
Review Detail of DaoistEcAsfF in RE: Filthy Gamer in Narutoverse



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RE: Filthy Gamer in Narutoverse






if it is the exact copy of your other work"FGIN" or you will change the plot? and when will you update your danmachi fic?

FanHarem:what do you mean?




I mean it's not like anyone is making him do anything. He just has humble origins right? It's not like he has a slave seal on his body.


He doesn't have a slave seal in this fic right?


not a slave seal but more of a loyalty stuff like anbu. You should read the synopsis for full disclosure

Raptor2244:He doesn't have a slave seal in this fic right?

That's a slave seal tho? I mean if he has falsely induced loyalty to someone and can't go against them that's definitely a slave seal. Can you explain to me what your obsession with that is considering how much your readers hate it? I'm genuinely curious considering you even restarted your novel and still kept it despite how many readers you lost because of it. Without using a weird excuse like "its realistic" considering that basically nothing in Naruto is realistic at all so you must have another reason.

FanHarem:not a slave seal but more of a loyalty stuff like anbu. You should read the synopsis for full disclosure

Is it a weird submissive kink you have?

FanHarem:not a slave seal but more of a loyalty stuff like anbu. You should read the synopsis for full disclosure

dude, the point is me trying to argue your points won't change your mind. And your arguments won't change mine. Again, the reasons are rather obvious even if nothing is realistic since its a fiction based on another fiction. If you like it then yay, if not then that's fine too. I wouldn't force a reader to read something they don't want to. That's why I placed disclaimers and trigger warning right in the beginning

Raptor2244:That's a slave seal tho? I mean if he has falsely induced loyalty to someone and can't go against them that's definitely a slave seal. Can you explain to me what your obsession with that is considering how much your readers hate it? I'm genuinely curious considering you even restarted your novel and still kept it despite how many readers you lost because of it. Without using a weird excuse like "its realistic" considering that basically nothing in Naruto is realistic at all so you must have another reason.

Ayo obviously I'm not happy about it, because who wants to read about a wish fulfillment novel where the Mc is a slave in perpetuity and is happy about it for some reason. I guarantee that you lost a ton of readers for it on both novels and probably most who stayed just decided to pretend it doesn't even exist because the other parts of your novel are decent enough to warrant that. You obviously don't care what your readers think and I will at least give you props for not changing what you want to do despite losing the attention of many for it. But I genuinely want to know why you decided to do it. I won't even argue or even respond if you don't want me to. I'm insanely curious why you'd want to write your Mc as a slave for life and everyone just pretends he's not their slave.

FanHarem:dude, the point is me trying to argue your points won't change your mind. And your arguments won't change mine. Again, the reasons are rather obvious even if nothing is realistic since its a fiction based on another fiction. If you like it then yay, if not then that's fine too. I wouldn't force a reader to read something they don't want to. That's why I placed disclaimers and trigger warning right in the beginning

well, I think I understood why the previous version received such hate. However, I made sure to change many things, including the seal's working since Kushina gets the same seal for Kai. It's more like assurance for having one loyal companion through thick and thin and a seal is the best way to kickstart such notions. I say this because whether real or not, I cannot ignore Fuinjutsu's implications in the world of Naruto and someone like Mito won't leave things on chances. You can reply. By my previous words, I meant that it was fine to just you know, either go through with it or just ignore it. If comments or critiques bothered me I wouldn't have kept the same outline for the fic or highlight a 1 star review jajajaja

Raptor2244:Ayo obviously I'm not happy about it, because who wants to read about a wish fulfillment novel where the Mc is a slave in perpetuity and is happy about it for some reason. I guarantee that you lost a ton of readers for it on both novels and probably most who stayed just decided to pretend it doesn't even exist because the other parts of your novel are decent enough to warrant that. You obviously don't care what your readers think and I will at least give you props for not changing what you want to do despite losing the attention of many for it. But I genuinely want to know why you decided to do it. I won't even argue or even respond if you don't want me to. I'm insanely curious why you'd want to write your Mc as a slave for life and everyone just pretends he's not their slave.

