
Review Detail of Zorax in Ruler's POV (DxD FanFic)



Warning for readers: 1. MC will join Rias peerage- if you are one of those who hate Rias and hate being a devil and assumes it is slavery then dont bother to waste time. 2. MC is not OP early- if you are a reader who likes OP MC from the start, dont bother 3. Harem There are few errors of some words but it is readable. overall review 4.2 The story follows canon (LN and anime) Mc is a normal human emperor who lived 200+ years. At first you may not feel the MC for the first few chapters (may be 7 or 8) but it gets better as the story progress.It has a lot of comedic scene and character development (as the author says in his review). The interaction is really funny in my opinion. The romance is also good. The author has a lot of unique statements that you can also learn. another warning: I think it is a low key anti-hero (you will know when you read it) The problem is the update stability and I hope the author does not drop this. It is one of my best dxd fanfic that I read that has comedy and a good romance in my opinion.

Ruler's POV (DxD FanFic)



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