
Review Detail of HegemonDao in Protagonist?Antagonist? I Reject Both



Author, If you are seeing this, I am not telling you that this Novel is bad. It's quite good and the start is also good. But somehow you took some wrong decisions. Even if Irina becomes a Loveinterest or normal mother, I don't care since this is a fantasy. But the way you delivered that is what went wrong. I'll continue reading, after all I also want to see the truth, Seph's battle etc. But I am not really fond of this novel as I was before. I honestly want to see Irina as a love interest, not because of any other reason but because, I want to see how MC forgives her and accept her. After all, knowingly or unknowingly what she did doesn't justify. (It's because of how you wrote that everything happened due to some external force, that this went downhill for me. You could have written like, although she was controlled, even she subconsciously didn't care much for her son due to his low potential) Writing quality for me is 5/5

Protagonist?Antagonist? I Reject Both


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Bro, she didn't do anything. All of those were lies.How many times do I have to tell? I have no problem with low stars but if you want to give at least wait for scenes. I mean the real thing and then give it.You see how many out there are giving ratings without even reading.Read the scene which is will before 255 or 260 and then give the review of 1 star or more.


That's why I didn't give 1 star. but 3 stars. The story was good. I read it happily. But I feel irritated on how you wrote until, chapter 202 (I am there currently). I mean I didn't stop reading. I am reading, and if I am satisfied with the future story, i will edit this and give the maximum I can. I am still reading and will keep reading... But what annoyed me is how you delivered Irina's part. Not any otherthing, They maybe Lies. But Irina felt it as real, so did Leon. So even if they are lies, even if leon knows they maybe lies, even if Irina knows that she was manipulated, the way you delivered is what you made me frustrated. Like, You could have not used other Leon to control Leon's actions. It just felt forced. Ah! whatever, I will just see what happens.

Lonelythree:Bro, she didn't do anything. All of those were lies.How many times do I have to tell? I have no problem with low stars but if you want to give at least wait for scenes. I mean the real thing and then give it.You see how many out there are giving ratings without even reading.Read the scene which is will before 255 or 260 and then give the review of 1 star or more.

That where were you were wrong. The other Leon wasn't a cultivator so how did he do it? Why don't you think that? He said Irina was innocent but he nor I never said he did it. Memory manipulation isn't a simple skill that anyone who could do it

HegemonDao:That's why I didn't give 1 star. but 3 stars. The story was good. I read it happily. But I feel irritated on how you wrote until, chapter 202 (I am there currently). I mean I didn't stop reading. I am reading, and if I am satisfied with the future story, i will edit this and give the maximum I can. I am still reading and will keep reading... But what annoyed me is how you delivered Irina's part. Not any otherthing, They maybe Lies. But Irina felt it as real, so did Leon. So even if they are lies, even if leon knows they maybe lies, even if Irina knows that she was manipulated, the way you delivered is what you made me frustrated. Like, You could have not used other Leon to control Leon's actions. It just felt forced. Ah! whatever, I will just see what happens.

Sigh! To your story, To what you wanted, you did well. I mean you wanted to hit at something and you did. And we also thought why did that happen? BUT, You could have done for some other scenario, I just feel...*Sigh* Let's not talk about it. Since I know no one is at wrong here, I will keep reading with my mouth shut (As I always did...) But even if all changes, I will never get myself to like Irina as a character, maybe I won't hate her, maybe I'll become neutral. That's what happen with Xia Qingyue of Against the Gods. She did everything for Yun che, but the way she did or to be precise, the way author delivered it made me drop the novel. But here it was not to that extreme, since you showed things related to Leon and irina in flashbacks. So it's fine.... Well anyway, calm down mate, And write well while also balancing your studies, You can do that. i think this is your first book. right? Write your second, third and so on... You will be a great author, because your first attempt is already better than others. At least better than mine.

Lonelythree:That where were you were wrong. The other Leon wasn't a cultivator so how did he do it? Why don't you think that? He said Irina was innocent but he nor I never said he did it. Memory manipulation isn't a simple skill that anyone who could do it