
Review Detail of ErozothDraeor in Krypton Reborn: A Star Wars Story



Chapter 10, I didn't read further, if I do I will update. Writing quality 5/5 Great quality. Really, it is one of the best. Updates 5/5 40 chapters in 22 days, either author pre wrote (always a good sign) or writes a lot. Sigh... Story 3/5: I feel like I am being nice due to the quality of writing, otherwise it would be 2 at best. This ties into characters so: Character design: 2/5 top. I read it due to the couple, I thought it is a new idea, fresh, unique and that is enough. That built some expectations: Some degree of emotions between them. This characters are flat as paper. Supposedly the MC is a Star Wars fan. He waked up in another world with Krypotnian powers...... nothing. It was only at chapter TEN (10) were the fact they have this powers was mentioned. No excitement, no wonder, NOTHING. I image; Lets go running! See how fast we can go, lets punch rocks, lets jump, lets try lazer eyes, frost breath, flying (I would expect most to fail but trying) nada. Massive Star Wars fan goes to Mos Esla, one of the most iconic locations "oh, its dirty", I was more excited seeing the Star Wars Disney Land area. The couple thing? its none existent, no emotions, no feelings, at most it seems like a couple that been together long enough that all the magic is gone. The side characters, on landing MC got two characters "teacher" and "protector"..... terrible plot tools. The MC does not need to think, plan or do anything, the teacher thinks and knows the universe better than the MC (even though this teacher is from medieval world), anything that has to be done the protector does: Try to find someone by listening... protector (MC forgot he has powers), build something: protector. the wife wants a city, protector can design it..... Lets play Pokemon! The wife wants to capture a dragon on Tatooine! Awesome, send the superman husband? No, send the protector..... Protector built the city while they went out on a quest, oh no, so many stairs, what will the MC do, well the MC (which he is a male, man) tells the protector "Just carry me"....(okay strong superman) Overall the score is 3.4 due to the quality of writing and release update but in terms of entertainment personally I would give it a 1.5, all aspects that would make this an actual adventure story, world building, etc were completely stripped away. With the plot armor\tools helpers that can do everything to ignoring the abilities of the MCs.

Krypton Reborn: A Star Wars Story






An actual review


Slothful_Player:An actual review

Think your being generous this story could’ve been dope but author completely butchered the story it’s almost unreadable


you forgot to mention that they kist have to wait a few years to get powerful, but instead they go sight seeing, stirr8ng up hornets nest, and his protector and mentor basically just serve as pot stirrers most of the time, to antagonize a bunch of universe ending superpowers with reckless abandon over and over again that could easily smack them to oblivion. they also frequently insult their master, and want nothing more than to be free of him, and plot against his back, despite the systems loyalty guarentee. summons are one of the most irritating plot devices out there, right after annoyimg sidekicks that basically exist to mess everything up disguised as a get out of jail free card. and this has both combined.