semuanya?Apa yang akan dilakukan Tiara untuk menyingkirkan Elise dan bayinya? Bisakah bayi itu terlahir ke dunia dengan selamat? Bagaimana akhir dari cerita ini saat cinta menggoyahkan segala?

    MaylisaAzhura · 都市
  • Sister, Will You Be Pregnant With My Husband's Child

    "Will you sleep with my husband until you are pregnant and give birth to his child?" Elena Wasley was reunited with her twin, Elise. She asked Elena to help conceive a child from her husband, Brian Fernandez. Of course, Elena refused because soon she would marry her lover, Diego Orlando. But all changed because of one unexpected incident. Elena wants to conceive the baby by asking for expensive fees. Make Brian and Elise make a written agreement for an agreement with Elena. On the other hand, Tiara Jackson, Brian's ex-fiance, still expects the man to be her. She was determined to get rid of Elise and the baby in various ways to get Brian. What was the reason Elise asked Elena to have Brian's child? Why did Elena agree to the crazy agreement? How would Diego react if he knew everything? What would Tiara do to get rid of Elise and her baby? Can the baby be born into the world safely? How does this end when love shakes things up? ....sorry, if my English is bad. because I'm not very good at translating into English. but I hope you can still enjoy reading this story. thank you....

    MaylisaAzhura · 都市
  • Harem of Enchantment: A Second Chance Saga

    [Check out "Zero's Harem: Clone Lust Nexus.... you guys would love it.. not my book though but an assured one] Loading Lust System Into Host...] {Loading Completed} [Host Has Been Granted Lust System] [Loading Death System Into Host... ] {Loading Completed} [Host Has Been Granted Death System] [Combining Both Systems Together, Host Shall Feel Pain In 3, 2, 1...] [Lust and Death System Successful Combined, Congratulations Host Together We Will Be Unstopable] [Host: Ego Sabastine |Age: 20 | Level: [1] Virgin | PP Size: Massive] [0. Harem Members, 0. Orgasm Points, 0. Number Of Virginity Taken,] [Good luck with your new life, Ego Sabastine. This world is the gift Asmodus promised] A new world far beyond his mere comprehension, a world falling apart, a place where women take up to 80% of the remaining population, Ego finds himself in a different universe, where he is quested to mate with the women and bring the souls of men to his savior, unknowingly unleashing a malevolent darkness that threatens humanity's existence. Additional tags: Smut–weak to strong–Magic–Action–Beasts–Monster girls –Elves–Demon girls–Dragon girls–No NTR–No Yuri–Handsome male lead. A/N: English isn't my first language, so use the paragraph comment in case you spot any grammatical errors, Merry Christmas, also support with gifts. 100 power stones for 1 bonus chapter. 100 Golden tickets for 2 bonus chapters. 200 power stones for 3 bonus chapters.

    JJ_Francis · ファンタジー
  • Méchant : Transmigré dans un Manga NTR en tant qu'Antagoniste

    Un playboy notoire, tué par une ancienne amante, se réveille de manière inexplicable pour découvrir qu'il s'est transmigré dans un manga NTR, en assumant le rôle de l'antagoniste - Alex Smith. Porté par un système mystérieux qui amplifie son habileté à envoûter les femmes, il détient le pouvoir de séduire les femmes qui appartiennent aux différents « personnages principaux ». 【Ding! Le Système de la Reine de Cœur s'est éveillé.】 【Objectif global : Voler toutes les héroïnes des divers personnages principaux à travers le monde.】 【Récompense : Statut de Dieu.】 ----------------------------------------------- [Avertissement : Ce roman est basé sur le Netori, PAS le Netorare. Alex NE sera PAS trompé, et il n'y aura PAS de Yuri.]

