
Review Detail of Sinbau in War On Man



Something I’d continue reading, The story has a promising premise, at first glance the sypnosis is what caught my eye. I’d advise the author to find a cover that might represent a character in the story or just the story in general rather than just the title. Since the cover is your way of clickbait and to gain attraction. A good place to find some is on Pinterest, I would advise to adress that cover is not owned by you in case you do go down this route. But back to the story, some things I did enjoy was the writing style for the characters, it didn’t seem flat and the personality showed in the dialogue- which didn’t feel dragged but relatable/realistic. The same goes for the narration. Critiques I had was the need to break up long paragraphs and work on scenery building, letting readers in on the MC’s environment in small moments as well not just the peak of a conflict. Other than that it was a good read! Looking forward to seeing more.

War On Man



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