
Review Detail of Imperators_Slave in Genshin Impact: Reborn Engineer



Another diamond tier FF that added in my list of favorite FF

Genshin Impact: Reborn Engineer






Bro just tell if there will be one fl or more than one fl.

Paradoxxed:Possibly, but definitely not one of those massive ones you commonly find in fanfics. Carman isn't out to date every female character he meets. I plan to write more organic relationships, ups and downs, possibly a breakup, to keep things more realistic. This is my personal preference as an author, I don't want the characters I write to just disappear into the background whenever new interest pops up. I am putting effort into developing relationships and having too many "Main Cast" members will break that down, any time I introduce a character it will have a reason, unless it's in a filler chapter, got a few of those floating around, but they will have to wait until the story progresses to where Carman is traveling Teyvat.

Thank you for the review! Though it's more of a diamond in the rough in my opinion, there are plenty of places where I can see need improvement, and probably many more I haven't noticed yet. I hope you continue stopping by when I release a new chapter.


of course don't worry I really like the start of the story and got hooked at it and now I'm waiting for the next chapter!

Paradoxxed:Thank you for the review! Though it's more of a diamond in the rough in my opinion, there are plenty of places where I can see need improvement, and probably many more I haven't noticed yet. I hope you continue stopping by when I release a new chapter.


Paradoxxed:Thank you for the review! Though it's more of a diamond in the rough in my opinion, there are plenty of places where I can see need improvement, and probably many more I haven't noticed yet. I hope you continue stopping by when I release a new chapter.

Possibly, but definitely not one of those massive ones you commonly find in fanfics. Carman isn't out to date every female character he meets. I plan to write more organic relationships, ups and downs, possibly a breakup, to keep things more realistic. This is my personal preference as an author, I don't want the characters I write to just disappear into the background whenever new interest pops up. I am putting effort into developing relationships and having too many "Main Cast" members will break that down, any time I introduce a character it will have a reason, unless it's in a filler chapter, got a few of those floating around, but they will have to wait until the story progresses to where Carman is traveling Teyvat.


There will be many female characters who will play important roles in the story. Ryuzu will be the one that shows up most often though. I currently don't have any plans for romance yet as I've only plotted to the Fontaine Research Institute so far and only have a bare bones outline for the Sumaru Akademiya. Carman will be ages 12 and 16 respectively when he joins those schools. I don't think Carman will end up dating anybody until he reaches 17, maybe even a bit later than that. He is still grappling with accepting his new reality now, I am hoping to write a somewhat more realistic depiction of a person's mental state after being reincarnated. Carman also has the typical mental block of people his physical age being literal children when he (by the time puberty hits) is ~45 years old inside. I have some ideas on who may be a love interest later on, but please be patient. I do not like reading rushed romances, and I believe I'd like to write them even less.

AsDarkAsBlack:Bro just tell if there will be one fl or more than one fl.

...I guess I was too vague. 1 wife or more. Final ones. Please answer in one word or number.

Paradoxxed:There will be many female characters who will play important roles in the story. Ryuzu will be the one that shows up most often though. I currently don't have any plans for romance yet as I've only plotted to the Fontaine Research Institute so far and only have a bare bones outline for the Sumaru Akademiya. Carman will be ages 12 and 16 respectively when he joins those schools. I don't think Carman will end up dating anybody until he reaches 17, maybe even a bit later than that. He is still grappling with accepting his new reality now, I am hoping to write a somewhat more realistic depiction of a person's mental state after being reincarnated. Carman also has the typical mental block of people his physical age being literal children when he (by the time puberty hits) is ~45 years old inside. I have some ideas on who may be a love interest later on, but please be patient. I do not like reading rushed romances, and I believe I'd like to write them even less.

hope it's not a harem

AsDarkAsBlack:...I guess I was too vague. 1 wife or more. Final ones. Please answer in one word or number.

yo bro is it a one female or many

Paradoxxed:There will be many female characters who will play important roles in the story. Ryuzu will be the one that shows up most often though. I currently don't have any plans for romance yet as I've only plotted to the Fontaine Research Institute so far and only have a bare bones outline for the Sumaru Akademiya. Carman will be ages 12 and 16 respectively when he joins those schools. I don't think Carman will end up dating anybody until he reaches 17, maybe even a bit later than that. He is still grappling with accepting his new reality now, I am hoping to write a somewhat more realistic depiction of a person's mental state after being reincarnated. Carman also has the typical mental block of people his physical age being literal children when he (by the time puberty hits) is ~45 years old inside. I have some ideas on who may be a love interest later on, but please be patient. I do not like reading rushed romances, and I believe I'd like to write them even less.

it's a harem

sixpathsofsimp:hope it's not a harem