
Review Detail of TheSilverQuill in Outclassing the Achievement Junkie



I'm back at it again! Bringing the fun of "Achievement Junkie" back with this sequel, this story will tie into the shared universe and grow to absurdly fun heights! I can't wait to laugh and cry and shout some more with you guys. 6/5 stars, my shameless review of the shameless adventures of the latest Achievement Junkie ( ▀ ͜͞ʖ▀)

Outclassing the Achievement Junkie






I'm glad you changes the cover page on Achievement Junkie. I probably would've never known about this one if you hadn't


patriatch_13:I'm glad you changes the cover page on Achievement Junkie. I probably would've never known about this one if you hadn't

so it's 1000 years after Jack?


hehe... not quite. It's 1000 years more than Jack had to deal with, true. But a completely different world

HitThat007:so it's 1000 years after Jack?

will this book end the way Jack's story did? not even hitting 2nd stage and just poof? just finished that book and was left grumpy as too many cliff hangars and untold story there.


Great question! No, it won't end the same way. The 1st AJ was the 1st novel I'd ever planned and written from start to finish. There are SO MANY things that I would've handled/written differently if I were to write it now, with many pitfalls I fell into as a rookie author. That's one driving reason I'm writing "Outclassing the Achievement Junkie." I know I can do better. That's why I've done FAR more planning and pre-plotting this time around. I'm taking my years of writing experience to elevate AJ, hence the on-the-nose title "Outclassing the Achievement Junkie." I want this one to surpass the prequel as much as possible, while honoring and respecting the foundation that the prequel laid out.

OWN_9494:will this book end the way Jack's story did? not even hitting 2nd stage and just poof? just finished that book and was left grumpy as too many cliff hangars and untold story there.

your synopsis is off puttingyou put too much information on what will happen removing any depth readers could develop through readuingexample, you start reading dragon ball for first time and you already know he develops to level of the gods and makes anything he "struggles" against irrelevant


That's a fair critique. But I assure you, there are way, way, WAAAY more things planned than just the few descriptive details listed here. Anyone willing to try out the adventure will see that. How else will I cover multiple worlds of leveling and adventures? 😉 Not to mention, a LOT of readers won't give it a shot unless I put at least this much info in the synopsis. For years, my old synopses were more vague. And it was far harder to attract new readers that way

Brian70707:your synopsis is off puttingyou put too much information on what will happen removing any depth readers could develop through readuingexample, you start reading dragon ball for first time and you already know he develops to level of the gods and makes anything he "struggles" against irrelevant

ask your long time readers/ fans to write it then say if they are willing to let you use it best one gets used as synopsis

TheSilverQuill:That's a fair critique. But I assure you, there are way, way, WAAAY more things planned than just the few descriptive details listed here. Anyone willing to try out the adventure will see that. How else will I cover multiple worlds of leveling and adventures? 😉 Not to mention, a LOT of readers won't give it a shot unless I put at least this much info in the synopsis. For years, my old synopses were more vague. And it was far harder to attract new readers that way

say a dozen free chapters as reward for the winner in exchange

TheSilverQuill:That's a fair critique. But I assure you, there are way, way, WAAAY more things planned than just the few descriptive details listed here. Anyone willing to try out the adventure will see that. How else will I cover multiple worlds of leveling and adventures? 😉 Not to mention, a LOT of readers won't give it a shot unless I put at least this much info in the synopsis. For years, my old synopses were more vague. And it was far harder to attract new readers that way

that's a solid idea! I won't lie! however... What criteria should I judge on?... There's a difference between a reader who trusts me as an author liking a synopsis and new readers who've never read my stuff before...I did get reader feedback in my discord server before I posted the story/synopsis. I also regularly consult with WN editors for their opinions on what best attracts new readers. This synopsis is the result of that, with MANY edits and prior versions. The VAST majority of readers on WN, from my experience and in the experience of my contacts at WN, want at least this much info for a synopsis to start reading. Any fewer details, and my new readers rate is cut in half, if I'm lucky. That was my experience for the first couple years writing on WN. Like you, I thought I spoiled too much. But adding those extra things makes ALL the difference. It sadly does...😅

Brian70707:ask your long time readers/ fans to write it then say if they are willing to let you use it best one gets used as synopsis

There will be a romance or a harem, I hope not, since I don't like reading things like that


Great question! I'm not planning any harem. And if there's any romance, it's definitely a sub plot at best. Romance is FAR from the focus of OAJ 😎✌️

Robis_Filho:There will be a romance or a harem, I hope not, since I don't like reading things like that

do I have to know the other novel to understand this one. such as world building, skills, magic.


Great question! No, you do NOT need to know the other AJ novel to understand this one. The worlds are different, magic/system was changed/revamped, and the MC is completely new. But there are easter eggs, references, and other stuff that will be easier to catch if you've read the 1st AJ novel. That way, both new and returning readers can enjoy to story to the max :)

sapient:do I have to know the other novel to understand this one. such as world building, skills, magic.

given how AJ left off im looking forward to this one. it looks like it'll be something along the lines of Jack's influence spread the nation of trodar to at minimum a zone level and then decided to do what daruun did with him but with a much larger area to cover rather than just the single continent and its nearby oceans. also I ask that you go back to AJ and put in the synopsis where in the quillverse it is. as the first book in the quillverse isn't noted anywhere else and I believe that at least for those that do read that novel it would point them to look at your other books for a sequel. rather than them thinking it just ended there and that your other novels are unrelated.

TheSilverQuill:Great question! No, you do NOT need to know the other AJ novel to understand this one. The worlds are different, magic/system was changed/revamped, and the MC is completely new. But there are easter eggs, references, and other stuff that will be easier to catch if you've read the 1st AJ novel. That way, both new and returning readers can enjoy to story to the max :)

That's quite a theory... 😎😉 Also, thanks for mentioning that about the first book synopsis. I'll poke my head in there to see what I can do 👍

chaz_mars:given how AJ left off im looking forward to this one. it looks like it'll be something along the lines of Jack's influence spread the nation of trodar to at minimum a zone level and then decided to do what daruun did with him but with a much larger area to cover rather than just the single continent and its nearby oceans. also I ask that you go back to AJ and put in the synopsis where in the quillverse it is. as the first book in the quillverse isn't noted anywhere else and I believe that at least for those that do read that novel it would point them to look at your other books for a sequel. rather than them thinking it just ended there and that your other novels are unrelated.

given the significant time gap between the 2 novels its very possible at least. since they are based within the same universe. although where in the universe it takes place ill have to read until he reaches the void proper.

TheSilverQuill:That's quite a theory... 😎😉 Also, thanks for mentioning that about the first book synopsis. I'll poke my head in there to see what I can do 👍

Are the main characters different in each novel?


Yes, the MCs are different, as are the worlds/settings. However, the shared ties are gradually revealed more and more as the story progresses. That's a planned fact since long before I ever published the first chapter 😉 So new and old readers alike can enjoy the ride without any issues 👌

chaac_1Idonea_Todd:Are the main characters different in each novel?