Ah see I read the synopsis and didn't see this. If it's a seal that establishes an equal and loyal relationship between two people that is perfectly fine Two people in service to one another for their whole lives is actually very romantic in my opinion. I guess I was misunderstanding. Now if she still ended up with Minato in the end tho I would count that ntr cause of the seal but I doubt that's your intention. The last one was full stop a slave seal and I just couldn't enjoy a novel where the Mc was a slave for life especially to one of his women. But this is more than acceptable. It almost seems like a marriage ceremony if they both have equal power in the relationship. If that's what it is then I look forward to seeing how it develops. Also will he eventually be able to break the limits on his physique and Chakra past 1000? I know that's not really the point to the novel but I'm still intetested

FanHarem:well, I think I understood why the previous version received such hate. However, I made sure to change many things, including the seal's working since Kushina gets the same seal for Kai. It's more like assurance for having one loyal companion through thick and thin and a seal is the best way to kickstart such notions. I say this because whether real or not, I cannot ignore Fuinjutsu's implications in the world of Naruto and someone like Mito won't leave things on chances. You can reply. By my previous words, I meant that it was fine to just you know, either go through with it or just ignore it. If comments or critiques bothered me I wouldn't have kept the same outline for the fic or highlight a 1 star review jajajaja

I actually intended the 1000 limit to be based on 10 tails. So, most shinobi should peak at a max 750, maybe hashirama surprasses that limit due to being Ashura's reincarnation only in the chakra department. And yeah, the next chap will be about the seal and I did that (I think) better than before. But it will be like ripping a bandaid. Not sure how others will react

Raptor2244:Ah see I read the synopsis and didn't see this. If it's a seal that establishes an equal and loyal relationship between two people that is perfectly fine Two people in service to one another for their whole lives is actually very romantic in my opinion. I guess I was misunderstanding. Now if she still ended up with Minato in the end tho I would count that ntr cause of the seal but I doubt that's your intention. The last one was full stop a slave seal and I just couldn't enjoy a novel where the Mc was a slave for life especially to one of his women. But this is more than acceptable. It almost seems like a marriage ceremony if they both have equal power in the relationship. If that's what it is then I look forward to seeing how it develops. Also will he eventually be able to break the limits on his physique and Chakra past 1000? I know that's not really the point to the novel but I'm still intetested

