
Review Detail of Enormiity in Harry Potter and the transmigrated twat



This review is written only after I read 8 chapters of this story. Writing quality, the writing in this story is just okay, it's readable enough but can still be improved greatly. Story development and character design, the mc is formerly an adult that reincarnated into Harry Potter with the knowledge of the Harry Potter Story itself, The story jumps around a lot and practically is a badly written plot, the MC character itself is not helping the story since he is not acting like an adult. For example, the MC (Harry Potter) should know about Human Rights and basic Child Care, and yet rather than getting out of the toxic "Dudley" household like a normal human would the MC chooses to stay there. Overall the plot progression is bad and the MC is cringe and idiotic, for god sake the only reason Harry Potter gets that "abused" in the canon is because he doesn't understand that what his relatives are doing is wrong and illegal (Because he is a kid). World Background, I only read a bit of this story so I will just give it an average score. (The only reason that it's not 1/5 is that the Author at least explains the world (Badly I might add) in his story). Overall not worth it to read, Okay writing, bad plot, and a bad MC. 3 Bug red flag for a story.

Harry Potter and the transmigrated twat




☺Harry is a grown ass man. nothing they are doing in private drive is abuse to him. he doesn't care about Dudley's beating bcoz obvious reasons and Vernon's chore's are just annoying. IF you had read my story you would have noticed that Harry doesn't stay there bcoz he has no other option. he stays there bcoz of the blood wards. and yes you might not like that excuse and may think it's far-fetched. but I really don't care. and honestly I am tired man. I am just a writer trying to have some fun writing in my free time. I really don't want reviews constructive or otherwise and I have only EVER asked for them bcoz my star ratings were plummeting. honestly I'm having a hard time trying to give civil replies. so my advice. if you like it good for you. if you don't then what you should do is DON'T READ. not go to the review section and write would not recommend in it. -phew, sorry dude, just wanted to vent

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