
Review Detail of Leon_Luis_ in Dragon Ball: Collaborating with Frieza to Destroy Planet Vegeta



So the Synopsis is a lie. MC and Story is stupid, By chapter 22 everyone has a PL of 10,000 while MC'S PL is in millions. And MC's path is definitely related to the saiyans, His system is Dumb too he only got 3 skills yet [Zarbon(2× PL) and Frieza 1st form(5× PL) transformation and Limb Regen]

Dragon Ball: Collaborating with Frieza to Destroy Planet Vegeta






Well done! Your comment is very accurate!🎉🤣


is that sarcasm?

Craxx_Real:Well done! Your comment is very accurate!🎉🤣

Fake review❗❗❗


No, i did read up to Chapter 22 though? I don't review often so my reviews are 100 percent honest and personal.

Craxx_Real:Fake review❗❗❗

Bro if my review was Fake how would i know he got Frieza's 1st form and not his bloodline? Your synopsis says He got Frost demon bloodline, but the Fic specifically says that he got form not bloodline.

Craxx_Real:Fake review❗❗❗

damn the author got u brother with your bull shitery lie but i did the read this novel before it not that bad about 3 out a 5 stars

Craxx_Real:Fake review❗❗❗

Well, it's crystal clear he's going to get it in the later story. I guess the only reason you're downplaying the fanfic is because the word 'stupid' struck a nerve and you're all ruffled up about it!

Leon_Luis_:Bro if my review was Fake how would i know he got Frieza's 1st form and not his bloodline? Your synopsis says He got Frost demon bloodline, but the Fic specifically says that he got form not bloodline.

wait what, how is that Crystal clear.. if that is crystal clear for you then MC is gonna get Broly's bloodline(LSJ) too since mc is a saiyan. And i am the one saying this story is stupid, how would my own comment struck my own nerve. . Bro you are on something while typing these comments aren't you.

Craxx_Real:Well, it's crystal clear he's going to get it in the later story. I guess the only reason you're downplaying the fanfic is because the word 'stupid' struck a nerve and you're all ruffled up about it!

Leon, let’s get a few things straight. First, you’re nitpicking. Whether the MC got Frieza’s first form or the Frost Demon bloodline, it’s obvious both are closely linked and essential to the story’s progression. Do you really think this is a contradiction worth the outrage? The fact that you're splitting hairs over something so minor shows you missed the bigger picture entirely, like someone staring at a crack in the wall while the house is burning down. Second, your comment calling the story 'stupid' reeks of frustration. You clearly can’t separate your personal gripes from actual constructive criticism. Maybe the MC does get Broly's bloodline later, maybe he doesn’t either way, that’s called 'building suspense,' something you should appreciate if you're reading fanfic and not just skimming through like someone who forgot how plot works. If you’re getting this upset over a fictional character’s power progression, maybe it's time to reconsider how seriously you take this stuff. And by the way, don’t call me 'bro.' I don’t know you, and this conversation doesn’t need that kind of familiarity. I’m not your therapist, and I’m definitely not here to hold your hand while you struggle with basic reading comprehension. Lastly, if you can’t tell the difference between storytelling choices and actual plot stupidity, then it’s time for you to take a step back, take a deep breath, and regroup. Try coming back with real critiques, not this baseless nitpicking. You’re acting like someone who showed up to a movie just to argue with the screen. If this story is getting under your skin this much, maybe the problem isn’t with the fanfic it’s with you.

Leon_Luis_:wait what, how is that Crystal clear.. if that is crystal clear for you then MC is gonna get Broly's bloodline(LSJ) too since mc is a saiyan. And i am the one saying this story is stupid, how would my own comment struck my own nerve. . Bro you are on something while typing these comments aren't you.

If this story is so beneath you, why are you spending so much time breaking it down? Newsflash: just because you don’t get the nuances doesn’t make it 'stupid' it makes you look like someone who skimmed the whole thing while missing the point entirely. And what’s this about Broly’s bloodline? You really think throwing around a name like that makes you sound smart? It’s called 'suspense,' something you’d understand if you were more than just a surface level reader.

Leon_Luis_:wait what, how is that Crystal clear.. if that is crystal clear for you then MC is gonna get Broly's bloodline(LSJ) too since mc is a saiyan. And i am the one saying this story is stupid, how would my own comment struck my own nerve. . Bro you are on something while typing these comments aren't you.

I Read all that. Okay 👍🏻 I have bullied you enough i guess. Honestly i forgot what the story was about, it's just that you calling me a lier got under my skin, I dont like lying and Honesty is my family motto. Lastly Chill Author, you dont know me either, Take your own Advice and never Let anyone get under your skin like that, cause there are gonna be people much much worse than me (whatever image you have of me) in the future.

Craxx_Real:Leon, let’s get a few things straight. First, you’re nitpicking. Whether the MC got Frieza’s first form or the Frost Demon bloodline, it’s obvious both are closely linked and essential to the story’s progression. Do you really think this is a contradiction worth the outrage? The fact that you're splitting hairs over something so minor shows you missed the bigger picture entirely, like someone staring at a crack in the wall while the house is burning down. Second, your comment calling the story 'stupid' reeks of frustration. You clearly can’t separate your personal gripes from actual constructive criticism. Maybe the MC does get Broly's bloodline later, maybe he doesn’t either way, that’s called 'building suspense,' something you should appreciate if you're reading fanfic and not just skimming through like someone who forgot how plot works. If you’re getting this upset over a fictional character’s power progression, maybe it's time to reconsider how seriously you take this stuff. And by the way, don’t call me 'bro.' I don’t know you, and this conversation doesn’t need that kind of familiarity. I’m not your therapist, and I’m definitely not here to hold your hand while you struggle with basic reading comprehension. Lastly, if you can’t tell the difference between storytelling choices and actual plot stupidity, then it’s time for you to take a step back, take a deep breath, and regroup. Try coming back with real critiques, not this baseless nitpicking. You’re acting like someone who showed up to a movie just to argue with the screen. If this story is getting under your skin this much, maybe the problem isn’t with the fanfic it’s with you.