
Review Detail of BlackFan in The Mage of Eternity



This novel is an agreeable surprise. I have already read some 60s chapters outside of webnovel. And i think that i will continue to read more of it as time goes by. This story has many of the usual things that we are used to critic about these type of novels like low quality writing, dumb MC, dumb characters, forced plot, etc But it has something that is very unusual. That is. One of the worse thing that on can have is an unsympathetic MC. If the reader doesn't care about the MC then the reading will become a boring waste of time. In this novel it is even worse, the MC is extremely unfriendly to the point that it seems more like a sociopath or a psycho than anything else. These type of MC are normally liked more by bullied teens that are frustrated by life. And most author aim to portray them as some kind of moralistic hero or something and all the while they are randomly killing and destroying everybody and everything they don't like. But this author did no such thing. Right from the start the MC is shown in his true colours and rarely if ever is put on a moralistic pedestal. And when he does it, the writing is more on the ironic or sarcastic tones. These so called anti-hero are pretty hard to write well and most author will avoid them. I will say that the author didn't have a great success with this. It is still not easy to read the story. But the more one reads, the more it becomes interesting even if the writing continues to be pretty unoriginal and low quality. Which is very abnormal for most chinese webnovels. In conclusion this is not one novel that i would recommend for most readers. Far from it. But for those who are interested in something different they can try to take a look at it. Note that the first chapters are pretty hard to read for anybody with a minimum of "modern" moral sensibility.

The Mage of Eternity

Calm Down





Just saw the comment and felt that it deserved a response. I do agree that the guy is what you call a villain, But i think that you are misunderstanding the idea of what an anti-hero is. Maybe it is the hero label that is confounding you? Yeah it is a very poor one. Even just the idea of using the simple word of hero for any protagonist is weird and almost calling the readers as simple minded fools that believe in fairy tales. But the truth is that society does need fairy tales to survive. In the end, all of this "anti-hero label stuff" is only here to mean that it is not unusual for protagonists to be despicable villains. On the contrary it is more and more normal. It is the responsibility of the author to make us read more of the story (which in this case the author has not convinced me) and for us readers to not forget our morals beliefs even while empathizing or sympathizing with such a "sinner". That is what an anti-hero protagonist is. And it certainly is not one of those little self entitled protagonist acting like ss troupers and presented on pedestals as great heroes to weak minded readers.

Inevitron:MC's not an anti-hero. He's a villain. He's not good, nothing he does is remotely heroic ,and his intentions are purely selfish or even actively malicious. For example, MC sees an unknown woman riding her beast mount. The mount stops at an oasis for some water. MC pops out of the water, kills the mount, and tries to kill the woman as well. That's just evil. An anti-hero is a hero like Han Solo, not a villain like Palpatine.

Where did you find it outside of webnovel? And was it translated?


Since i took the time to make a review/comment here, i decided to read some more chapters and make a decision about this novel. So after reading past the 100th and some more dozens of chapters, it seems that little has changed. The author must have decided to stick until the end to a pretty static personality for the MC. There was some interesting dynamics there but it was too subtle to predict where they will go. All in all i think that it is a valid novel in a narrow niche genre. Not really my taste unfortunately. Which is a shame since some of my preferred MC are those labelled as anti-heroes. But all this reading is enough for me. It is time to stop. I am getting tired of endless chapters without much evolution or a satisfactory promise of it. Maybe someone else will follow the story farther and find more value than i have.


MC's not an anti-hero. He's a villain. He's not good, nothing he does is remotely heroic ,and his intentions are purely selfish or even actively malicious. For example, MC sees an unknown woman riding her beast mount. The mount stops at an oasis for some water. MC pops out of the water, kills the mount, and tries to kill the woman as well. That's just evil. An anti-hero is a hero like Han Solo, not a villain like Palpatine.


where did you read outside, please 🙏