
Review Detail of Xerstoren in Saiyan in Warhammer



Overall a good fanfic. The characters are well build (Although there's a clear bias for the females) and their interactions ain't weird. Though there's a clear lack of description of their appareances that need to be adressed if the author is thinking on adding more characters later on. The main cast is believable in their context as they fit with the image you may have of saiyans. The world building is okay, it could improve with more rich and livelier details in the description but I can understand that the author, just like myself, don't have english as his first language. There's something that need to be adressed as the atmosphere in the novel isn't grim dark enough. Which is the characteristic seal of warhammer. The update rate is good, which is something I would've wished to had to before (Sorry if there's any reader of my FF, I promise I'll finish them) Now something that really bothered me is that at some point in the novel is clear that either the author rushed or something happened. They way that the novel was heading it was clear that the main cast childhood would've be expanded. This would have been great since a lot of characters in the novel could have shared more spotlight while also adding more difficulty to the Saiyans path. This would have given other saiyans more chances to be in the spotlight and further develop their personalities for us the readers to empathise or hate. While also giving more world buildings to their planet. Something I would recommend the author, it's for showing more what is going on instead of telling. Those actions, conversations and interactions shouldn't be wasted by just passing by in some paragraphs, but further develop and show us the readers. Although it's a more personal recommendation since I love slice of life. Overall, is a solid read among the sea of crap that is the fanfiction zone currently. Although it has it weakness such as the clear lack of deepness into the lore of Warhammer, its nothing too serious to affect the read. Although I would recommend the author to get his ass to work and read what is needed since id the plot thickens, so should be his knowledge. And for those that reached here, and still have some doubts or concerns, just give it a try and see it for yourself, trust me you won't immediately quit after the first chapter. That's all I think, have a good night and cya!

Saiyan in Warhammer



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