
Review Detail of BrazillianFox in I'm A Little Extra, But Why Are The Villainesses So Obsessed With Me?!



Well, the MC has several, several, several problems,he is arrogant to the point of being irritating, he takes powers out of nowhere,in 5-6 chapters it breaks the red string of destiny that was created by an archangel and is considered unbreakable,seriously, he is following the concept of The Extra Novel and Author POV only those without creativity and with a great desire to make the MC strong without meaning, if you want to read something like that read the two I mentioned, and not this poorly made thing

I'm A Little Extra, But Why Are The Villainesses So Obsessed With Me?!






what do you think it's stronger? An string made by an archangel, or the most destructive energy in the entire multiverse?


That's not even the problem, first you gave him a broken energy too early, the way this was presented was random, and last but not least:Do you really think that something that has become a common thing in the world even though it was created by an Archangel could be destroyed like this? I know you are the one writing but you must understand that concepts that spread throughout the world usually become some kind of law, and as you described the line is something karmic,and if you understood or researched at least you would see that karma doesn't get rid of like that,in other words, you are creating something that literally has no meaning, because no matter what it is, everything follows laws in both the fictional and real world.

ItsJustANightmare:what do you think it's stronger? An string made by an archangel, or the most destructive energy in the entire multiverse?