
Review Detail of Bryan07_Suira in the beginning from the realm of primal chaos



I only have one question will there be lemons? I ask why it says harem and in these stories lemons cannot be missing, and if there are lemons I hope they are not one of those boring r18s to read that last about 5 or more chapters

the beginning from the realm of primal chaos






No, there will be no lemons... In fact, until the last few chapters, I was reluctant to write them... As you can see, I am a Muslim, and I hope you respect this, and although I have been influenced by the many foreign novels that I have read, but in the end there are still limits and I don't Dare to skip it So if you are reading this novel waiting for something like this, I am sorry, but I will disappoint you... Also, there are two reasons why I wrote this novel.. Firstly, I can't find good fan fiction for this novel Secondly, this is training until I write my own novel... So As you can see, I would like to ask you, were the last five chapters, or rather the romance in the novel as a whole, boring, or do you mean that the "lemon" that is there is what you mean was boring , and thanks


bro, wdym you cannot find FF of ATG....

Moroyal:No, there will be no lemons... In fact, until the last few chapters, I was reluctant to write them... As you can see, I am a Muslim, and I hope you respect this, and although I have been influenced by the many foreign novels that I have read, but in the end there are still limits and I don't Dare to skip it So if you are reading this novel waiting for something like this, I am sorry, but I will disappoint you... Also, there are two reasons why I wrote this novel.. Firstly, I can't find good fan fiction for this novel Secondly, this is training until I write my own novel... So As you can see, I would like to ask you, were the last five chapters, or rather the romance in the novel as a whole, boring, or do you mean that the "lemon" that is there is what you mean was boring , and thanks

oh do you know any good ff about it

meatball_san:bro, wdym you cannot find FF of ATG....

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