
Review Detail of AusyLust in I'm a Daemon, so what? (Tensura/Multicross)



Yo, dude, lemme tell ya straight—you're just runnin' the same ol' script as the anime plotlines, no twists, no flair. What's the deal with this fanfic, huh? Where's the spice? You gotta throw in some curveballs, make it pop, or else you're just servin' up reheated ramen. Trust me, ain't nobody stickin' around for leftovers when they can get fresh, y'know? Shits lame… —why in the ever-loving hell is your MC goin' 'round flappin' his gums about being from another world? I mean, come on, even in Tensura that was dumb as all get out. I don't care if it's common knowledge or some sci-fi trope—rule numero uno of reincarnating or transmigrating: keep your damn mouth shut! Then he does it in another world. You're just beggin' for trouble, and the sad part is, the author's just as clueless as the MC, so it all slides by without a hitch. Real shame, too, 'cause this had the bones of somethin' great. Instead, we get a trainwreck with a half-baked plot, forced humor (seriously, having him stayin' a woman?), and an MC that’s about as sharp as a beach ball. Makes me wanna coin a new phrase: everyone's got a story in 'em, but that don't mean they should write it.

I'm a Daemon, so what? (Tensura/Multicross)






I love the way you write dude like how the duck it has such emotion and accent. HaHa!!