
Review Detail of Dexter_Sled_1111 in Vampire God in the Apocalypse



I gave myself four stars in writing quality because I'm still average in writing but I'm very sure to deliver a captivating story to you all.So here are a few things to know about my novel.1. Zombies are not zombies (they are different in this book and even more dangerous)2. My MC is very smart he has serious trust issues due to his carefully crafted backstop which was written by me. 3. I want to make my character evolve into a villain type from where he is now. And in this book I plan to explore the nature of the human fully.4. I want this book to be stoned to death (Death means number one on the power rankings lol). Also, golden tickets are important when the book becomes contracted so please support.5. You will be in for a wild ride of action, mystery, and adventures. I plan to make this book over a thousand chapters so let's go.6. Please give this novel a chance until chapter 10. I don't know how to start but I promise you that you won't be dissapointed.NOW GO AND READ MY BOOK!!

Vampire God in the Apocalypse






Author is there Harem?Also, I loved your previous book.


Thank you.Also, there won't be Harem in this one.

Chidex_Peculiar:Author is there Harem?Also, I loved your previous book.

I made so many mistakes. no 2. carefully crafted backstory


Wow a vampire who won’t drink blood and goes against his nature to be more “human” even though he’s no longer one. Where have we seen this before? Oh right every vampire story ever written. Such an overused plot. I’ll add the story to my library just because it is vampire related but I honestly have no interest in reading about a vampire who wants to be human.


MC doesn't care about being human. As long as he can get the power to protect those he cares about....I wrote a part where he says that he doesn't care about being a vampire. A vampire who wants to be human? Honestly I've not read a lot of vampire books, only movies.

UnKnownEntity001:Wow a vampire who won’t drink blood and goes against his nature to be more “human” even though he’s no longer one. Where have we seen this before? Oh right every vampire story ever written. Such an overused plot. I’ll add the story to my library just because it is vampire related but I honestly have no interest in reading about a vampire who wants to be human.

The description says he restrains himself from drinking blood so he can keep his “humanity”.

Dexter_Sled_1111:MC doesn't care about being human. As long as he can get the power to protect those he cares about....I wrote a part where he says that he doesn't care about being a vampire. A vampire who wants to be human? Honestly I've not read a lot of vampire books, only movies.

You are contradicting yourself, you say he doesn’t want to be human but the first thing people read, the description of the story, says he doesn’t want to be a “lawless” bloodsucker and wants to keep his humanity.


And why does he want to not lose to the bloodlust? Because he has things he cares about. He not an orphan that has been alone his entire life.

UnKnownEntity001:The description says he restrains himself from drinking blood so he can keep his “humanity”.

I'll change that to 'sanity'.That's what happens when you watch too much vampire diaries.

UnKnownEntity001:You are contradicting yourself, you say he doesn’t want to be human but the first thing people read, the description of the story, says he doesn’t want to be a “lawless” bloodsucker and wants to keep his humanity.

It’s one thing to control how much and who he drinks blood from, it’s another to say he restrains himself completely from drinking blood. That’s one of the things that make a vampire what it is, they have to drink blood for food.

Dexter_Sled_1111:And why does he want to not lose to the bloodlust? Because he has things he cares about. He not an orphan that has been alone his entire life.

Aye aye sir. I've corrected the synopsis.

UnKnownEntity001:It’s one thing to control how much and who he drinks blood from, it’s another to say he restrains himself completely from drinking blood. That’s one of the things that make a vampire what it is, they have to drink blood for food.

He drinks a lot since he's new.

UnKnownEntity001:It’s one thing to control how much and who he drinks blood from, it’s another to say he restrains himself completely from drinking blood. That’s one of the things that make a vampire what it is, they have to drink blood for food.

Alright I’ll give it a read

Dexter_Sled_1111:He drinks a lot since he's new.

Yep, vegan vampires are not cool. Could have just made him a superhuman instead . Great That you fixing that.Cause as most said, Vegan vampires are a staple in Vampire Fiction, whether it's movies or books.


Vegan vampires huh. Blood is the way. But not blood of innocent, at least not yet.

Unholy_Dragon_God:Yep, vegan vampires are not cool. Could have just made him a superhuman instead . Great That you fixing that.Cause as most said, Vegan vampires are a staple in Vampire Fiction, whether it's movies or books.

I sort of get it. But I don't. Humans kill animals for food all the time and we don't exactly differentiate between innocent and non innocent animals. Same with every other predator on earth. Food is food. The most kindest thing humans have figured out is simply killing our food in painless ways, supposedly that makes it more ethical.

Dexter_Sled_1111:Vegan vampires huh. Blood is the way. But not blood of innocent, at least not yet.

Wow. This is a nice inspiration. I know what to do now.

Unholy_Dragon_God:I sort of get it. But I don't. Humans kill animals for food all the time and we don't exactly differentiate between innocent and non innocent animals. Same with every other predator on earth. Food is food. The most kindest thing humans have figured out is simply killing our food in painless ways, supposedly that makes it more ethical.

Glad that my rambling Icpud gel out a bit. It's always great when you gain something out of it.

Dexter_Sled_1111:Wow. This is a nice inspiration. I know what to do now.

Nice. Thank god. Lool!!!

Dexter_Sled_1111:Thank you.Also, there won't be Harem in this one.

Love your work author. But i would like to respectfully ask if you really have to make the mc a villain-type. I mean, with the amount of potential power he wields, it seems like neutrality would just be the best for him. Also, I'm not really into revenge blinded mc’s, they always begin to seem childish to me at some point.