
Review Detail of LonelyChili in Wonderland Odyssey



Writing quality - It's fine, It's readable for me. Stability of Updates - Pending Story Development - So far, for me I like it, specially the prologue, it's interesting. Here's my two cents, I feel a vague tinge of hundreds of webnovels having a similar beginning like your story, Like MC facing a scenario or going into a "gate" with certain specific missions that he needs to do, we all know he is going to pass and complete that mission 90% sure, 10 percent is he is going to fail and suffer a specific penalty that is crucial plot to the plot. I still enjoyed it nonethless, I am waiting for the next chap to see. Character design - I can the type of MC who is a former douchebag who wants to redeem himself, not going to lie, I like this kind of MC, it reminds me of the second coming of gluttony, If done right, we will love the mc, if not, we might be more pissed at him because of the "shitty actions he did." and yes, I love fcking angst. AHAHAHAHA As for the second significant character that I remember is the Mad Plotter, He seems villainy but I feel like he's not. Just a thought. World background - I can see the influence korean webnovels. I like it, although I want for the author to explore the world more because I feel it's still empty. I know Author will deliver as long he continue writing. Here is my honest review. I don't mean to offend you in anyway, I added the story to my collection, hoping to see your progress as well.

Wonderland Odyssey


Liked it!

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