
Review Detail of dragon544 in RE: Eragon



great story but id wait 3 years for the chapters to build up because any time an author says "I want to go at my own pace" instead of a schedule like 1 chapter a week (at least) is set for a bad time. I think any and all fanfictions should have at least 2 chapters a week and that is the bear minimum of my expectations. there are fanfictions that post 3 to 4 chapters a week and have perfect grammar and great spelling with descently long chapters. so in conclusion if your looking for a great story with vary vary slow updates this is the one for you. if you are looking for a story with fast updates (2-3 chapters per week) then this story is not for you.

RE: Eragon






I give every fanfiction a chance. i will wait 1 month otherwise if there are no chapters within that month i will drop that fanfiction and remove it from my library.i don't care if they post later if authors are willing to quit writing then come back i will have no trust of them continuing to write consistently in the future. they may just stop writing for another month or more. this was a very very good fanfiction of eragon it is sad to see it die and it is most likely to be the last good eragon fanfiction for a while.(Because most people don't know how to write fanfictions and just copy mtl's or have vary bad translations)