
Review Detail of Spades_1 in Outdated Love



Anyone has raw titles or atleast an idea of whether the FL's first bf is the ML? Will it be still be abusive? Will the MC accept all the emotional trash but still forgive him? Will the ML properly apologize insted of a simple meaningless lip service?

Outdated Love

Li Shenshen







if his is ml ,then I am not going to read this story...every girl deserves respect and care not insult and abuse...





I'm in bed with a really bad cold. I have read the latest chapters so I started reading this book. I'm on Chapter 151 of a total of 221 chapters on 69shu. I'm not sure if the book is finished. Apparently the Chinese readers have given the author a hard time because this scum still might be the ML. The FL has mentally disassociated from the jerk but he still pushes for s*x every once in a while after they marry. There's another guy from her past, but they don't have an intimate relationship. The old friend teaches her how to get the upper hand re: the scum. The scum ghosts her even when she faints on the street, gets beaten up and arrested for fighting back, and more. She has a plan to ruin him and get his money, but only because money matters more to him than she does. I'll read a bit more, but if I wasn't sick and wide awake after sleeping all day (and if the TV remote wasn't on the other side of the room), I wouldn't read this.

Sam251993:if his is ml ,then I am not going to read this story...every girl deserves respect and care not insult and abuse...

his love is bit twisted. He says he loves her but he has way too many preconceived notions about her and also for him things which are normal( being tooooooo rich)l and not normal for the girl who didn't even have food to eat . He wants to hide her from the harsh realities by lying to her and giving her way tooooo cold treatments but she ain't the one to take it. for her lies are not acceptable. Being too rich has made him arrogant and rude and he thinks the world revolves around him and nobody can refuse him( including the girl) and will go to any means to achieve it even if it means hurting her emotionally and mentally but when he is faced with the harsh reality he humbles. He is really humbled by the time end. and yes , he is till the ML in the novel . it's not a dreamy story, it definitely makes your blood boil sooo much and makes you hate him way too much . The FL suffers a lot but she is not the one to back down completely . She finally makes him humble . she really does. I had a hard time reading it.. trust me.. it made me too stressed and even by the end I hoped that the girl should not have to suffer so much. really , as it can't be said to be a happy story if the wishes ending is happy. the author has also given a parallel ending as extras, I loved it more than the really ML story.


and the FL also has her own issues. I mean she is so torn between finding truths which doesn't really bother her and feel humiliated. She has been very poor and coz of this she has low self esteem when dealing with high people and any comment said in general terms is also taken by her personally. so basically both of them has issues Ml has more and more issues then the FL.