Well, if you decide to include the otsutsuki clan in this fic like they are in boruto, he will probably need to find some way to increase that limit. Also if one thousand is the juubi, then your average join is a 20 at the absolute most. The ten tails is an agglomeration of natural energy formed from a tree that accumulated all the natural energy formed by all the life on the planet for thousands of years. I think 20 for a jonin might actually be too much if I'm thinking about it 750 is a ludicrous amount of Chakra, way way more than hashirana or madara has. As strong as they are they can't be mentioned in the same sentence as juubi in regards to raw force and Chakra amount. I know this is debated a lot but while many characters in Naruto have a lot of Chakra, they are powerful because they have techniques and special abilities that have been refined and honed that allow them to fight on the same level as beings who have way way more Chakra and brute force. If kaguya otsutsuki had the fight instincts, experience, and techniques as madara Uchiha for example, Sasuke and Naruto would have been dead before they can blink. I mean, hashirana statedduring the war that he had as much Chakra as kurama during the war But you have to take into account that at the time kurama had only half his Chakra (yang half) and that this conversation occurred towards the end of the fourth ninja war. At that point Naruto had been spamming thousands of shadow clones, all using KCM, fought against madara, obito and the other tailed beasts. So we can assume that kurama was basically running on fumes at that point. It was only a little bit before this conversation that kurama actually said that he had to take time to generate more Chakra because he was basically out after using kurama avatar. And the full size kurama is only a small portion of the full strength of the juubi. So we can assume that hashirana has much less Chakra than the juubi, to the point where he can't even compare. Misame was called the tailless biju, but this was just a hyperbole. In reality it's likely that most of the Chakra monsters of the world (Naruto, Sasuke, hashirana, madara) probably were comparable to the lower tailed beasts which had exponentially less Chakra than kurama. This is all based on little conversations here and there, as well as some logic tho so if you want to make hashirana nearly as strong as the ten tails in regards to Chakra amount, that's you're deal, I would just say that's a gross overestimating of the raw strength and Chakra potential of humans in Naruto. As for the seal, I would say that as long as kushina and the Mc are in an equal relationship where neither has true power over the other and it's more of a companion ritual or like a sworn blood brother(sister) kind of thing that's okay. People(including me) took issue to the last seal because the Mc basically had no freedom and had no power to resist. No matter how powerful he got if he was told to die, or murder his wife, or let his wife cuck him, or to murder his child or to kill himself he had to do it .he was a slave and he basically agreed to it happily. Even if there's no way kushina would do that, the power imbalance was to the point where despite loving your novel I couldn't continue reading it just for example. If the new seal is truly as you say, that being that it's basically a wedding ring where the vows are enforced with a seal, people won't have any issue. If it turns out that she can order him around, or betray him while he can't betray her or cause him pain like the cage bird seal, or the seal enforces on him while hers doesn't for herself or anything like that, it's likely that you will face a lot of complaining. Readers(especially on this app) just don't want to read about an MC who isn't in control of his fate and can't make decisions for himself. They don't want to see the wish fulfillment Mc they are currently projecting themselves into being forced to be loyal to someone who can betray him at any time and not have any recourse to do anything. Still if it is as you say, I look forward to it. I hope the seal design is cool as well. You could make it romantic like a yin and yang disk where MC has the yang half covering his whole back and kushina has the yin half covering her whole back. It would also be pretty cool if it subtly adjusted their personalities over time to make them like soul mates or something. This would be a good way to logically have kushina agree to share women with t MC. Like kushina would be the soul mate/main wife and they would share all their conquests between them. That will make the harem much more realistic without kushina turning into some downtrodden harem Sister "c" and being the Mc only true equal in the story(if only in position not power). Anyways, that's my two cents. Good luck.

FanHarem:I actually intended the 1000 limit to be based on 10 tails. So, most shinobi should peak at a max 750, maybe hashirama surprasses that limit due to being Ashura's reincarnation only in the chakra department. And yeah, the next chap will be about the seal and I did that (I think) better than before. But it will be like ripping a bandaid. Not sure how others will react

Average jonin ***

FanHarem:I actually intended the 1000 limit to be based on 10 tails. So, most shinobi should peak at a max 750, maybe hashirama surprasses that limit due to being Ashura's reincarnation only in the chakra department. And yeah, the next chap will be about the seal and I did that (I think) better than before. But it will be like ripping a bandaid. Not sure how others will react

The seal that I just described would basically turn them into ride or die, perfext confidant, no secrets between them, soul mate type characters which I thi k would provide nice splash of genuine fluff and love in an otherwise smut/power trip novel. An equal that Mc could trust with his whole heart and all of his secrets and never have to worry about being betrayed or used.

FanHarem:I actually intended the 1000 limit to be based on 10 tails. So, most shinobi should peak at a max 750, maybe hashirama surprasses that limit due to being Ashura's reincarnation only in the chakra department. And yeah, the next chap will be about the seal and I did that (I think) better than before. But it will be like ripping a bandaid. Not sure how others will react

also feels like there's man on man so I'm out.


