
Review Detail of kiiomizms in Ghost Overboard



Hello, this is the author. Of course, like any other author, I will shamelessly rate my book as a 5/5. If you like stories with: - kind mc with brutal side - smart mc - martial arts - cultivation - implied romance (no harem) - action - mystery Then this story is for you. Please tell me if there are any instances of Zhi Yu's name being replaced by Yu Sujin. This is a mistake that should not be there, so I'd be thankful if you could tell me. As well, please have mercy on my writing, this is my first time writing a book and I am not that well-versed in grammar rules (ESL issues) but feel free to point out if you think that some part is not correct grammatically, or if something is just off in general. Thank you for reading and any form of support is appreciated.

Ghost Overboard



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