
Review Detail of B0mbaCl0ck in Check My Profile!!



Read 10 chaps, couldn't give more than 3 stars. The writing style is too thick with repetitive descriptions and phrases, and the story itself is frankly, bad. Every single thing is repeated endlessly in different forms using sophisticated phrases with lack of skill.The so called Wife, is not a V of course, and it gives NTR vibes since MC's woman was already touched by the previous D. King. Then the 2nd girl, probably touched and used by his enemy before he took her.I saw that MC netories others, but i didn't expect he'd have to NTR his own wife too.The setting is bad in itself, giving a bad feeling, and i doubt there will be any non-promiscuous and used women that MC will ever get.Overall, it is boring to read due to meaningless descriptions and cringe dialogues, and an unpleasant read overall. 10 chaps are my utmost limit.

Check My Profile!!






Thank you very much for the review. Now let's clarify something,(1) First, MC is not ntrying his wife and if you ask me how? Well, I can't reveal a spoiler.(2) second, As for the maid I admit it was my mistake and have fixed it.Again I thank you for this review and have a good day.


Sorry man.. I can't handle your writing style, it feels like you're throwing glitter on rocks to make them more attractive... It has no substance..

JetLord004:Thank you very much for the review. Now let's clarify something,(1) First, MC is not ntrying his wife and if you ask me how? Well, I can't reveal a spoiler.(2) second, As for the maid I admit it was my mistake and have fixed it.Again I thank you for this review and have a good day.