you're right about the chakra amount. I'll have to reconsider things

Raptor2244:Well, if you decide to include the otsutsuki clan in this fic like they are in boruto, he will probably need to find some way to increase that limit. Also if one thousand is the juubi, then your average join is a 20 at the absolute most. The ten tails is an agglomeration of natural energy formed from a tree that accumulated all the natural energy formed by all the life on the planet for thousands of years. I think 20 for a jonin might actually be too much if I'm thinking about it 750 is a ludicrous amount of Chakra, way way more than hashirana or madara has. As strong as they are they can't be mentioned in the same sentence as juubi in regards to raw force and Chakra amount. I know this is debated a lot but while many characters in Naruto have a lot of Chakra, they are powerful because they have techniques and special abilities that have been refined and honed that allow them to fight on the same level as beings who have way way more Chakra and brute force. If kaguya otsutsuki had the fight instincts, experience, and techniques as madara Uchiha for example, Sasuke and Naruto would have been dead before they can blink. I mean, hashirana statedduring the war that he had as much Chakra as kurama during the war But you have to take into account that at the time kurama had only half his Chakra (yang half) and that this conversation occurred towards the end of the fourth ninja war. At that point Naruto had been spamming thousands of shadow clones, all using KCM, fought against madara, obito and the other tailed beasts. So we can assume that kurama was basically running on fumes at that point. It was only a little bit before this conversation that kurama actually said that he had to take time to generate more Chakra because he was basically out after using kurama avatar. And the full size kurama is only a small portion of the full strength of the juubi. So we can assume that hashirana has much less Chakra than the juubi, to the point where he can't even compare. Misame was called the tailless biju, but this was just a hyperbole. In reality it's likely that most of the Chakra monsters of the world (Naruto, Sasuke, hashirana, madara) probably were comparable to the lower tailed beasts which had exponentially less Chakra than kurama. This is all based on little conversations here and there, as well as some logic tho so if you want to make hashirana nearly as strong as the ten tails in regards to Chakra amount, that's you're deal, I would just say that's a gross overestimating of the raw strength and Chakra potential of humans in Naruto. As for the seal, I would say that as long as kushina and the Mc are in an equal relationship where neither has true power over the other and it's more of a companion ritual or like a sworn blood brother(sister) kind of thing that's okay. People(including me) took issue to the last seal because the Mc basically had no freedom and had no power to resist. No matter how powerful he got if he was told to die, or murder his wife, or let his wife cuck him, or to murder his child or to kill himself he had to do it .he was a slave and he basically agreed to it happily. Even if there's no way kushina would do that, the power imbalance was to the point where despite loving your novel I couldn't continue reading it just for example. If the new seal is truly as you say, that being that it's basically a wedding ring where the vows are enforced with a seal, people won't have any issue. If it turns out that she can order him around, or betray him while he can't betray her or cause him pain like the cage bird seal, or the seal enforces on him while hers doesn't for herself or anything like that, it's likely that you will face a lot of complaining. Readers(especially on this app) just don't want to read about an MC who isn't in control of his fate and can't make decisions for himself. They don't want to see the wish fulfillment Mc they are currently projecting themselves into being forced to be loyal to someone who can betray him at any time and not have any recourse to do anything. Still if it is as you say, I look forward to it. I hope the seal design is cool as well. You could make it romantic like a yin and yang disk where MC has the yang half covering his whole back and kushina has the yin half covering her whole back. It would also be pretty cool if it subtly adjusted their personalities over time to make them like soul mates or something. This would be a good way to logically have kushina agree to share women with t MC. Like kushina would be the soul mate/main wife and they would share all their conquests between them. That will make the harem much more realistic without kushina turning into some downtrodden harem Sister "c" and being the Mc only true equal in the story(if only in position not power). Anyways, that's my two cents. Good luck.


there isn't but I respect the candid response

Gh0st00:also feels like there's man on man so I'm out.

I just want to ask the Author .Do you make Kudhina End up with Minato ? Still with the seal? .I also is he not buttler than maid? .The other thing is even this is Naruto world why is a four year old doing chores and stuff like? Even when Mito takes him? I liked the other version but there are somethings that made me feel "hmmm thats starnge yeah no " .I mean I still enjoyed it as much as I can . And I hope you change somethings if you are rewriting Also the chakra thing.Please research I mean you can retort saying its just a fanfic but 1000 for Jubi then 750 is way to much .You should know what Jubi as pointed out . Even Hashirama And Madar donot have that much .You should check some Naruto facts .Many things are inaccurate . I would review after more chapters as It still can go from very great start to massive dissapointment .

FanHarem:there isn't but I respect the candid response