    Zentmeister · 都市
  • Diego & Irene

    Aku hanya seorang gadis malang. Hidupku itu sangat keras, dan semua itu dimulai saat aku diculik oleh penjahat. Mereka membawaku ke New York dan aku tiba-tiba terbangun dengan keadaan sudah berada di negara gemerlap itu, tepatnya disebuah klub. Ternyata aku dijadikan budak, seorang wanita pemuas nafsu, alias jalang. Mereka menjual tubuhku. Aku sangat menderita, terutama saat malam itu. Dimana seorang pria berhasil menjamah tubuhku dan mengambil keperawananku.

    Nainaa · 若者
  • The Abandoned Hunter

    “Dark Overlord! All hail the Dark Overlord!!!” “...” “I tried to deny it but looks like I have really become their king... THE DARK OVERLORD!” . . . A story about a world of hunters, where an F-rank hunter who is bullied and despised and left alone turns himself into an OP hunter! He is left alone by many and was considered weak, However thanks to his luck he is able to get hold of a unique power from a dragon to act as its proxy. On top of it, he had an amazing power dwelling within him which took the shape of a system. Join me in this amazing adventure. [NOTE: Those readers who feel like this is a copy of solo leveling or something then you are wrong, inspiration is taken from that but it’s by no means a copy! Read fully before making claims! Also, I own the copyright of the cover. Don’t take the cover or ss of it. If I find it anywhere then you have to pay the fine of breaching copyright law!] [ I'm so sorry guys, the chapters from 1- 40 are in weird dialect. It's rubbish, to be honest, I hope you forgive me for that. Those chapters contain only 500-800 words! ] [ Chapters after 61 is locked so they are 1000+ words. Incidentally, from chapter 65 onwards, the chapter contains 1500-2000 words ] [ The sounding might be different and there might be a lot of errors, ( English is not my native language )but those errors won't be repeated again from chapter 175 that is ] [ Read at your own risk, if the chapters anger you or upset you, you may quit but don't leave hate comments or reviews that demotivate behind! ] [ Last edited on 05/24/2021 ]

    1st_Manga_KING · アクション
  • Diego Carreon

    I lost 70,000 cdn in ETH doing a data drive marketing job scam in a platform called amc rates. When I realized it was a scam I was more than shocked and my trust issues with the internet heightened. My brother warned me all along but I was convinced this was my ticket out of my financial situation. After the incident, he was more more motivated to catch the scams so he did his research and got hold of CyberPunk programmers. These guys are so fast and transparent in their operations. They tracked down the people behind the company and got back my money. I will recommend them for investors in the digital currency space. Their information is Email: cyberpunk (@) programmer (.) net WhatsApp: +44 7848 161773

    Diego_Carreon · 都市
  • SOUL: Supreme Overlord's Unknown Legacy

    A world filled with Beasts. A world where everyone is born with a Beast Soul. A world, full of cultivators who aim to become immortal just like the Gods by leveling up! Some are destined to rule while others remain as bottomfeeders. The rich get richer while the poor get poorer. 'Fate is telling me that I will always remain at the bottom...' 'Born in an orphanage with no talent, that is how my life is...' "..." "I will rise to the ranks of Supreme Overlords..." "No, I will go higher and become a true Beast God!" Join me in a journey of cultivation and power where no one knows when one will get betrayed. If you do not fight against fate, you are as good as dead! [ Fan of Soul Land? Then you have come to the right place. This novel has a similar power system base yet it's completely different. Enjoy~ ] [Join my discord server to chat and suggest new things - https://discord.gg/Wdjrb5akVX ] [Disclaimer - the cover doesn't belong to me.]

    1st_Manga_KING · アクション
  • The Last Bullet: Diego

    This is the story of Diego, an individual trapped in a cycle of restarts, taking different routes in each one. The story focuses particularly on Diego's last cycle. The plot is filled with suspense, intrigue, politics, radicalism, cruelty, and action. I hope you enjoy it.

    Euquimal · アクション
  • Beautiful mistake with a billionaire

    "I'm pregnant" Abigail screamed in the cold dark ally but the man seem to not care. With his long elegant finger he lifted her chin up and whispered above her lips "I don't care"

    Thomas_Diego_3116 · 都市

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