
Review Detail of bstasic in My Abilities Come with Special Effects



Solid 3, neither good or bad, author is newbie. Review based on raws till chapter 171. The ability is not explained well in synopsis, his ability is acctually giving birth to Bodhi trees which have special abilities and first one being Black Jade Bodhi which results in creation of special effectc after mastering 100% proficiency, in the raws there is already second Bodhi tree and conditions for thrid one as well. Contrary to some comments I would say his abilities are overpowered just with Detoxification, Rejuvenation he is able to dominate in newbie village with difference in realms, but as there is more contact with prefecture level his advantages diminish making him comparable with prefecture level genius in terms of combat strenght, but nothing over the top like defeating enemies two-three big realms that are also genius which I think is a good thing, his abilities from first Bodhi tree result in a strong support and high survivability, abilities from second Bodhi tree are also more of a support type which will help MC bridge the gap with other geniuses. For now nobody gives him too much attention as realm progresses support from family/sect/school becomes crucial, so MC is underestimated. Regarding a comment that mentiones his contract for being instructor, there is a difference from accauntant slave contract as contract will become void when he reaches a certain level of stenght, plus he needs protection, money and free teaching of Dragon Fist, while the wage was 2 taels of silver I think the actual benefits add up to 7 taels of silver all this for a lesson every week, 7000 coins vs 500 from slave contract. Further on, his strenght and mastery of Five Birds Hand is recognized and he becomes a little more respected, not sure if this is the right place to drop the novel, to me it seems like there will be places that more worthy of dropping the novel. At some point, it feels like author got some inspiration Lord of Mysteries, but the execution is lacking, a quite few places that are overly mystified as if trying to keep readers in suspense then MC solves the mysteries resulting in some king of satisfaction for readers as world setting becomes clearer, Mysterious enemies among humans, Mysterious outside enemies like demons that threaten humanity, Mysterious technology, Mysterious relatives and so on. In reality execution becomes an information dump resulting in a few very boring and tedious chapters I would say this is my biggest concern, better authors mastered the skill of keeping the readers interested, be it good balance of fights and explanation of world setting or sprinkling just enough novelty as to make the readers binge and wait for new chapters, while here this flow is broken from time to time resulting in some fructration. Redeeming qualities would be interesting abilities, second Bodhi tree will support MC in mastering 100% of the skill which is rare in itself at his small city level most stop at 65%, so 100% makes his foundation stronger closer to that of geniuses from big forces plus special effect from first Bodhi gives his that extra advantage. Fourth big realm requires special method that are in hands of big forces here MC is forced to create his own path, which is still unclear in the raws, but maybe it will something interesting, plust help from his cheat makes is possible. A few good side charaters, while most of them try to exploit weaker people at every opportunity and no care for their lives, at first withing his newbie village then people from prefecture look down upon his small village, as novel progresses the reason becomes clearer and is pretty reasonable. For now I will keep reading and see how the novel continues to develop, but chapters are small and rating in China are lackluster, so future is uncertain

My Abilities Come with Special Effects

Lin Tuo





what is raws name?


There seems to be a harem forming as well.


okay, there is something weird. I recall that Lin Yan was in his 20s but he is 18 now. Did I misremember?


i woukd say, try to read more, like that guy above who complained about " overused trope of god and demons" which is not the case, this novel is not that great, but if u compare it with so many trashes here, its still ok, i like it, it has a good vibe, also u trying to compare it in some ways with lord of mysteries is overkill, even the average authors need a little support, thats how sometimes gems appear


also the killer of this novel is the translator