
Review Detail of TOFIE in The Architect [Solo Leveling]



[ Review from Chapter 7] In my honest opinion, My reasons are simple. The abilities are the only unique thing that appears when writers decide to write a fanfiction, but nothing else changes. In that sense, expect there to be the average scenarios, the average solo leveling canon events and other than to have a protagonist that is a copy of Jin-woo under different circumstances. The story is not bad, because what I think about it does not matter, everyone has their own about it, but I will point out some infuriating things. - Extremely short chapters with meaningless words and conversations. - Copy paste canon events, but applied to a different character, but thats something a lot of people do on here, so it can be looked over, just not for me. - The entire content of all 7 chapters could be summed up in a few words. [ Mc enters world, Architect forces Mc, Mc agrees wakes up in canon event after dungeon.] But those points are dragged out across 7 short chapters and the rest is just monologues of shallow thought out characters expressing their unimportant thoughts to move a plot. I'm not invested, but I think I got catfished by the first part of the synposis and the second oh boy. What victory does the Mc get out of a solo leveling story? [...] He may know the peace of death but I know the chaos that is life. [ (o.0)] He may create armies even when in battle but I designed the battlefield.[ [(-.~)>] War cometh but Victory is mine.[ (',') Victory.) If you think war is a victory... Then yes you became the Architects pet. War? Victory? Maybe this would be victory if the chapters wasn't so plain and short.

The Architect [Solo Leveling]






Bro just say the chapters are short. Also there are no canon events yet. The hospital has to happen because he was found unconscious... What did you expect the Association to do?, leave him there when they write somewhat at fault Also no character in solo leveling is thought out... You only think so now because like me, you've read better books


so many words to say nothing at the same time :/


IAmCompletelyLost:so many words to say nothing at the same time :/

First of all, what do you mean by 'Also, no character in Solo Leveling is well thought out... you only think so now because... books'? That sentence is confusing to read; is it meant to be positive or negative? Secondly, here is some advice regarding your story: Stop publishing such small chapters every day; instead, post one bigger chapter once in a while. Right now, at least for the 15 chapters I've read, your story feels disjointed with nearly useless chapter titles.

Ink_Verse:Bro just say the chapters are short. Also there are no canon events yet. The hospital has to happen because he was found unconscious... What did you expect the Association to do?, leave him there when they write somewhat at fault Also no character in solo leveling is thought out... You only think so now because like me, you've read better books

Talk what you may, if you wanted to enjoy the story you will 2. No character in solo leveling is thought out because if they were then you would have a more indepth story about them. Look at the chairman, you know absolutely nothing about him. Then boom. He goes from S-rank to National Level hunter National Level Hunters were initially people who just had very powerful abilities and developed it but boom!.. They are now Fragments of brilliant light If Solo leveling was thought out the Dragon Monarch would be under the Beast Monarch because guess what, a dragon still falls under a beast If it was thought out, the entire war wouldn't even reach Earth or make Earth it's center... There was no reason as to why the Rulers were trying to preserve Earth There was no reason to the Rulers approving of Jin Woo's request to rewind time once more.... It was a foolish and risky move on their part. They told us that each celestial retains their memory even after time is rewinded but the Monarchs acted as though it was their first time meeting Jin Woo A thought out story will define the characters even side charscters, have a good power system that allows for growth, a well defined enemy etc. Solo Leveling has none of these things, they only define characters that help push the plot Sung Jinho but even then he is made to be more of a slave no personality of his own Mr Go Gunhee, only appears for convenience sake... To make Jin Woo look bigger Do you want more reasons why it wasn't thought out or not If you want thought out books then read Library of Heaven's path Reverend insanity Solo Leveling is a copy of a different manhwa that follows the Dungeon. Gate system but because the author wrote it as a book, he needed to add in a bit more lore than them.

Enormiity:First of all, what do you mean by 'Also, no character in Solo Leveling is well thought out... you only think so now because... books'? That sentence is confusing to read; is it meant to be positive or negative? Secondly, here is some advice regarding your story: Stop publishing such small chapters every day; instead, post one bigger chapter once in a while. Right now, at least for the 15 chapters I've read, your story feels disjointed with nearly useless chapter titles.

if ur not trying to be better why r u even trying ?

Ink_Verse:Talk what you may, if you wanted to enjoy the story you will 2. No character in solo leveling is thought out because if they were then you would have a more indepth story about them. Look at the chairman, you know absolutely nothing about him. Then boom. He goes from S-rank to National Level hunter National Level Hunters were initially people who just had very powerful abilities and developed it but boom!.. They are now Fragments of brilliant light If Solo leveling was thought out the Dragon Monarch would be under the Beast Monarch because guess what, a dragon still falls under a beast If it was thought out, the entire war wouldn't even reach Earth or make Earth it's center... There was no reason as to why the Rulers were trying to preserve Earth There was no reason to the Rulers approving of Jin Woo's request to rewind time once more.... It was a foolish and risky move on their part. They told us that each celestial retains their memory even after time is rewinded but the Monarchs acted as though it was their first time meeting Jin Woo A thought out story will define the characters even side charscters, have a good power system that allows for growth, a well defined enemy etc. Solo Leveling has none of these things, they only define characters that help push the plot Sung Jinho but even then he is made to be more of a slave no personality of his own Mr Go Gunhee, only appears for convenience sake... To make Jin Woo look bigger Do you want more reasons why it wasn't thought out or not If you want thought out books then read Library of Heaven's path Reverend insanity Solo Leveling is a copy of a different manhwa that follows the Dungeon. Gate system but because the author wrote it as a book, he needed to add in a bit more lore than them.

The synopsis literally says that I will change the lore of the story I will change the OG story to fit a more thought out and reasonable narrative

Scarface3699:if ur not trying to be better why r u even trying ?

bro it not even fair to compare Reverend Insanity with solo leveling, Reverend Insanity is one of the few masterpiece

Ink_Verse:Talk what you may, if you wanted to enjoy the story you will 2. No character in solo leveling is thought out because if they were then you would have a more indepth story about them. Look at the chairman, you know absolutely nothing about him. Then boom. He goes from S-rank to National Level hunter National Level Hunters were initially people who just had very powerful abilities and developed it but boom!.. They are now Fragments of brilliant light If Solo leveling was thought out the Dragon Monarch would be under the Beast Monarch because guess what, a dragon still falls under a beast If it was thought out, the entire war wouldn't even reach Earth or make Earth it's center... There was no reason as to why the Rulers were trying to preserve Earth There was no reason to the Rulers approving of Jin Woo's request to rewind time once more.... It was a foolish and risky move on their part. They told us that each celestial retains their memory even after time is rewinded but the Monarchs acted as though it was their first time meeting Jin Woo A thought out story will define the characters even side charscters, have a good power system that allows for growth, a well defined enemy etc. Solo Leveling has none of these things, they only define characters that help push the plot Sung Jinho but even then he is made to be more of a slave no personality of his own Mr Go Gunhee, only appears for convenience sake... To make Jin Woo look bigger Do you want more reasons why it wasn't thought out or not If you want thought out books then read Library of Heaven's path Reverend insanity Solo Leveling is a copy of a different manhwa that follows the Dungeon. Gate system but because the author wrote it as a book, he needed to add in a bit more lore than them.

Just had to be use it as an example

sixpathsofsimp:bro it not even fair to compare Reverend Insanity with solo leveling, Reverend Insanity is one of the few masterpiece

yrah I get it 👍

Ink_Verse:Just had to be use it as an example